Miércoles, 22/3/2017: Tranvía work in Centro, Houses collapse, Three Ecuador cities rank in top 10 safest, Bike marathon

Mar 23, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Ongoing agenda event –

Casting call – The folkdance group Wayrapamushkas of the U. of Cuenca is forming a children’s group, “Guagua Wayra” (Yup, same guagua as in guaguas de pan in noviembre.) for kids 6 and up.  Register at av. 12 de Abril 5-199 y Solano.

Articles about –

Exposición – A show of drawings and ceramics by Gil Vanegas opened Wed.0 in the Galería de la Alcaldía.

Treasure hunt – The Alianza Francesa organized a treasure hunt for its students. The teams of students had to walk around the city, find 50 sites, and either find a clue or do something at each site.

El Sono – “Morbid Tales” is a multi-art show with plastic art, music, theater and dance.  It will be presented by an art collective tonight at 19:00 in the Sono Centro Cultural (Borrero 6-83).

Concert – The musical ensemble of the Colegio de Abogados del Azuay (Attorney’s Association of Azuay) performed Wed. in the Teatro Sucre in honor of the 195th anniversary of the Court of Justice.  (The photo shows 2 guitarists, a drummer and a charanguista with another 5 people in the background who do not appear to have instruments.)

Art project (I just don’t know what else to call it) – “Dejar ser” (Let it be) is the final project for an Experimental Photography Workshop.  The next workshop cycle in the Carretilla Arte Ambulante (Wheelbarrow Traveling Art) project by the Casa de Locos collective started with a walk from 9 de Octubre to the CCE theater.

AULA – The photo lab and school is opening registrations for classes that start on 3/4.  Call 098 723 4849 for more info.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Algunas viviendas se caen en Sinincay (Houses fall down in Sinincay – not the literal translation but it sounds more headlinish.) –  7 houses have been affected and are sinking, and the inhabitants evacuated. The houses were built without permits and in a high risk area where the land moves every time it rains.  Once the houses have collapsed, the land will only be usable for planting or grazing.  (One foto shows a woman who is trying to salvage things she can still use.  Looks like furniture and other stuff has been hauled out already – the pile she’s working on looks like kindling.  Another foto shows a house stripped to the block walls – no roof, no doors no windows.)

Tablets – 799 tablets were given to students who had participated in the Círculo de Saber (Circle of Knowledge) program.  The Municipal Department of Culture, Education and Sports is planning on giving out a total of 4.050 tablets this year.

Human development – Ecuador has maintained a high index of human development (IDH) according to the UN Program for Human Development.  It ranked 89 out of 188 countries (I think on a ranking of per capita income).  Other factors raised Ecuador’s Human Development index.  In a region of high inequality, Ecuador has less inequality, and it raised life expectancy from 75 to 76.  The IDH is not based on solely economic factors and Ecuador’s social policies raised its rank.  (Maybe the Ministry of Buen Vivir (Good Living – Sumak kawsay) is a whole lot more relevant than Western thinking will allow. Think about Bhutan’s gross national happiness measure – and definition – of prosperity.)

Police – Pres. Correa announced that public investment in police rose $830 million in the last 10 years.  3 Ecuadorian cities are on Latin America’s 10 safest cities list – Ambato in 3d place, Quito in 5th and Cuanca in 6th.  Ecuador is also the 2nd safest city in the region after Chile.   Correa said that public safety is one of the main common benefits of society and that it should never be left in the hands of the private sector.  (Hear, hear.)

Treatment plant – A new wastewater treatment plant in Guangarcucho should start operation in nov/2018 and last 50 years.  It can treat the wastewater of 500,000 people.  The current plant at Ucubamba has a capacity to treat 1,800 liters/sec and has a useful life of two more years.

Road work – Sangurima in the Plaza Rotary sector was closed to vehicles for Tranvía work.  (I think one lane from Manuel Vega to Huayna Cápac is still open.)  A temporary lane around the Chola Cuencana roundabout has been opened so traffic can cross Huayna Cápac.

Home gardening – The Agroazuay provincial public company will launch the “Horticultura Casera” project tomorrow at 9:00.  It will hand out kits with (and this is your homework – take it to the Supemaxi and match the labels with the veggie or take it to Google Translate – or take it that this isn’t something you give a s**t about.) zanahoria, rábano, lechuga, acelga y remolacha seeds.  And the remolachas have a bonus in that you can eat the greens.  Also acelga is the same family as the remolacha only without the edible root.)

Ricaurte – The parish celebrates its 107th year this weekend.
Viernes – 19:00 – 10th interbarrial “indoor” championship followed by a dance with the Savhara Internacional orchestra.
Sábado – 12:00 – sesión solemne
15:00 – expo tuning Ricuarte 2017 and sports
16:00 – fútbol?
19:00 – election of Queen of Ricuarte and live mariachis and Juan Gabriel.
23:00 – Ricuartense night and fireworks. (I know, after your bedtime.)
Domingo – 8:00 – thanksgiving mass
9:00 – cuy festival (bring your own bib and napkins)
10:00 – parade
12:00 – Fans of Ricaurte Canta a Ricaurte
14:30 – election of the Chola Ricuartense
15:30 – show.

Intercultural –

El Mushuk Nina (Nueva luz – new light) – In addition to Pawcar Raymi, the festival of colors and flowering, now is also the time that a new cycle starts.  In the Andean calendar, this is the start of the new year.  To read the full article go to www.elmercurio.com.ec.  (It’s much too long for the time and energy I have.)

Amenidades –

“Garísima Music” – This music festival on 25 & 26/3 in Sígsig is expected to bring 30,000, including 5,000 tourists into the town. If you don’t have your tickets you won’t be allowed in, and organizers recommend using public transport rather than private cars.

Deportes –

Bike cross country marathon – La Vuelta a Cuenca CUBE/Amarok 2017 will be on domingo, 30/4 with distances of 34 (with a 800 meter climb) and 84 km (with a 1,700 m. climb). The long route leaves the Mall del Rio at 8:00 and the short one the central plaza in Ricaurte at 9:30.  Register at CUBE or on the Facebook page.  Cost: $45.00.  You have to have a mountain bike in good condition, helmet, hydration, and a spare tube.

Discuentos y compras –

Erco Tires – from 22-25/3, 8am-7pm – buy 3, get 4 plus a 10% discount – go to www.ercotires.com for more info.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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