Miércoles, 2/12/2015: Concert in the park, Inca highway, big discounts

Dec 3, 2015 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Charla – there was a talk at Wed (2/12) on ´”Etnoliteratura, Cultura, Identidad y Patrimonio (all cognates – you can do it) with writer Edna Iturralde.chl jeanne logo

Ceremonia – the ritual ceremony of Kapac Raymi will be held this Fri. (4/12) at 11:00 in the Complejo Patrimonial de Pumapungo (I think that’s the ruins outside of the museum building). Arranged by the Azuay Ministry of Culture and Patrimony.

Música – in recognition of the 16 years that Cuenca has been a World Heritage Site, Los 4 del Altiplano and Yanamanka will play this Fri. (4/12) at 19:00 in Parque Calderón.

Articles about – 

An interview with Ramiro Matos, curator of the National Museum of Latin America in Washington, DC about the maintenance and conservation of the Cápac Ñan (the Inca Highway). The ambassadors of the 6 countries that the Highway crosses met in Washington at the UN to report on progress. Almost all complained about no budget and no money to do anything. His assessment was that Perú, Bolívia and Ecuador had the most kilometers, Colombia doesn’t have many km tampoco not much interest. (Tampoco is your word for the day.  It means “neither” or “not either.”  You use it when you agree with a negative statement. “No me gusta la polución. Yo tampoco.” (I don’t like pollution. Me neither.)  No hay cerezas en el Coral. Supermaxi tampoco or Tampoco Supermaxi. (There aren’t cherries in Coral. Not in Supermaxi either.) Chile and Argentina have few km, but are working very hard. During the Inca empire, there was 40,000km of highway of which 7-8,000 survive and in many places in a fantastic state of conservation. Quinientos años y los turistas siguen transitando.  (500 years and tourists are still traveling (on it)).  The main trunk was from Cuzco to Quito and Cuzco to Santiago with another trunk to Huancavilcas, south of Guayaquil and all along the coast to the south of Chile. 60% of the Panamerican Highway is on top of the Inca Highway which is still serving as the road bed.  (Can’t beat 500 years of compaction. The Incans were good engineers and probably selected the best route. I wonder what the maximum slope the used was?  Oakland allowed private driveways to have 25% slopes – 1:4  rise to run – pretty steep.)

Mundo de Vida y de Color: Otra mirada al Macizo del Cajas. (World of Life and of Color: Another look at Macizo del Cajas) is a picture book of the Cajas. From 6,000 photos taken, 300 were used.

“El Retorno” was performed Wed (2/12) in the teatro Sucre. The play is about 3 families who occupied the land where the flowering guayacanes are now but were forced to leave everything because of a drought.

Eulalia Castillo whose book of childrens’ stories was launched Wed (2/12) at 17:00 in the old Escuela Central. (This Museo del Municipio is going to be the Escuela Central until the last native born Cuencano is dead.)

The Casa de la Cultura will hold elections in 13 days.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Hora crucial para enmiendas (Crucial hour for amendments).

The city budget – for 2016 is $330 million, and almost half, 138 million, is for the Tranvía.

The José María Rodríguez Conservatory – will perform today and tomorrow at the Quinta Bolívar at 19:00.  The program is traditional dance music of the Bolivarian countries (probably the countries that were in Gran Colombia right after the revolution.)

The current private airport management company, CORPAC, will dissolve and become a new public business – Empresa Municipal Aeroportuaria (Emaport EP). The ordinance is ready for the first council debate.

AGROCALIDAD – the agriculture quality control agency suggested the temporary closure of the municipal slaughterhouse in Azogues for deficiencies in the slaughtering and unsanitary handling of meat which is “no apta para su consumo” (not safe to eat).  (Maybe you should bring your own lunch if you spend the day in Azogues. Or order chicken or seafood or vegetarian – which could get you chicken or seafood anyway.)

Internacional –

Venezuela – legislative candidates for this Sunday´s elections are starting the process of closing down their campaigns.

Peru – one of the heads of the Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) guerillas is on a hunger strike to have the right to socialize with other inmates. It seems as if he was sentenced to life in solitary. (Starving yourself to death might look good after a while. And there are probably reasons they don’t want him talking to anybody.)

Descuentos –

A whole shopping supplement.

Reebok Sport – Puma and Lacost up to 30% off, selected merchandise, 25-30% off, and 15% off for cash and 7% off for card payments – Av. de las Americas next to Coral Centro.

Advance Supermercado Tecnológigo – special prices –  Pres. Córdova 2-85 y Tomás Ordóñez.

ProAudio – hearing aids – free test, special discounts, they take trade-ins (I hope to God they sterilize them.) – Av. Paucarbamba y los Alisos

Cardeca – furniture liquidation, 50-60% off – until 21/12 – Paucarbamba y Miguel Cordero

Base Extreme – bicycles, parts and accessories, 25-45% off until 31/1/16 – Federico Proaño 3-100 y Remigio Tamariz Crespo.

Gout Decoracion – furniture, decoration, lighting – Savings Fair, Sat, 5/12 – Paucarbamba 1-160 y Manuel J. Calle

Kao Sport Center – Mall del Rio

Optica Maxima Vision Ng – 10-15 and 20% off on all purchases from 1-19/12 – General Torres 11.54 between Mariscal Lamar and Sangurima

Center Plaza Supermercado – For every $10, you can enter a raffle on 24/12 at 16:00 – Tomás Ordóñez 7-72 y Sucre

Mega Tienda del Sur – one raffle ticket for every $20 in purchases.  Win a Spark and a D-Max – las Americas y Cornelio Crespo.

Apc tecnología – electronics, pc’s from $577 and tablets from $77 – Mall del Rio
And I’m out of steam a page more than half way thru.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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