Miércoles, 20/1/2016: Protesting ranchers block Pan Americana Sur, Correa opponents meet in Cuenca, Gypsy music in Otorongo

Jan 21, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Cine – the movie “Que hacer en case de incendio? (What to do in case of a fire?) (Depends on if you set it yourself and why or if someone else set it.)chl jeanne logo will be shown at Ladomuna (Coronel Tálbot y Pres. Córdova) today at 19:00.

Música – “Polífonico” Festival de Músicas del Mundo (Polyphonic Festival of Music of the World) will last 5 days and open this coming Tues at 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo.

Pintura – the exhibit “Naturaleza Viva” (Living Nature) is continuing in the Quinta Bolívar until 31/1/2016.

Articles about –

An interview with Iván Petroff, new president of the CCE.  (So was I right about the follow up article?)

15 new members of the foundation that manages the Museo de las Conceptas who were added in Oct, 2015.

Workshops on Mon. 25/1 from 15-18:00 on Gypsy music taught by members of the La Vodkanera band from Colombia.  They also teach Folk, Klezmer and Balkan.  Bring your own instrument and something for notes to the class in Casa La Comuna (On the stairs to the Plaza de El Otorongo). There will be a second workshop the next day on “Batucada con Reciclaje” (Percussion (?) with Recycling)  (Batucada is a style of Brazilian dance, but I don’t think that applies here.) You will learn how to take recyclables, make an instrument and form a percussion group.  (Assuming everyone in the group has a sense of rhythm.)  Register at colectivolakomuna@gmail.com or call 099 557 0736.

CIDAP which has started picking national and international artesans for this November´s Festival.  Download the form from www.dicap.gob.ec. and send it back by 4/1 for national, and later for international.  You should also send 2 samples of your work with your logo and card.

The Alianza Francesa which is planning film and music festivals.  The French Film Festival runs from Tue-Sat of next week.  The first film is “Humano” on Tue at 19:00 in the Teatro Sucre.  You can pick up free passes at the ticket booths at the Multicines del Millenium Plaza – maximum two per person.  The 20th Music Festival will be on 17 & 18/6.  Musicians, venues, designers, photographers and audiovisual producers are invited to apply before 1/3 at fiestadelamusia@cuenca.org.ec.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Acuerdo preliminar logra la oposición (Opposition to Pres. Correa and his Alianza Pais party achieved a preliminary agreement) to keep up discussions about fielding a single candidate in the presidential elections.  (You think that’s going to happen?)  An agreement was signed with three objectives:  economic recovery, recovery of the democracy, recovery of rights and liberties.

Ganaderos (ranchers) – protested Wed. from 9:30 to mid day over lack of buyers, falling prices, and government neglect.  This being Ecuador where protests are in the streets, protesters took over the Panamericana Sur along with their cows, sheep and goats.  Also present were police (who look like riot police in the photo – cops and their acémilas (mules and other pack animals) were armored). The police tried to push the crowd off the highway and when the equines started pushing livestock, the protestors reacted to defend their animals and eventually the police backed off and the protestors started shouting slogans after which they danced to an accordion and marched without incident to the Y at Tarqui.

SRI paper work – should get simpler.  You can make appointments on line at www.sri.gob.ec or on the appliation SRI Móvil.  In Cuenca, appointments are at the office on Remigio Crespo.

New asphalt plant – in the El Descanso sector is almost ready.

Your sliver of life article today – is about a new doctorate offered by the U of Cuenca in Recursos Hídricos (Water Resources) with 7 candidates.

Amenidades – 

U of Cuenca – is holding the 1 Festival de Artes Musicales from Wed. 20/1 to Fri, 22/1. There are 14 venues for the workshops, clinics, round tables, etc. about different aspects of music.  There will be a concert in the Old Cathedral on Fri, 22/1 at 19:00.

Internacional –

Colombia – the Colombian government and FARC are asking the UN to send international observers to verify the cease fire and surrendering of arms.

Bolivia – a radio station broadcasting a popular new show critical of Pres Morales was declared illegal and shut down.

Venezuela – the National Assembly formed a joint commission to debate Maduro´s declaration of economic emergency.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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