Miércoles, 7/12/2016: Flooding, Tram construction problems, Water shut off, Deflation in November

Dec 8, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos – 

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Wed.) agenda events –chl jeanne logo

Danza contemporánea (Contemporary Dance) – The Dance Company of the U. of Cuenca will perform tonight at 20:00 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz.

Book launch – “La lengua morlaca” by Oswaldo Encalada Vázquez was presented at 18:30 in the Corte Provincial de Justicia (Sucre y Luis Cordero).

New novel – “Hiena” by Ernesto Arias was presented at 19:00 in the Casa de la Provincia.

Articles about –

Conference – There was a conference at the CCE to talk about the various archives that exist in Cuenca – in the CCE, the Archdiocese, and the Museo Municipal Remigio Crespo.  The oldest notarios’ records in the country are in Cuenca and date back to 1563.  (Wow – if you go to Notario 1, is there an unbroken line of Notario Unos dating back to 1563?  How long are notarios required to keep records – sounds like generations.) The oldest church records are also in Cuenca which was one of the few Latin American cities that saved the actual document that founded the city.

University students with history, geography, tourism and gastronomy majors were invited to look on the archives as research projects.  Even in the 16th Century, Cuenca had a consciousness of the world.  Documents mention Chinese ceramics, Mexican silk, German mining engineers working in Gualaceo, and the slave trade from the Gulf of Guinea.

Bienal – Students are going on field trips to see Bienal exhibits. There are docents who specialize in guiding children.  One work by Damián Sinchi is at the Galería Proceso in the Museo de las Conceptas and consists of wooden blocks.  The accompanying photo shows grad school kid playing with the blocks.  (And making art as well as being art.)

Theater workshop – Paúl Valdivieso and Marcelo Cordero, theater professionals, are holding a beginning acting workshop for kids from 10-17. The workshop will start 17/12 and end 11/1/2017 and consist of 9 sessions, 3 hours each and additional practice.  It will end with a performance in a public space, and all attendees who finish will go into a data base for future acting projects.  To register, call 0959602942. Spaces are limited.  You can also go to https://www.facebook.com/media/set/set=a.229650480799. (What the heck was all that?  But I didn’t dare leave anything out.)

Otras cosas –

Titular – Trizaduras en ruta tranviaria (Peeling on Tranvía route) – The Tranvía “plataforma” (platform – but it seems to refer to the entire improved right-of-way) is cracking and sinking along Gran Colombia.  (So did they rush to open it before the concrete cured or was it bad pours and insufficient base courses?) (Can you see a train full of high mucketymucks derailing on the maiden voyage?)

Flooding – The north of Cuenca suffered flooding from a torrential rain martes. The “Cuerpo de Bomberos” (Fire Department) went to one house in Sidcay with a suction pump to pull the water out. Other property in La Playita sector of Ricuarte was also flooded.

Public announcement – ETAPA is shutting down its Virgen del Milagro water plant on jueves, 15/12.  If you are in the area served and still don’t have water or sewer service, go to ETAPA on 10 de Agosto and Paucarbamba.  (This area appears to include Ordoñez Lasso and might explain the past unpredictability of water service I’ve heard about.)

Inflation – November’s national inflation rate was -1.5% with year to date at 1.05%. The Canasta Básica (Basic Basket – Basic living expenses for 4) is $692.56 while a monthly family income with 1.6 workers is $683.20.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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