Miércoles, 6/1/2016: Possible water rationing, Netflix streaming, The tranvia isn’t moving

Jan 7, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural –

Máscaras – the exhibit of masks chl jeanne logomade of ceramics and other materials will open Jan. 7 at 19:00 in La Enfrijolada (Francisco Moscoso 4-31 y Rafael Torres).

Poesía – 10 poets will present “Poesía perdida entre canciones encontradas” (Poetry lost between found songs – or something like that. Google says that canciones encontradas are “tracks found.  When things get too artsy fartsy, meanings get lost.) Sat at 20:00 in Republica Sur (Pres. Córdova 5-55).

Cine – Martín (Hache), a film by Adolfo Aristarain will be shown at Lakomuna (Coronel Tálbot y Pres. Córdova) on Wed, 13/1 at 19:00.

Articles about – 

Comparsa parade which was Wednesday on Calle La República and went down Huayna Cápac to the El Vergel Bridge. 50 years ago the comparsas were families and neighborhood groups who’d go out from the 28/12 which is the actual Día de los Inocentes as well as Latin American April Fools Day, and serenade the neighborhood with a guitar and accordion.  Now it’s on the 6th, the date picked by the Amistad Club and now observed by habit.  Before, a comparsa would have about 20-30 people, but now that more university groups are entering they have over 300.

Casa de las Posadas will have an exhibit of indigenous clothing from various ethnicities from 18/1 to 18/2.  The center would like its history to be better known and it will be more open  to the public.  The casa was a rest stop for merchants from Lima, Perú. Ecuadorians going to the coast stopped at Puerto de Bola, now called Puerto Inca.  The municipal cultural space is on Gran Colombia between Octavio Cordero and Miguel Heredia and open from 9-17:30 on weekdays and 9-13:00 in weekends.

The “Sala Numismática” is a part of the Banco Central de Ecuador with the Museo Pumapungo administering the space. Hours are Tue-Fri, 8:30-17:00 and Sat, Sun and holidays, 10-16:00.  (I was right!  The money museum is to do with the Banco Central.  Don’t know if it was ever their lobby exhibit, though.)

The Casa de la Cultura is studying a challenge against the presidential candidates and directors.  (All of this coverage of what I would have thought to be a pretty obscure election in a cultural organization.  Is this the group that has power to decide what arts, groups, artists, etc. get funding?)

El Central Cultural Imay (at El Batán y El Oro) is having a costume contest for the Day of the Innocents from 17:00.  The judges will take into account the originality an amount of work that went into the costume.  Entrants can join a comparsa going to the parade.

Otras cosas –

Titular – ETAPA announced posible racionamiento de agua (Possible water rationing) during night time hours due to the drought.  In past droughts, reservoirs refilled during the night, but they are being drawn down at night, too.  In certain rural parishes, people are irrigating at night.  The Nero community water project has been shutting off water from 18 or 19:00 to 4:00 to recharge their reserve tanks.  This project serves Turi, Baños, Huayna Cápac, El Valle y Monay.  Water flows in the 4 rivers are low:  the Tomebamba is at .1 cubic meters/sec and normally at 8-10 cubic meters per second; the Yanuncay is at .78 and normally at 7-8, the Tarque at 1.62 and normally at 4-5; the Machangara at 1.49 and normally at 6. So conserve water! 

ETAPA – has improved its streaming Netflix service by storing more of the content locally.

Blogger Diana Limongi – who visited Cuenca in Nov, is promoting the city in her blog.

Road closures – on the vía El Decanso-La Josefina has restricted entering and leaving Gualaceo, Paute and other areas east.  The road was closed due to a rockfall caused by a forest fire in Tahual.

Salsa workshop – with prize winning dancers Kevin Alzate y Mónica Cataño, part of the “Colombia ALL Stars” cast  on Sat, 16/1 from 14:30 to 17:30 in “La Bailo Zumba Fitness (Primero de Mayo y Pasaje).  There will be a social dance after the workshop and a show in the bar/diso “Verde, Pintón y Maduro” at 21:00. The workshop has space for 50 with 12 spaces left.  Cost $30. (No contact info given.)

El Pase del Niño Rey – the other 100 year old act of devotion was yesterday.  The parade started in San Blas and the reenactment of Herod´s order to kill the innocents was in parque Calderón.

Tranvia – money is not being sent by the federal government. Thru Dec, 2015 there was $15 million pending with $5 more in Jan and $4 more in Feb.  (So it’s not your imagination that nothing’s been happening.)

Your sliver of life article today – is about a small fishing boat with a crew of 3 that was reported missing 24/12 and found yesterday 130 nautical miles north of the Galápagos by a tuna boat.  An initial search included ships, aircraft and a communication system with all boats in Euadorian waters.  The crew are in “un aceptable estado de salud.”  (I’m not translating your words for the day – just looks too much like English.)

The Minister of Foreign Trade announced an increase in the number of cellphones and CKD (piezas – pieces – you know this CKD stuff makes absolutely no sense to me.  For all I know they’re a fish something like a flounder.) of mobile phones assembled in Ecuador up to $250 million worth or up to 2,663,762 units.  There will be a cuota for imports in each “trimestrale” (quarter – threw me off because they listed cuotas for 4 trimestrales.  And I was thinking trimestrale was a trimester.)  Part of the cuota is allowing each natural person using his ID to import one new phone a year through the mail, messenger/delivery service, or in person when they enter the country.

Internacional –

Venezuela – the assembly is trying to accelerate the end of Madura’s presidency which should expire in 2019.  (Does that sound sort of unconstitutional to you? There’s that pesky concept of “balance of power.” Unless Venezuela is one of those countries with a system where the parliament elects the prime minister, but then there wouldn’t be national presidential elections and a term of office as Venezuela has.)

Paraguay – is seeing increases in cases of dengue and chikunguña due to last month’s flooding.

Honduras – is ready to receive mothers and children who were caught up in raids in the US and are being deported.  They will be welcomed and treated with dignity.  (They were probably treated like factory farm animals and will need a lot of support.)

Deportes –

Ciruito de Montaña – a 10k run this Sun at 10:00 in Cabogana. Start and finish on the mountain skirts.  Arranged by Pablo Zenteno with the support of Club A Correr. Register at Honorato Vázquez 7-96 y Luis Cordero (I think it’s a law office.).  Cost: $5.  They promise “Cero ruido, cero humo, cero contaminación” (Zero noise, zero smoke, zero pollution.).

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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