Miércoles, 22/6/2016: Flood alert for area rivers, Your chance to complain, International dance and choreography, Rustlers in Tarqui

Jun 23, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s events –

Festival de la Diversidad Sexo Genérica (Sex Gender/Generic Diversitychl jeanne logo Festival – or something like that) – 3 works will be today at 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo.  (I think they’re dance performances.)

Upcoming events –

Teatro con Las Marujitas – Entre Memorias y Efemérides (Between Memories and Diaries) (As someone who’ll never see 60 again, I can tell you that the diaries are more reliable than the memories.) will be played Thurs. at 20:00 in the Café de la Vaca (Gonzalo Cordero 2-122 y Juan Iñiguez).  The event includes the show and a dinner. You can buy tickets at the restaurant.  For more info go to Facebook: El Café de la Vaca, Cuenca or call 098 445 0834. Cost $25.00.

Arte y diseño (Art and design) – A group of artists, designers and foodies have organized an exhibit and sale at the Galería de Arte Diseño 80 (Bolívar 13-49) from Thurs. to Sat from 10-19:00. Participants include la Huerta-Conservas, Casa Alonso-Restaurante Gourmet de Mansión Alcázar, Malena, de Botana-Joyería, Madre Terra-Cosmetología Natural, Diseño 80 – Artesanías y Decoración.

Articles about –

Eugenio Montenegro – presents an exhibit of surrealist paintings  in the Galería de la Alcaldía (corner of Bolivar y Borrero)

Centro Cultural de Todos Santos – The center has reopened with a series of conferences related to therapy for the soul (for me that would be fried oysters, ham hocks and collard greens, pinto beans and candied yams) and healing of the spirit and a workshop on healthy food that was given this morning.  Call 2824-045 or 099 484 4964 to register.  (Be prepared with your Spanish script when you get on the phone.) The center is at Calle Larga 4-30.

Dance and choreography of the world – “Culturas del Mundo” (Cultures of the World) will be a performance of dances including Ecuadorian, Argentinean, and Bolivian.  The show is Thurs at 20:00 in the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz.  Groups that will perform include Wayrapamushkas and Ballet Andino Causanacunchic of the U of Cuenca, local groups Shuk Llakta, Pac Shunki, and Kaypimicanchic.  (The costumes should be worth seeing.) Tickets are available at the Unidad de Cultura at the U of Cuenca (in the old Escuela de Medicina building – av. 12 de Abril y Solano).  Cost: $5.00.

Ikat – The one year anniversary of the declaration of ikat as a Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Nación (A National Immaterial Heritage) will be celebrated Thurs at 19:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo with a fashion parade and exhibit of designs and clothing designed by Johanna Guzmán.

A concert review – Hugo Caicedo played a Concierto de Música Experimental Tecno-Shamanismo, Música desde las Estrellas (A Concert of Experimental Techno-Shamanistic Music, Music from the Stars)  The musician took star positions over Cuenca and converted them to musical notes. (Next performance in Vilcabamba?)

Otras cosas –  
Titular – Sevilla de Oro en emergencia a causa de deslave (Sevilla de Oro is in an emergency caused by a slide) – Rains caused a large slide in the Chalacay sector at km 66 of the vía Paute-Guarumales-Méndez.  The road was closed until an evaluation can be made.  If you’re going to the Oriente, take alternate routes such as vía Gualaceo-Plan de Milagro-Limón or Sígsig-Matanga-Gualaquiza, but slides have been reported on the first route.

ETAPA has put the Tomebamba, Yanuncay and Machángara Rivers on pre-alert for flooding.  Their forecast for today was a 60% chance of rain with a high of 14C and a low of 11C. Tomorrow’s chance of rain is 70%.

International forum – A seminar on “Psicosis y Criminalidad” (You translated that on your own, right?) will be Thurs. and Fri in the salón Yanuncay at the Mall del Río.  (Something for you shrinks out there.)

Animal protection ordinance – Only domestic companion animals were included for protection in the ordinance.  Read the article in Wed’s CHL for more details.

Rustlers – A pick up truck caught on fire in Santa Rosa in Tarqui Parish.  According to residents, the truck had been used by cuatreros (rustlers – your word for the day.  Not too useful unless you’re out in the country and have livestock.) who were cornered by neighbors, abandoned the truck and literally headed for the hills.  The rustlers took 5 lambs which the owners got back.  (No, they weren’t BBQ’d when the truck went up in flames.)

Oldest man in the world – Ignacio Aguilar was born in 1901 and lives in the Catamayo canton in Loja.  (Your arithmetic test for today is “How old is “Nachito”?)  MIES is working to get him into the Guinness World Records.  He spent most of his life in agriculture and now goes to a senior center every day.  He doesn’t use glasses or a cane and “le encanta bailar” (he loves to dance – your bonus word for the day is encantar – you’ll hear it a lot.) anything from Sanjuanito to reguetón.

Complaints – EMOV EP is doing maintenance work on bus stops. If you are aware of a stop that needs attention, call 157 or contact EMOV at Facebook: EMOV EP Cuenca or Twitter: @emov_ep.

You can complain about products like foods and medicines that caused you damage at www.alertaproductos.gob.ec and click on the icon for “ingreso de alertas,” register and follow the instructions.  (This will give all of you complainers something useful to complain about.  If your complaint is “Why don’t these people speak English,” you’re SOL.)

Tourism – The most common tourists in Cuenca are foreign youth between 20 & 30 years old who spend an average of $60/day.

Deportes –
VIII Circuito Atlético Universitario Salesiano 2016 – You can register until Thur. at the tesorería (treasurer or bursar?) office of the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana for this 7 km race that takes place on Sun, 26/6.  You can pick up your race kit on Sat from 9-16:00 in the university stadium.  The race will be around Miraflores Park.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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