Miércoles, 19/10/2016: Tranvía work speeds up, It’s the season of the dead and time for Colada Morada

Oct 20, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s Wed.) agenda event –chl jeanne logo

Exposición – The photography exhibit by Gabriela Parra closes today at 20:00.  It is in the lobby of the CCE theater.

Upcoming agenda events –

Libros – Juan Cordero will present 3 new books about the history of Cuenca – the 17th and 18th centuries, the government (1777-1809) and the process of Independence.  The books will be presented this coming martes at 19:00 in the Museo de la Ciudad.

Literatura – There will be a forum about the chronicler of conquest of the S. America and the Incas, Garcilaso de la Vega, known as El Inca, on the 400th anniversary of his death.  It will be tomorrow (jueves) at 19:00 in the Sala de Conciertos in the CCE.
Escenarios del Mundo agenda for viernes –

“No daré hijos, daré versos” (I won’t give you children, I’ll give you verses) by the Grupo La Morena from Uruguay at 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo.

Articles about –

Bienal – At the request of the Banco de Desarrollo del Ecuador (BDE), El Mercurio is correcting an article that said that there was a delay in transferring money from the BDE to the Bienal. 60% of the funds were disbursed on 13/9 with the balance to be paid at the conclusion of the Bienal.  (I guess the bank took umbrage at the insinuation that they delayed the fund transfer and therefore delayed the Bienal. Why the opening was delayed is now anyone’s guess.)

Festival Artesanías  de America – A film festival about the importance of artesans started today and will run to Fri with screenings at 10:00 in the CIDAP auditorium. Films include “Labranza oculta” (Hidden tillage), “Santa Elena, en bus” (Santa Elena, by bus), and “Sabana adentro” (Bedsheet or Savannah inside – impossible to say how that should be translated without going to the movie.)

Feria – on 2/11, the Feria Internacional opens with 84 Ecuadorian and 20 foreign artesans.  (This is the fair that has the stalls along the Tomebamba and is the perfect shopping opportunity for holiday gifts.  And there’s enough time to mail them to your friends and family outside of Ecuador.)

Jaime Lara – The author launched his new book “Oficios, vocación y tradición” (jobs, vocation and tradition) today at 19:00 in the Museo de la Ciudad.  The book contains drawings of people working at different jobs (masons, leather workers, etc), playing traditional games, and facades of churches.  It was translated into English by Lee Dubs.  You can buy the book directly from the author.  Call 2850-288 or 099 689 3253.

“Cuenca en Cuentos” (Cuenca in Stories) – The character known as Jalamuertos is the subject of the new play which will be on 28 & 29/10 in the “Teatrina” in the Casa de la Provincia. Jalamuertos was a gravedigger in the cemetery during the 1920’s. According to the tradition, people feared him because when he appeared, it meant someone was going to die.

Escenarios del Mundo – Today’s play is “Interpretis” from the French group Humanum Company.  It was presented at 11:30 for students and at 20:00 fro the general public in the teatro Pumapungo.  Get tickets at Librimundi.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Abierto inscripción de candidatos (Registration open for candidates) – During the next 31 calendar days, parties and movements can register their candidates for Pres. and VP, 11 national assemblists, 116 provincial assemblists, 6 assemblists for those outside of the country and the Andean Parliament. 12,816,698 Ecuadorians will be voting.  (I guess the CNE can predict that since voting is mandatory.)

Colada morada y guaguas de pan – Restaurants and bakeries are starting to offer colada morada and guaguas de pan.  Colada morada is the purple fruit based drink (mora, mortiños, babaco, pineapple, strawberries, peaches and different herbs and spices)  thickened with blue corn flour and cornstarch and served warm for the Day of the Dead.  The guaguas de pan or bread babies are the traditional accompaniment.  (Get started now so you can serve a cup to your friends when they visit.  The blue corn flour has to ferment for a day before you put in the rest of the stuff.  Or you can buy the packaged mixes.  I think all you need to do is add fruit, but I make mine from scratch the old way.  Remember that I read Spanish so I can read a cookbook.)

Junk – Vehicles that have been in the impound lots of the Policía Judicial for more than a year and that have not been claimed will be scrapped.  Nationally, this includes 74 vehicles, 11,618 motorcycles and 4 chassis.  Owners have 15 days from 17/10 to present their ID to claim their vehicle.

Competitive art funding – 170 proposals for arts projects will be funded by the Ministerio de Cultura.  Grants will range from $6,000-25,000 for independent projects, art festivals and emblematic (theme?) festivals.

Tranvía – The declaration of the “emergencia grave” (serious emergency) has speeded up Tranvía construction.  The subcontractor INSTAL has 205 workers on El Centro streets and the intersections of Estévez de Foral with Gran Colombia y Mariscal La Mar reopened yesterday with Juan Montalvo, Padre Aguirre and General Torres coming up soon.  Neighbors fronting the work accepted the declaration – even those most affected by the noise and dust.

The emergency declaration will be in effect for 60 days and can be extended if needed.  Work will be from 7-17:00 in the areas most delayed with the possibility of adding hours.

Fiestas de Independencia – there are 350 events and programs scheduled to celebrate 196 years of independence.  The City has an application called cuencacultural which can be downloaded and where you can see the agenda.

There will be no Armed Forces parade this year, but there will be a civic and military parade with the 3d Division of the Ejército Tarqui.  There will be a Festival Gastronómico Destino Sur (Destination South Food Festival – but don’t expect candied yams or smothered chicken or gumbo – it’s a different South) for the first time this year which will be in open spaces along the Tomebamba.  And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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