Miércoles, 17/8/2016: Army evicts Shuar families for mining project, More airport closure details, Lots of road work

Aug 17, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Correction – chl jeanne logo

Film series – the films of Sebastián Cordero will be shown next week and not this week with “Ratas, ratones y rateros” on Mon, 22/8, “Crónicas” on 23/8, “Rabia” on 24/8, “Pescador” on 25/8, and “Sin muertos no hay carnaval” on Fri, 26/8.

Upcoming agenda events –

Variety – A show to introduce and promote new bands, publications of poems, short stories and more will be this Sat., at 17:00 in the teatro Casa de la Cultura.

Wednesday’s events –

Central Cultural Sono (Borrero 6-83 y Pres. Córdova – The center’s 8th anniversary celebrations start today with a performance by “Reina Hispana Que Canta” accompanied by Stock.-HAUS-EN Dj.

Articles about –

CCE – Only 49 out of 249 of those eligible to vote voted.  (Worse than the typical turnout in the US, but this wasn’t a national election either.)

Exhibit – Suamy Vallejo and Ila Coronel will open a visual arts exhibit at Galería Estudio N in Guayaquil this Fri.  The exhibit will include photos, video, installations, lighting, painting, and Polaroid photos.  Visit http://suamyvallejo.tumbir.com/ to see her work.

Comedy night – Franco Escamilla will present a stand up comedy show tonight at 20:00 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz.  You can see him on youtube: www.youtube.com/user/francoescamilla.

Centro Dogma – This art collective from Ambato spent June and July in Cuenca and documented their activities during their stay. (They were doing something artsy. Maybe they just wanted to spend the summer in Cuenca.)

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Desde el viernes cierra aeropuerto durante un mes por reparación (Starting Friday, the airport will be closed one month for repairs) – Hidalgo y Hidalgo was the only bidder on the airport project (they must be a major engineering contractor – they have a lot of road projects).  The mayor announced the airport will be closed starting at 22:00 on Friday to begin work which will last 30 days.  The airport contingency plan started yesterday with the first microbus taking a load of 50 passengers to Guayaquil. (That’s a pretty big microbus.  Did they have passengers hanging off the roof like pictures of buses in India?)

Road opening – The reopening of the intersection of Gran Colombia and Luis Cordero is planned for Saturday and will open this main east-west street through Cuenca.  After two weeks, there are still people circulating along the Tranvía right of way between Borrero and Huayna Cápac.  Transit cops are giving people information as to where they should be – both drivers and pedestrians.  The Tranvía, once rolling, won’t have a choice. (And I bet walkers, cars, bikes and motos will sort themselves out pretty quickly once they see that red train coming at them.) The speed limit in this part of El Centro and along the Tranvía route is 20kph.  (About as fast as the speed limit in a parking garage.)

Road restrictions – The stretch of the vía Cuenca-Azugues-Biblián, south of Cuenca in the Guzho sector has been restricted to half the roadway.  A geologic fault has deformed the south to north lane going to Turi.  (I think this would be going towards Azogues even though that stretch is east-west.) Slow down to 50kph and obey the the signs and traffic cops.  (If it’s where I think it is, 50 kph was already a safe speed going over those “deformations.”)  Corrective work will continue for 15 days.

Slow traffic – Traffic between Cuenca and Guayaquil on the vía Cuenca-Molleturo-Puerto Inca is slow due to slide repair at km. 92.  One lane was lost, and the area is also in the fog zone. There is no completion date for reopening the lane since that depends on the weather.  (So the airport is closed, the road to Guayaquil is partly blocked – what next? Or is it bad luck to ask?)

Evictions – 8 families in the Shuar community of Nankints were evicted on 11/8 by 1,500 soldiers.  The community, whose claim to and defense of their land is based on ancestral rights rather than modern titles, is in the zone for the San Carlos-Panantza mine.  The eviction has left them with no livelihoods and no homes – nothing.

Cañar – A socio-economic analysis of Cañar showed that 75% of the population does not have access to social security, 80% of youth between 18 & 29 are not attending university, and almost 50% of the housing units do not have basic conditions of habitability.  However, access to basic education (grade school) is over 95%, and there is better coverage for health services and basic services.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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