Miércoles, 8/2/2017: Cuenca pays final tribute to its monseñor, TV cable service interruptions, Robberies in the valley

Feb 9, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

There is no cultural page today.  See the headline below.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Cuenca vela a su pastor (Cuenca keeps vigil over its pastor.) – The mortal remains of Monseñor Luis Alberto Luna Tobar were brought to the Catedral La Inmaculada Wed. at 14:00.  He will be interred in a crypt in the Catedral el próximo viernes at 12:00.  At 8:00 there was a religious celebration.

He served as archbishop of Cuenca for almost 20 years and was known for his attachment to the causes of the poorest; for his defense of liberty, justice, human rights; and the social doctrine of the Church.

Pages 5A-8A are a special section dedicated to his work and memory.  He died yesterday morning in his birth city of Quito at the age of 93.

Robos – Robberies are a problem in the Yunguilla valley since there are many the homes without a guard and which are empty except on weekends.  In 2016, there were at least 13 incidents reported in Naranjos and La Atalaya.  The problem is exacerbated by the multiple ways in and out of the those sectors.

Announcement – TV Cable – There will be an interruption of service to its telephone clients on 16/2/2017 from 00:00 am to 6:00 am.  (And if you’re in the habit of calling people at that hour and it isn’t an emergency, maybe someone needs to take away your phone.)  This will effect the sectors of: República, Luis Cordero, Huayna Cápac, González Suárez, Paraíso, Gapal, El Jardín, La Prensa, Totoracocha, Andalucía, Empresa Eléctrica, Jardines del Río, Juan Jaramillo, Estadio, Aurora, San Marcos, UDA, Don Bosco, El Tiempo, Vista Linda, Senderos, Juan Pablo II, Coliseo, Pencas, Gran Colombia, Ordoñez Lasso, 1ro de Mayo, Cantones, Puertas del Sol, Hornos, Hotel Oro Verde, Pinar del Lago, Simón Bolivar, Narancay, Condominios de Universidad de Cuenca, Aeropuerto, Bellavista, Tarqui, Centro Histórico, Uncovia, Cdla. Kennedy, Cdla. Católica y Cdla. Calderón.

Petroecuador – The prosecutor accused 18 defendants of possible embezzlement including ex-minister of hydrocarbons Carlos Pareja and Alex Bravo, the ex-manager of Petroecuador. Of the 18, the three who had been detained were the only ones who showed up at the trial.  These were Alex Bravo and two contractors on the Esmeraldas Refinery.  160 witnesses were called, the Prosecutor explained his case and the defense attorney challenged it.

Voto 2017

Moreno – Presidential candidate Lenín Moreno was in Cuenca Wed. and had a rally in the parque De La Madre.  He also strolled around in El Centro “que supuso más de un inconveniente a los conductores” (Which was more of an inconvenience to drivers).

Voter information booths – There are 37 info. booths scattered around Azuay. There’s one on calle Tarqui y Sangurima in front of the CNE office.  Other Cuenca locations include TIA, Mall del Río, Coral Centro, Gran Aki, Mega Tienda del Sur, and financial institutions such as JEP in Uncovía, and in the “Vicente Corral Moscoso” and “José Carrasco Arteaga” Hospitals.  There are also booths in the town halls in zones like Chaucha, Cumbe, Ricaurtje, El Valle, Chiquintad, Baños y Nulti.

Cañar – The canton of Cañar intends to apply for UN World Heritage status.

Internacional –

Mexico – Pres. Trump’s proposal of sending US troops to México to help fight organized crime was answered with, “La respuesta es no, contundente, rotundo.” (The answer is no, overwhelming, resounding.)  (What sane country would want US troops on their soil when a madman’s in charge?  Is El Sapo thinking about invading Mexico?)

Venezuela – Hundreds of health workers marched yesterday in Caracas to demand a salary increase, medicines and medical supplies.  (At least the average Joe in the US is still better off than the average José in Venezuela.)

Perú – The Prosecutor in charge of the Odebrecht case asked for preventive detention for ex-president Alejandro Toledo (2001-2006).  He has made a formal request for an international arrest warrant since Toledo is out of the country. (Hmmm.)  A formal criminal investigation has been started against Toledo and Jorge Barata, the ex-director of Odebrecht’s Peru office, and Josef Maiman, a businessman friend of the president, one of whom served as the other’s figurehead. Maiman is accused of money laundering and Barato as an accomplice.  Leaked information indicated that Barato confirmed to prosecutors in Brazil and Peru that Toledo received $20 million in bribes.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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