Miércoles, 23/3/2016: Military on guard at Colombian border, Electric meters, Murder victims’ bodies arrive in Cuenca, Bienal artists

Mar 24, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Current or finished events –

Cine Club – “Lawrence Anyways” showed Wed. in Lakoluma (on the stairs at Otorongo).chl jeanne logo

Upcoming events –

Exhibit – by 7 craftsmen with religious themes at CIDAP.

2 concerts – OSC will play Thurs at 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo with guest violinist Aisha Syed Castro and guest conductor Andrea Vela (Are there other women conductors?)

Revista (magazine) – “Rescate” (Rescue) seeks to rescue, strengthen and promote the culture of the parishes and cantons of Azuay.  The first issue is about San Cristóbal Parish in Paute. Call 098 579 0935 to get a copy.

Articles about –

The Teatro Infinito group performs Thurs at 20:00 in the Teatro de Bolsillo del Sono (Pres. Borrero 6-83). There will be two plays of acid humor.  Call 2850-859 for reservations. Sono will also have a puppet show for kids on Sat at 16:00.

Bienal – the list of more or less 45 national artists selected will be published in early April.  Cristóbal Zapata, the Bienal’s director is talking to the international artists about logistics – how to transport and mount the works.  (I don’t think the mounting of some avant garde art is self evident.  Like getting some unassembled gizmo with no instructions.  Where’s up?))

“Entornos” – Somehow what’s featured in the article is the catalogue for a show.  The picture shows something the size of a bedsheet.  The show, “Entornos.  Percibo, interpreto, siento y hago” (Environments. I perceive, interpret, feel and do – your words for the day – all first person singular, but not all regular.)  The show runs until 27/3 and you can get a copy of the catalogue at MMAM. (Hurry – they only printed 300 copies, although how you’d get this “bedsheet” home would be a challenge.  Even rolled up, it looks to be at least 6′ in the short dimension.)

Otras cosas –

Titular – Celebración con caminata y un plantón (Celebration with a walk and a sit/sit-in?)  Students in the Baños Parish walked from the main plaza to the Potable Water Office to celebrate World Water Day.

An Ecuadorian – was injured in the terrorist attack in Belgium.

Hostias (hosts) – thousands are being prepared for Holy Week. The output of the Comunidad Misioneras María Corredentora has more than doubled from 10k to 25k including 5k to be sold to Alamor in Loja.  The number of people going to confession has also increased.  Parishes will hold the Viá Crusis representational walks.  (I guess you Catholics know what all this means. Sounds like Ecuador also has people who only go to church at Easter.)

Argentinean tourists – the bodies of the two women were transferred to the Centro de Investigación de Ciencias Forenses de Cuenca (Forensics Center) for further investigation.

Car sales – and buyers down 45-50% according to Pedro Torres, general manager of Mirasol Chevy dealers in Ecuador.

Defense Minister Ricardo Patiño – said yesterday that Ecuador is in the process of fortifying its border with Colombia in case there are parties in their conflict who do not agree with the peace treaty being developed.  Patiño wants to keep discontented armed people out of Ecuador. (Sounds sensible. Maybe that’s why gringos aren’t allowed to bring guns into Ecuador.)

Domestic animal protection ordinance – had its first debate in Sep, 2015, but the second and final debate which should have been a few days ago, has been postponed with no new date set. Councilwoman Gabriela Brito, the ordinance’s proposer, will be talking to other council members who have doubts as well as those who support the ordinance.

Meter changes – Rate payers who want to change their meters from 100 to 220 volts can register at www.cocinasdeinduccion.gob.ec.  When you register you can sign up for an inspection of your house.

Nutricion and yoga – a workshop on healthy eating and yoga will be tomorrow at 16:00 at SkyFit Fitness Center (Sucre 7-70 y Luis Cordero) with Alexandra Molina and Bárbara Flores.  Call 099-927-7966 to register.  Free. (But will it be in Spanish or English?)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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