Miércoles, 25/1/2017: Tram street closures, Russian movies, All about income taxes, Feds to ignore Cuenca mining resolution

Jan 26, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Wed.) agenda events –

Exposición – The “Paisajes Culturales de América Latina y El Caribe” and “¡Alerta, paisajes culturales!” (“Cultural Vistas of Latin America and the Caribbean” and “Alert, cultural vistas”) opened today in the Museo de los Metales.

Bailes Folklóricos (Folk dances) – the Yawarkanchik Danza Festiva del Ecuador and Ballet Folklórico Llactapi Jatarishu performed Wed. in the Teatreo Sucre.

Cuenca en Cuentos – A new story was performed Wed. by the Barojo theater group in el Sono (Borrero 6-83).  The story is from the Colonial area at which time the Pases del Niño already existed in Cuenca and people who didn’t attend were fined.  In the 30’s, Rosa Palomeque who arranged the Divino Niño (Divine Child) organized the different parades into what is now El Pase del Niño Viajero.”

Articles about –

New books –  The Municipal Department of Education and Culture will print books which have already been presented. These include “La Lengua Morlaca” (a dictionary of local slang), “Alejandría” (an anthology of poetry by foreigners living or passing through Cuenca), “San Blas, viejo y querido barrio,” “Manual del Bibliotecario,” and the catalogue from the art show at the old Mens’ Jail in octubre. In order not to overprint (and who knew the city had it’s own press?) you can ask for the books in the Direccíon Municipal de Educacíón y Cultura in the Museo de la Ciudad, the ex Escuela Central.  A launch date is being established for the books.  (I’m not translating the titles – if you can’t translate the title, how are you going to read the book?)

Story collection – “Las alas del tiempo” (The wings of time) by Jorge Dávila Vásquez, is a recently produced collection of stories for children.

Cine ruso – A cycle of Russian films will be at the CCE in the Sala de Conciertos Wed. with “El Almirante” (The admiral).  “El barbero de Siberia” (The barber of Siberia) will be on jueves, and “Mensajero (Messenger) will be on viernes.

Muestra – An exhibit of paintings by quiteño Víctor Quillupangui opened Wed. in the Salón del Pueblo at the CCE (Sucre y Benigno Malo).

“Don Bosco, el musical” (Don Bosco, the musical) – With a cast of 60, the musical is an homage to Don Bosco, patron of the educational and religious Salesian community.  Performances will be on el 30 de enero a las 15:00 for the Técnico Salesiano High School and at 19:30 for the general public.  On the 31st, the public show will be at 19:30.  Both public shows at the teatro Carlos Crespi at UPS (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana).  Free.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Otro cierre en ‘nervio’ comercial de Cuenca (Another closure in the commercial ‘nerve’ of Cuenca) – Calle Mariano Cueva between Sangurima and La Mar will be closed for 75 days.  A connection from Calle del Tejar to De Las Americas running south to north was provisionally opened yesterday.  It’s parallel to the north to south lane in front of the Supermaxi.

Other work includes widening and building sidewalks in the Huayna Cápac/ av. España area.  Rails were installed on Gran Colombia between Miguel heredia y Octavio Cordero.

Taxes – The article was about declaring income taxes which applies to individuals and businesses with an exception for individuals whose gross income does not exceed some threshold. When you declare depends on the 9th digit of your cedula or RUC.  (My eyes glaze over when I read about taxes and legal requirements. That’s why I used a CPA.  If you’re earning money here you should be declaring and paying taxes. It’s your job to figure out how.  Probably easier to do that than to get deported.)

Celac – At a meeting yesterday, Dominican President Danilo Medina alerted that the world would be damaged if the US, Europe and China adopted protectionist duties.

Mining resolution – The Ministry of Mines said that the recent council resolution declaring Cuenca a mine free area lacks legal validity since the Federal gov’t has authority over energy resources, minerals, hydrocarbons, water, biodiversity and forests.

Gold – A $400 million loan from Goldman Sachs to the BCE (Banco Central del Ecuador), made in 2014, has been paid back and 465,610 ounces of gold will be returned. (That sounds like the basis for a heist novel.)  The Minister of Finance, Patricio Rivera, said that the country had earned $14 million in interest in the transaction.

Voto 2017 – The 4th candidates on the party lists were interviewed.  (6 women, 1 man; 3 of them look under 30, 2 or 3 more under 40.  Only 1 looks over 50.  I’m used to politicians looking my age or not much younger.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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