Miércoles, 2/11/16: Incredible India, Parking rules, Holiday events

Nov 3, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Wed) agenda events – chl jeanne logo

9:00 – plazoleta El Rollo – woodburning exhibit
9:30 – Galería Miguel Illescas (calle Larga 1-209) – ceramics, wall hangings, painting and sculpture.
19:00 – Glorieta – concert

CIDAP – 14th Festival of American Crafts opened Wed..  (That was an official opening.  They actually opened much early because there were masses of people trying to get in.)

Teatro en cementerio (Theater in the cemetery) – From 11:45 to 12:30 in the illustrious persons sector of the cemetery, there will be a presentation of “María Magdalena or la Salvación.”

Agenda (partial) de las Fiestas de Cuenca –

viernes, 4/11
Concurso de bandas de pueblo (Community Bands Contest) – Parque de la Madre – 14:00
Noches Cuencanas (Cuecan Nights) – Parque Iberia, Parque Curiquingue y Cdla. Alvaraz – 20:00
Concierto Internacional de Salsa (and who wants to admit that he couldn’t translate this event for himself?  Someone who’s first language is an Asian tongue is excused.) – av. Florencia Astudillo y av. Solano – 19:00.

Articles about –

Unidad Domenica – The school elected a Cholita Domenicana and her court in an awards show that included dance, the clothing, and music.  It was in the theater in the CCE (and I bet all the parents enjoyed the show and ceremony greatly).

“Codices medievales” (Medieval codices) – The show by artist Julio Mosquera is at the Catedral Vieja.  He uses copies of illuminated manuscripts and draws characters on them – from Disney to grotesques and from stories, TV and imagination.

“Increíble India” (Incredible India) – This exhibit opened at CIDAP today and is a start to more intercultural exchanges between India and Ecuador.  The concurrent (the Indian Embassy in Bogotá also covers Ecuador) Ambassador, Prabhat Kumar, was in Cuenca for the inaugural.

Festival activities –

III Festival Nacional DUOFF Ecuador for folk dance and the 1st Crafts Fair of the U of Cuenca – 12 de Abril 5-100 y Solano opened yesterday at
Exposentidos – Museo Pumapungo. Continues through Sunday.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Encienden luces para engalanar a Cuenca (Lights on to decorate Cuenca) – The biggest holiday of 2016 started today and Ecuadorians are travelling all around the country.  The celebrations are for the 196 years since the Independence of Cuenca.

Elections – Guillermo Lasso challenged Lenin Moreno to a debate, and Cynthia Viteri is still considering running mates although he will be a man and from Quito.

New stamp(s)- “Carta de Jamaica” was issued on 28/10/2016 to commemorate a document written by the Libertador Simón Bolívar on 6/9/1815 in Kingston.  The documents were lost for many years before being found in 1914 in the Historical Archives of the Banco Central del Ecuador by a researcher.

Rules of the Road – EMOV (Municipal Mobility Business) is helping to bring attention to the “Solo un ratito también está prohibido.” (Just a sec’ isn’t allowed either.)  That second or ratito refers to parking where prohibited, blocking a wheelchair ramp, and on sidewalks.  EMOV will be handing out written notices to infractors including a photo of the vehicle at the location of the infraction.  These are notices only and you do not need to pay a fine.  The Agentes Civiles are the ones who hand out tickets with fines.  (If you can’t tell the difference between the two, I’d advise parking only where allowed.  And if you don’t know where it’s OK to park, what are you doing driving a car, anyway?)

Amenidades – 

More Fiesta activities – 

“Hasta que te conocí” (Until I met you) – today and tomorrow at 20:00 – Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz – an homage to Juan Gabriel, Divo de Juarez who died on 28/8.

Circo Moda (Fashion Circus) – This platform for design, fashion and gastronomy will start tonight with 4 designers who will present conceptual costumes inspired by the film, “Alice Through the Looking Glass.”  The fair will continue from 3-6/11 in the Plazoleta de la Cruz del Vado an the La Condomine pedestrian way.

“Feria Tattoo” (Tattoo Fair) – 2-4/11 from 9-21:00 – Centro Cultural El Prohibido – tattoo artist, exhibitors, and 12 rock and heavy metal bands

“Gran Circo de Rusia” (Grand Russian Circus) – until 6/11 – sector Narancay (fronting the platform)

Rock concert – Wed. – Rancho Grande (Ricuarte, Sector El Quinche) –

Concert with Chino y Nacho – today at 20:00 – estadio Alejandro Serrano Aguilar – tickets at Mi Boletería, Doña Menestra (estadio and Monay), Almacentes El Surtido. Cost: $18, 30, 35, 40 & 45.

Internacional – 

Venezuela – The opposition has suspended the process against Pres. Madura which had been scheduled for Thu. now that the Vatican is helping at the negotiating table.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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