Martes, 8/12/2015: Symphony and other conerts, opposition gets super majority in Venezuela, Spanish lesson, exhibit in the park

Dec 9, 2015 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

You have no idea how proud I am of myself. I was having problems connecting to the internet, and I called Puntonet and got it all fixed – in Spanish and over the phone! But I’ve got to give a lot of credit to the exceedingly patient technician. Every day gets a little better, so keep practicing. No one is chl jeanne logoexpecting a mastery of Spanish from gringos so use it even if its far from perfect.

Pagina cultural – 

Conversatorio – The Municipal Foundation of Tourism for Cuenca will have a “Conversatorio Pase del Niño Viajero” (Google says that means Conversatorio, Commuter Pass Child. Make him the patron saint (or mascot for you irreligious types) for the Tranvia. And maybe pase should be paseo.  What it is, is a round table about the 24/12 parade.) Wed (9/12) at 18:30 in the Seminario San Luis.  Free.

Restauración – Cuban artist Saidel Brito will review his career and the restoration of his mural in the Galería Proceso.  It will be on Thu (10/12) at 18:30 in the Bibioteca “Manuel Muñoz Cueva.”

Concierto – The Cuenca Symphony will present its 7th concert of the 2nd season with Colombian guitarist Gustavo Adolfo Niño this Fri (11/12) at 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo.

Articles about – 

An open air photo exhibit with memories of Ecuador opened today in Parque Calderón. The photos of Amazonian natives were taken at the end of the 1800’s and beginning of the 1900’s.

The play, “Un pueblo llamado desesperación” (A town called despair.  It could also be translated to A town called hopeless which sounds more like a description of a bad football team.) will be staged on the 16-17/12 at 20:00 and 11:00 in the Teatro Sucre.

“Coros navideños en el Teatro Sucre, mañana” (Christmas choruses in the Teatro Sucre, Wed, (9/12) – with 3 choruses including the Coro de la Universidad del Adulto Mayor (The University for Senior Citizens Chorus.) at 20:00.

A tango recital with a pianist, bandoneonista and voice ensemble will perform tomorrow Wed, (9/12) at 18:30 in the Sala de Conciertos de la Casa de la Cultura. They will play 13 classic and traditional tangos. Free. (So put on those two toned heels and that slinky dress and maybe people will think you’re part of the show.)

The Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana will hold elections on 14/1/2016.  (Seems like they’ve been talking about this for months.)

Otras cosas –

Titular – Derrota chavista (Chavista (from Hugo Chavez) defeat) – the opposition party, Mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD – a slightly unfortunate acronym, but not as bad as the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) which was the water company.) won 112 seats in the National Assembly, about 2/3. The government party, PSUV won 55.

Christmas lights –  were turned on in Cuenca including new wave patterned lights across the Tomebamba, 400 hundred Christmas figures including angels, roses, candles and sunflowers (The sunflowers are either a climatic or cultural difference because they sure weren’t part of a Minnesota Christmas.)

Salary increases for 2016 – are being debated. The labor sector is pushing for $60 and the government is anticipating something closer to $13 or 14. Labor said the basic salary should rise until it meets “la canasta básica.” (the basic basket – the minimum amount you need for basic needs – food, shelter, clothing, education, big screen TV (oops, basic need for Americans).) which is $680.

The pundits – are writing about a political change in Latin America because the opposition won in Venezuela and Argentina, and they are wondering if populism is in decline. Even without mandatory voting in Venezuela, where the opposition won a two-thirds majority, there was a 75% turnout. Venezuelans living outside the country can’t vote. A Venezuelan businesswoman who has lived here for 20 years said that there were 150 Venezuelans in Cuenca as of May, but that number has probably increased because of the conditions in Venezuela.

Your sliver of life article today – is about La Empresa de Aseo del Municipio Cuenca (EMAC EP) (The Cleanliness Company of the City of Cuenca – just think about that. Cleanliness is a municipal business – think about what that says about cultural and municipal priorities.) EMAC is planting 600 ornamental trees in the medians along De Las Américas, Héroes de Verdaloma, Paseo Parque el Paraíso, González Suárez, Paseo de los Cañaris and Los Andes.  The trees will include arupos, fresnos, and jacarandas with pink, yellow, and purple flowers.

Taller de movilidad – the “First Seminar: Mobility and public spaces,” organized by the city, will be on 14-15/12.  It will cover mobility (the movement of people and traffic in the city) and urban planning. Register at There are 30 spaces.

Blood drive – IESS is holding a blood drive this week in front of the hospital. Donors should be between 18 and 65 years, had a breakfast without fats and dairy, weigh more than 110 lbs (50 kilos) and slept a minimum of 6 hours the previous night.  (I don’t imagine they want you passing out in the chair for lack of both blood and sleep.)

Internacional –

Argentina – Macri will take over the presidency and its symbols – a presidential flag and a bastón (some kind of stick or cane or baton, but not a sceptor) this Thu. But he and Fernandez are squabbling over where – in the Casa Rosada or in the Parliament.  (That kind of squabbling is inappropriate behavior for a national leader. It’s something they should have grown out of before they got out of primary school.)

Perú – Keiko Fujimori, a presidential candidate, is leading in surveys among likely voters with 35%. She is the daughter of ex-president Alberto Fujimori.

Descuentos –

Centro Graiman – up to 60% on tile and finish plumbing items – 11, 12, 13/12 from 9-18:00 on Fri and Sat and from 9-16:00 on Sun. – Av. Hurtado de Mendoza 11-00 y Paseo de los Cañaris.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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