Miércoles, 26/4/2017: Group demands tram answers, French disco band, Parking app, Anti-Graffiti program, New restaurant

Apr 27, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Grupo francés – The French group “Voilaaa” which fuses party disco with Africana will be at the República Sur (Pres. Córdova 5-55) today at 20:00.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Revista – The 98th edition of El Observador magazine is in circulation with articles about the election, the impact of the winter, and the crisis in Venezuela.

Homenaje (homage) – There will be an homage to Egon Schwarz who came to Cuenca as a refugee from the Nazis.  It will be tomorrow at 20:00 in the library of CCE.

Articles about –

Indoor – An exhibit on indoor soccer, played with a small foam ball, opens today at the Galería Proceso at the CCE (Luis Cordero y Pres. Córdova).  The show contains 40 years of history of the sport in Cuenca.

Historic documents – There is a display of historic documents including the accounting and cost of the construction of the Old Cathedral which started in 1724 y 1725, the first acts of the first archbishop of Cuenca, and the transfer of the property of the Jesuits to the archbishopry in 1812.

Tango – The CD “Tangos a dúo” has been released.  Go to http://gabrielmerlino.blogspot.com/ for more info.

Conference – There will be a talk by Neuro-Linguistic Programming expositor Jhon Álvarez tomorrow at 19:00 in the Salón de la Ciudad on “El poder de las palabras y los pensamientos” (The Power of Words and Thoughts).

Otras cosas –

Titular – Macrodeslizamiento tiene en vila a Nulti (Macro-slide has Nulti up in the air) – The Parroquial Government is asking for help from the cantonal and provincial governments.  The sectors of Samana and Santa Cecilia are inaccessible by car. One section of road that started sinking 2 weeks ago finally collapsed.  <The photo shows  a chunk of road quite a few feet below the remaining paving – about 2/3 of the height of the utility pole which is based in the collapsed part and leaning on the uncollapsed part.

Parking – EMOV is looking to automate its parking system (Sistema de Estacionamiento Rotativo Tarifado – SERT) with a mobile app.  The app will look for a parking space for you, saving you <and the environment> all that driving around. Currently, there are 2,394 paid parking spaces in Cuenca – 1,471 in the Centro Histórico, 746 in El Ejido and 177 at the Feria Libre. It’s estimated that each space turns over between 10 & 10.2 times a day.  EMOV sells about 80,000 parking tickets each month.  <If you haven’t figured out street parking, here’s the explanation. The driver buys a parking ticket (there’s usually a store that sells them close by your parking space) which costs a $1 and has spaces for 4 -1/2 hour slots.  You fill in the day and time(s) and leave the ticket on the dash.>

Garbage convention – The 7th Congreso Interamericano de Residuos Sólidos is meeting in Cuenca to analyze garbage treatment in Latin America.  Ecuador generates about 11,000 tons of garbage daily – about the same as Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo or Ciudad de México.  The Congress organizer pointed out that garbage collection is the first line of defense in public health. He also talked about the importance of recycling, and that it should start at the point of origin <that would be your kitchen> and not occur at the end of the pipeline.  <So if you don’t recycle, next time you’re at Supermaxi, get a bag of blue bags and start recycling.>

Assembly officers – The AP bloc met yesterday and elected Cuenca’s José Serrano Salgado as Assembly President, Viviana Bonilla as 1st VP, and Carlos Bergamann as 2nd VP. Other committees were filled as well.

Deslave – A landslide in Cachaguán in the Chunchi Canton of Chimborazo killed 4 raising the winter’s death toll to 38.  The slide engulfed several houses and 6 vehicles on the vía Panamericana Sur, vía Riobamba-Cuenca.  Heavy equipment was brought in and emergency responders from several agencies to find the victims. Authorities expect more victims.

Veedores – The Citizen “Watchdog” group has asked for more information about the tram costs and schedule since previous milestones have been missed.  It also noted problems in the finishes at intersections in the Centro Histórico and that vehicles have been given priority over pedestrians.

Graffiti vandalism – Monserrath Tello, the councilwoman who chairs the Historic and Heritage Areas Committee is looking for solutions to the problem of grafitti.  Options include fines, commmunity service to clean walls, a call center to report tagging, night and holiday patrols, and a deep study on the cultures of youth in Cuenca.

Taste of Paute in Cuenca – CORVEL has opened a restaurant in Cuenca this month in the EDEC building next to the PRAC on Huayna Cápac y Bolívar.  Try a typical Pauteño fruit beverage called Yaguana <it’s a fluorescent pink> or buy their Callimanta herb mix.

Amenidades –

Concert – Quiteña singer Paulina Tamayo will give a concert in Cuenca este sábado at 20:00 in the Convention Center at the Mall del Río.  Other performers will include the Trío Pambil from Manabí and Voices, a quartet from Cuenca.

Internacional –

Venezuela – The Permanent Council of the OAS met to talk about convening a meeting of the Foreign Ministers to address the issue of Venezuela.  The A.G. confirmed 26 deaths in the violence of the past few weeks.  8 were electrocuted while looting a bakery.  They came into contact with electricity and water.  <That would do it.>

US – A San Francisco judge blocked Trump’s order to deny federal funds to “ciudades santuario” (sanctuary cities- your words for the day) which are cities that will not collaborate with the feds in departations.  The judge determined that if executed, the order would violate the Constitution.  <Chitoman don’t need no stinkin’ Constitution.>

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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