Miércoles, 12/4/2017: Cuenca history, Bus fare recommendations, Bear exhibit at the zoo, Embroidery fair, Holiday events

Apr 13, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

¡Chuto! – the paper has 6 sections and 50 pages today. That’s double the normal issue. You’re basically going to get headlines and will have to do your own research on anything that attracts your interest.

Pagina cultural –

Header event –

Manos y Mentes – The Hands and Minds Collective has an exhibit of art and crafts in the ground floor of the CCE with photography, “Panama” hats, goldfield (?) jewelry, wooden crafts and more.

Articles about –

The hidden life of Gil Ramírez Dávalos – Historian Diego Arteaga has uncovered details about the life of Cuenca’s founder. He started a variety of unsuccessful businesses from mining to exploiting wood and his career included imprisonment for a “delito documental” (falsifying documents?). <So even 460 years ago, politicians were already operating under dubious moral and ethical systems?>

CCE – La Mancomunidad Cultural del Sur, made up of the CCE’s in Cañar, Loja, Azuay, Morona Santiago, Zamora and El Oro announced joint projects including dance with Amazonian groups, oratory workshops in Loja and more.

Iván Petroff renounced his duties as president of the Núcleo de Azuay. <Sounds like a lot of politicking and I don’t understand the reasons.>

Retrospectiva – There will be a retrospective of the works of 70 year old artist Ricardo Montesinos Vial opening tonight at 19:00 in MMAM. <So if I had a body of work to exhibit, it would be a retrospective and not a simple exhibit. It amazes me that I’m now an old woman past any stretching of the definition of middle age.>

“Jesucristo Superstar” – Tomorrow, el viernes y el sábado at 20:00 the rock opera will be staged in the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. Get your tickets in El Surtido, Almacenes La Victoria and at the theater. $15 and $10.

Otras cosas –

Titular – La patrimonial Cuenca conmemora fundación (Patrimonial Cuenca commemorates the foundation ) <According to Google, The heritage basin commemorates the foundation.>

Recount – CREO will present its challenge to the official election results today at 17:00. It also wants a total recount of all the votes cast at 39,000 polling places. Lasso is insisting that the elections were fraudulent and he is the real winner. Election authorities have recounted 296,340 votes in 5 provinces and the percentages for each candidates remained unchanged. Of the 1,795 “actas” challenged as irregular by CREO, only 1,178 were supportable and all of those had the president’s or secretary’s signature, lack of which was what the challenge was based on. 85% of those also had the signatures of party representatives. Pres. Correa said the recounts gave Moreno 143 more votes, and reduced the votes for Lasso by 100. <Be careful what you wish for. I’m really getting tired of Lasso.>

Bucaram – Ex-president Abdalá Bucaram is at the doors to return to the country after he left 20 years ago, accused of speculation/ mismanagement of funds <Could bombing another country without congressional action constitute mismanagement of funds?> in the case called “Mochila escolar” (school backpack). The case involved the purchase of a million backpacks at inflated prices. One judge lifted the sentence since 20 years has elapsed and Bucaram is waiting for a similar action from a 2nd judge.

Bus fares – The study done by the U. of Cuenca has come up with three options for the new fare – $.26, .32 and .33. The first number is the amount needed to cover variable and fixed costs. The second adds recovery of the investment and the 3rd adds profit for the companies. The study also surveyed 1,000 families with children and adolescents; disabled people; and seniors.

The lines with the biggest demand are the 100, 7, 12, 15, & 16. The ones in least demand are the 17, 6, 101, and the line to Tarqui. It also surveyed client expectations and the most important things are frequency of buses, security, accessibility of stops, and friendliness of the driver. The least important attributes were the cleanliness of the outside of the bus, the information available at stops, and accessibility into the vehicles. At the highest fare, the companies could renovate the buses and contract with 2 drivers for two shifts.

CIDAP – There will be 2 fairs at CIDAP (Paseo Tres de Noviembre y Escalinatas) from tomorrow to el sábado.

Bears – The Amaru Zoo opened a new space called “La cueva del oso andino” (The cave of the Andean bear). You can see the habitat for 3 bears, the largest mammals in the country, through 5 layers of security glass. During the holiday, hours will be 10-17:00.

EDEC (Empresa Municipal de Desarrollo Económico) – From today to el sábado, there will be fair at PRAC from 10-21:00.

Embroidery fair – Hoy (today) and mañana there will be a fair on av. Amazonas between Venezuela and Ecuador in the Feria Libre sector.

Tranvía – Mayor Cabrera is about to sign a contract with the French firm Consorcio SMTC/ Artelia Ville & Transport to review and manage the project.

San Francisco Plaza – The contract for the project was signed Wed..

Calle Santa Ana – The final opening was Tues. night.

Architecture in Cuenca –
A page to review of the evolution of the architectural culture in Cuenca.
The Hispanic-colonial architectural culture from the middle of the 16th to the beginning of the 19th Centuries.

Amenidades –

“Circo Moda” (Fashion Circus) – This event will open on 13/4 at 19:00 on La Condomine y Cruz del Vado and run until 16/4.

La Latina – jueves, 13/4 at 21:00 in the Casa del Centro. Cost: $15.00

Internacional –

Brasil – Marcelo Odebrecht, ex-pres. of the company, testified that he paid 13 million reales ($4.15 million) to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva between 2012 and 2013.

Section D – Icons of Cuenca
A page each with pictures about the Catedral Nueva, the Catedral Vieja, Todos Santos, San Blas, San Sebastián, and La Merced.

Section E – Patrimonial treasures
A page each with pictures about La Casa de la Provincia, El Seminario San Luis, Pasaje León, La Casa de las Palomas, La Casa del Coco, and La Casa de la Convención del 45.

Section F – 3 generations of memorable people
A page each for three generations of the familia Quille for sports, Paulina Rodas for a radio station that has been in the family for 3 generations, the Camacho family for firefighting, the Jimbos for sculpture, 5 generations of Aguilars in law, and the Astudillos for medicine.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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