Miércoles, 2/3/2016: Free Rolling Stones concert, Azogues crafts fairs, Documentary film on democracy in Ecuador, Land law vote delayed

Mar 3, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Upcoming events –

Comedy show – with Piter Albeiro who holds a world record for humor (not sure what that means – longest running show? won a “best” comedian survey?)chl jeanne logo.The show will be this Fri at 21:00 in the Hotel Oro Verde.  Tickets on sale at La Victoria y El Surtido. For reservations, call 099 683 3716 or 096 947 6916.

Rosa Carmin,” – a book of poetry will be launched on Fri at 16:00 in the Botanical Garden in parque La Carolina in Quito.  (All I said was it’s an upcoming event so you can still get to it.  I never promised you it would be easy to get to.)

Ongoing or finished events –

A talk – by Santiago Roldós on reflexions about creation and research in the theater arts Wed. morning.  What do you research and what do you create.

How to make a photobook workshop was Wed. in the auditorium of the Bienal offices.  The training will teach how to create a story from photos, editing, and self publishing.

Film – “25 años de democracia en el Ecuador” (you can translate that, I know) shows today at 19:00 in the Casa de la Cultura (Luis Cordero y Pres. Córdova).  10 presidents were interviewed in this documentary which covers the last 25 years of the 20th Century.  (Divide 25 by 10 and you get 2.5 years per president assuming he interviewed every president in those years. Makes Correa’s 9 years (when he leaves office) seem like a miracle.)

Articles about –

The “Star Wars” exhibit at the Museo Pumapungo shows 30 stormtrooper helmets painted by 30 artists.  “The Creativity Awakens” will open on Fri. at 19:00 in the Museo Pumapungo and run for a month.

A recital Thursday at 19:00 in the Teatro de Bolsillo del Sono with 15 students from the Sono Music School.

Otras cosas –

Titular – En SOLCA escasean los fármacos y presupuesto (Shortage of drugs and budget in SOLCA)

The vote – on the Land Law was suspended until this coming Thu.  There were two articles in the law that were discussed. (Both beyond my ability to translate reliably.  I knew I had a problem when Google translate gave me the English word “usufruct” which I had to look up in the dictionary, but I’m still not sure whose lands it applied to.)

Small milk producers – are asking the government to declare a national emergency in the dairy sector.  The official price for milk is .42 per liter, but is being offered for .05/liter in Cañar.  (Can you even afford to feed the cow on that?  Maybe the more important question is could you feed your kids?)

Road work – 4 streets in the Parque Industrial will change direction on 14/3 to improve circulation.  These include la calle Cornelio Veintimilla, Juan Eljuri Chica, Paseo Río Machángara (and there’s your trivia questions – what’s the 4th river in Cuenca?), and De los Quindes.

Rabies vaccinations – a campaign to vaccinate cats and dogs will last to about 31/5. The goal is to vaccinate 162,000 animals in Zone 6 (Azuay, Cañar, and Morona Santiago) and to replicate the campaign nationally.  Tibet, a a jasqui (husky – you need to read it aloud in properly pronounced Spanish to figure that one out.  The picture of Tibet helped, too.) got the first shot. There were 2 cases of rabies in 2001, 3 in 2005 and none since.  The teams will go to rural parishes and shelters.  (I wouldn’t be surprised if they tagged along with the spay/neuter clinics.)

Counterfeit money – $32,000 (should I put the dollar sign in front since they weren’t real dollars?) was found in Gualaceo and $10,000 in Rumiñahui – all bound for Queens, NY.

Crafts Fairs in Azogues  – the Tourism Board has scheduled fairs for 13-16 de Abril, 16-20 de Agosto, 27-29 Sept, 1 Oct and 1-5 Nov.

Intercultural – 

An article about Andean philosophy – Josef Esterman wrote “Filosofía Andina: El estudio intercultural de la sabiduría autóctona andina” (Andean Philosophy: An intercultural study of Andean indigenous knowledge.)  (Sounds like it could be interesting if my Spanish was up to it.)

Amenidades – 

Free Rolling Stones Concert – (No, not a typo, but there is a catch) will be in La Habana, Cuba around 25/3 in the Ciudad Deportiva.  (Wonder if the price of an airplane ticket is about the same as you’d pay for a concert ticket?).

Internacional – 

Venezuela – water rationing in Caracas due to the drought..

Argentina – Pres. Macri “apeló” (appealed – your word for the day.) to the Congress for unity to overcome the situation of “fragilidad” (fragility – your bonus word.)

Special auto supplement –

An article on the 6 most expensive cars in the world.  No. 1 is Maybach Excelero at $8.1 million.  (And why do all the cars look like they were designed by the same people who designed my toothbrush?)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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