Miércoles, 25/11/2015: Thanksgiving, symphony, Hearts of Gold, water service

Nov 26, 2015 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural – 

Filatelia – The Abraham Lincoln Center, in honor of Thanksgiving Day, will inaugurate a show with the Asociación Filatélica Austral Ecuatoriana (The only word that´s not a cognate is “austral” which is “southern”) tomorrow at 19:00.chl jeanne logo

Patrimonio – the Cantonal Council will celebrate the anniversary of Cuenca´s naming as a UN World Heritage Site in the capilla (chapel – your word for the day) of the San Luis Seminary on Tue. at 19:00.

Fotografía –

El Foto Club Cuenca met today at 19:00 at Huayna Cápac 1-97.

Articles about –

The Festival de la Lira which started with visits to high schools.

A performance by the Orquesta Sinfónica de la Universidad de Cuenca today at 20:00 in the Teatro Sucre, with special guest, cellist Jimbo Viteri.  The symphony will close the season with 2 Christmas concerts on 17/12/2015 in the Catedral Vieja, and 19/12/2015 in la Iglesia de Todos Santos.  (I bet the acoustics in those churches are wonderful.)

The Circuito de Cine Documental (See how many Spanish words you know that you didn’t know you knew?  Just remember that the noun is in front of the adjective and things will make more sense.) will show 3 films, all in the sala Alfonso Carrasco, at the Casa de la Cultura at 19:00. Today’s film was La Importancia de Llamarse Satya Bicknell Rothon, Fri. will be Asier y Yo, and it ends Sat. with Soñarse Mjuerto.

A traditional dance performance today at the teatro Pumapungo with local troupes joining the Ballet Folklórico “Expresión” from Bolivia.

An exhibit by painter Edgar Carrasco which opened tonight at 19:00 in la Quinta Bolívar.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Mujeres sufren varios tipos de violencia (Women suffer various types of violence)  Today is the International Day Against Gender Violence and the Municipality and social groups will march in El Centro.

The 2016 national budget – was approved 83 to 32.  The budget of $29,835 million was based on oil at $35/barrel. The budget is a big reduction from 2015.

The major water project – at Chone was inaugurated yesterday. It will provide flood control, potable and irrigation water, and store 113 million cubic meters of water.  (The photo shows this giant earthworks thing but no discernable water.  I guess they have to wait for the rivers to fill up the reservoirs.  Wonder how long that takes?)

Monigote vendors (año viejos – Old Year Dummies for you Newbies. They’re burned on New Year’s Eve all over town.  If you see a lot of fire and fireworks, don’t worry unless you’ve got a wood shake roof.) – are getting permission for this year’s sales.

The San Francisco Plaza merchants – do not like the latest proposal.  (By the way, I found printed high rubber boots there. One of the booths opposite the Otavaleños.)

A new matriculación center – for registering your car will open in the parking level under the parque De La Madre, accessed from Florencia Astudillo.  There are currently centers at the Terminal Terrestre, Sindicato de Choferes, Mayancela and Capulispamba.

Se alista la gala nevideña organizada por extranjeros (Getting ready for the Christmas gala organized by foreigners) – Hearts of Gold is inviting participation in the Gala Navideña 2015 in the Quinta Lucrecia, Dec. 4 at 18:00.  So far it’s mostly foreigners, especially US citizens, who participate in this non-profit event.  Tickets cost $60 and you can get them at the office on 1 de Mayo y Av. de las Americas or on line at www.heatsofgoldfundation.org (that website address looks screwy.  It’s probably heartsofgoldfoundation.org or maybe fundacion.)

Your sliver of life article – is Tuesday’s lotto winners.  $200,000 by ticket number 231901, $10k by 518852 and 5K by 331187.

Public announcement – from the Registro de la Propiedad (Property Registry) which will move to Av. 3 de Noviembre y Juan Pablo I (next to la Clinica Latinoamericana) on 1/12 with hours from 8-16:00.  It will be closed on Mon, 30/11 and resume on Sat. 5/12 with hours from 8-12:00.  (Don’t ask me – I´m confused, too.)  Go to www.regprocue.gob.ec or call 409 1999 or 409 1219.

Water service interruption – for Thu, 26/11 from 9-13:00 in the sector of Av. Loja between Av. Remigio Tamariz to Lorenzo Piedra.  It includes the surrounding streets of Galápagos, Guayas, Nueva Loja, Remigio Tamariz, Alfonso Romero, Pastaza, Bomboiza and Lorenzo Piedra.  (Translating announcements like this makes me feel as if I’m earning my keep.)

Public meeting – by the Environmental Management Commission for the neighbors and workers of Paucarbamba 4-138 y Santiago Carrasco about the Environmental License for the Clinica Paucarbamba. The meeting will be on 2/12 at 18:30 at the clinic.  (This could be a sliver of life article, too.  But this sliver could be taking place in any city in the US that regulates development.  Basically any city in the US, period.)

Descuentos –

Free (how’s that for a discount?) – 25 point electronic inspection of your Nissan – any year, any model – Automotores y Anexos at Av. España 271 y Nuñez de Bonilla. Phone: (07) 286-7183.

From El Mercurio – present 2 coupons (cut out from the paper) plus 15 cents for a set of 4 ceramic cooking knives. Good at any El Mercurio office.  (I remember seeing one at El Vergel – don’t know if it’s still there.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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