Miércoles, 11/11/15: Kale, gun ownership, Pumapungo concert, cheesemaking

Nov 12, 2015 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

This has nothing to do with translations, but for you believers in superfoods, I saw kale in the Don Bosco Supermaxi today.  It was close to the lettuce section and it was labeled kale.  There was also ruibarbo (rhubarb) for you who prefer to believe in pie.chl jeanne logo

Pagina cultural – 

Arte – “Protesta contra el Femicidio” (Protest against femicide) will be presented this Fri at 9:00 in the patio of the U of Cuenca library.

Música – República Sur will present un espectáculo de música (by now you´re mumbling, OK so what do these words of the day mean?  A show/spectacle of music) tomorrow at 19:00.

Concierto – a second season of Las Sesiones Pumapungo is this Fri. at 19:00 with the concert “El Raiz” (The Root), a fusion of folklore and contemporary.

Articles about – 

More about dirt houses with the recipe for adobe blocks – to every 5 caretillas (wheelbarrows) full of dirt, have 3 of sand and enough water to make the mix.  (And that´s where you separate the journeymen from the apprentices.  A journeyman can look at the pile he´s got – if it´s wet, dry, weedy, etc. – and throw in just the right amount of water.)

A book presentation today at 19:00 in the Museo de las Conceptas.  Claudio Malo González wrote “En torno a la condición humana.”  (About the human condition)

An art show, “Animales” opened today at 19:00 in the Salón del Pueblo “Efraín Jara Idrovo” in the Casa de la Cultura.  The theme for Eduardo Segovia, Sally Marr and Peter Dudar is the protection of animals.

An ad – for a cheesemaking class by Salinerito.  Call 07 403 6505, 07 404 3177, (Claro) 098 951 4909, 098 262 0161, (Movi) 099 266 1686, or go to corcasure2009@hotmail.com.  The first workshop is on 21 y 22/11 at the Colegio Agronómico Salesiano in Paute and the 2nd is on 28 y 29/11 at Salinas de Bolívar. You get an international certification for 40 hours.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Apremio ante presencia de El Niño (Pressure before presence of El Niño)  In Molleturo, there are a couple of bridges that could collapse with rising rivers, and a section of the Río Jagua has been diverted so it can be dredged.  (The photo with the article shows an empty river – looks like the LA River without the concrete sides. All the rocks are gone from the bottom.  You think maybe the rocks protected the riverbed and banks from being scoured out and maybe they helped slow the water a little?)

Fireworks – confiscated fireworks were blown up by the military. Two of the 3 soldiers that are in the photo are taking pictures on their phones.  (They probably could have invited the public and charged admission – they could charge extra to push the button.)

Presidents Correa – and Maduro attended the 4th Summit of the Heads of State of South America and the Arab Countries in Riad, Saudi Arabia.  The two discussed oil prices with the other oil producing states such as Saudi Arabia which do not want to decrease production as a way of increasing prices.  (That would be detrimental to the national security of the US and another reason to bomb more Middle Eastern countries.  The Saudis are only friends as long as they´re supplying cheap oil.)

A traffic safety campaign – started yesterday in El Centro urging people to respect traffic signals to help prevent accidents. Yesterday youth groups had signs saying “Usa el paso cebra.”  If you saw them and dismissed them, they said “Use the zebra crossing.”  (It´s not just drivers who are inconsiderate.  Look at all the pedestrians crossing against lights and in the middle of the block.)

Water rates to rise – the first 50% of the rate increase was in effect from May to Oct. The second 50% will show up next month and apply to Nov. consumption.  (Think about it this way – isn´t the best water in S. America worth paying for?  You  don´t have to boil your water before drinking or cooking with it, it isn´t full of chemicals and it doesn´t come out brown when you turn on the tap.)

ETAPA – is planning water, sewer and sanitary services for 2050 when Cuenca is projected to have a population of 1,300,000.  It is asking CAF (Corporación Andina de Fomento – Andean Development Corporation) for financing for the planning studies.

Guns – if you have a legal gun, you need to apply for or renew that permission by 31/12.  Having an illegal gun can get you 6-12 mo., and carrying an illegal gun can get you 3-5 years.  Licenses are good for 5 years.  This only applies to imported weapons. Go to the webside for controlarmas.ddffaa.mi.lec or to the an Arms Control center which is at the 3d Division Army Tarqui.  (It seems like licenses are issued by the armed forces and I bet getting a visa is a piece of cake compared to getting a gun license – plus you´ll have to do it in Spanish.)

Internacional –

Peru – plans to export electricity to neighboring countries from its solar plant in the south of the country. – President Humala has an 84.6% disapproval rating.  (I guess no one´s pushing a constitutional amendment so he can run again.)

Colombia– the leader of FARC ordered the suspension of weapons purchases to cool down the conflict.

China – (I know, not Latin America but it´s interesting.)  China is expecting that the “Dia del Soltero” (Singles Day) sales will set a world record for one day sales.  (So it is now patriotic to go shopping in a Communist country?  Who would have ever thought.  And weren´t we told in the US to go shopping after some disaster – that it would be the patriotic thing to do?)  On line shopping site Alibaba created Singles Day in 2009.  (They rubbed the lamp and wished for a blockbuster shopping event – bigger than Christmas and Valentine´s, Mother´s, Father´s, and Secretary´s Days.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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