Martes, 8/3/2016: Dance in the Street, Weather Forecast, Benefits of Papaya

Mar 9, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Upcoming events –

A Sesión Solemne – for the anniversary
chl jeanne logoof the Alianza Frances will be this Thu. at 18:00 in the Teatro Sucre with Francois Gauthier, French Ambassador to Ecuador, and soprano Claudia Moulin who will perform.

Conferencia museística – the conference “El Museo.  Los jóvenes y la preservación del Patrimonio Cultural, a través de la Historia Oral” (The Museum.  Youth and the preservation of cultural patrimony, through Oral HIstory) will be on 3/9 at 17:00 in the Museo de las Conceptas.

Danza en la calle (Dance in the street) – will be on 3/9 at 16:30 in the Plaza del Farol with (on 12 de Abril 1 block west of Loja) music by Roberto Moscoso and 4 dancers.

Articles about –

The metal structure of the Circo Social will be removed by order of the President.  It was inaugurated 22/3/2013, and the circus tent had a capacity of 800-2000 people.  (A while ago, there were articles in the paper about deficiencies in both the canvas covering and the structure.)  A date for the demolition will be set after engineering studies.  (I’m guessing no one but me knows where this thing is or looks like. Even Cuencanans don’t know where it is.  It’s next to the parque Inclusivo which parents of small kids know about.)

Santiago Guillermo, a painter, is going to compete in the Special Skills Olympics in France later this month.  He uses his teeth to hold his brushes and moves his mouth to paint.

“Penelope” will be presented on 3/9 at 20:00 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz to benefit Los Caminantes de Emaús who provide services to those in most need.  In the Hogar de Emaús they house children undergoing cancer treatment and their families.  Passes are at Megahierro El Arenal and la Politécnica, Mucha in El Centro and Mall del Rio, Librimiundi and Doña Menestra.  Cost: $15.00

La Casa Guacamaya (16 de Diciembre y Bolívar) will open on Thu at 10:00 in Sígsig.  The house will have space for artists of all kinds to exhibit, teach, learn and live.

Otras cosas –

Titular – El invierno comienza a causar daños en las vías. (Winter is starting to cause damage to roads.)  An overflow of the quebrada (brook, ravine) Seca cut a new trench across a road in the cantón Pucará. Other affected roads include Cuenca-Girón-Pasaje blocked at Sarayunga since yesterday; Gualaceo-Plan de Milagro-Limón and Paute-Guarumales-Méndez which connect Azuay with the Oriente; and Macas-Limón at El Rosario.  (If you’re driving anywhere, be careful and ask about the roads before you get on them.)

Weather forecast – 80% chance of rain 3/8 – 3/9 and 100% for Thu.

Drug seizure – police in Camilo Ponce Enríquez found about 100 kilos of marijuana in the “carrocería” (bodywork – your word for the day) of a pick up truck.

Micro-businesses – that maintain the vía Cuenca-Loja have not been paid since July, 2015.  The 18 families who rely on this work along the stretch Susudel-La Jurata are hoping they will get paid for the 4 months they are owed.

Oil prices – Latin American and Caribbean governments are meeting in Quito this Fri. to find a common position about the price of oil ahead of the OPEP (OPEC) summit. 1/3 of the world’s oil resources are in Latin America.

Budget cuts – of $200 million to Petroamazonas EP will be made in areas that don’t compromise the operation of the petroleum company nor its social and environmental responsibilities.

Ecuador – is “la nueva frontera minara” (the new mining frontier) according to Minister of Mining, Javier Córdova who spoke in Toronto at the PDA, the largest mining convention in the world.

Iberoamerican – conference of women architects, engineers, and surveyors is meeting in the Hotel Oro Verde until Fri.

Community service – is a sentencing option for drivers who cause accidents with injuries and deaths under the “Programa de reinsersión social” (Social reintegration program).  (I hope the judges are very careful about reintegrating drivers who habitually drive drunk.)

Benefits of papaya – Papaya is good for your eyes and the seeds can eliminate intestinal parasites.

Births – 21% of the births at the “Vicente Corral Moscoso” hospital are by Caecarean Section and 10% are normal deliveries.  (Must be a typo in there somewhere because that means 69% of the births are by some other means.)

Electric car – the city got a Nissan Leaf to try out for 45 days as a taxi. This car is 100% electric, makes no noise, and has a range of 250 km. The Taxi Union likes the idea if the duties can be lifted so that the 60,000 taxistas in Ecuador can have the chance of buying the cars.

Internacional – 

Perú – a survey showed Keiko Fujimori leading with 34.6%. Perú is having elections next month.  Julio Guzmán has 16.6%, followed by Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, Alfredo Barnechea and Alan García.  (Quite a multi-ethnic list of candidates.  I wonder what Kuczynski sounds like with a Spanish accent?)

Deportes –

Marathon – on 3/4 at 8:00.  You can run a half or a full marathon of 21 or 42 K. Register at, the website of the GAD Municipal, at the Luis Chocho Sanmartín School, in the Cazhapata stadium and at Referee stores.  There 1500 spaces available between the half and full marathon and 100 entries have already been confirmed.  Runners from Perú an Kenya have expressed interest.  (Is there anyone out there who’d put money on a Kenyan NOT winning?)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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