Miércoles, 8/3/2017: Women’s Day, 10 de Agosto upgrades planned, Flooding rains

Mar 9, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Going to be a short issue – I’m tired.

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Wed.) agenda events –

Cine – The movie in the Film in a Backpack series Wed. was he Colombian film, “Los colores de la montaña” (The colors of the mountain) about a boy who tries to retrieve his ball which has fallen into a minefield.  (Lassie will get it!)

Articles about –

El Salón de la Comunicación (The Communication Hall) – The 13th Salón opened Mon. night with an exhibit of ads from different media.  The goal of the Salón is to expose and denounce advertising that supports stereotypes about women that lead to inequality and discrimination.

Artes escénicas – There are plays, workshops and events planned for this month:

jueves – 19:00 and 20:30 – “Heraldo and “Última función” – sala Carrasco – $7.00.
Starting 15/3 – theater workshop – register at CCE.
viernes, 24/3 – 20:00 – recognition dinner – restaurante Lirón Lirón.
miércoles 29/3 – celebratory event to close the month of arts – teatro Pumapungo.

Exposición – “Odisea en el microcosmos” (Odyssey in the microcosm), a show by Jorge Artieada opened today at 19:00 in the Salón del Pueblo (Sucre y Benigno Malo).

Día de la Mujer – The day was observed with a poetry reading at 19:00 in the CCE library (Cordero y Pres. Córdova).  (They might just as well call this the Pagina CCE.)

History of rock – A series of events for rock and roll fans starts tomorrow, jueves, and runs until 18/5.  A series of films about “La Historia del Rock and Roll” will run on jueves at 19:00.  Starting on 23/3, there will be documentaries on Elvis Presley (Gringo gossip says he’s living just outside of Cuenca on a cuy and pot ranch. Fattest cuys in Cuenca.), Bob Dylan, The Beach Boys, and more.

Otras cosas – 

Titular – Mujeres siguen su lucha por igualdad y contra violencia. (Women continue their fight for equality and against violence) – A special page has articles on the first médica (woman doctor – There’s an example in Spanish saying something in fewer words than English.) in Cuenca;  Social networks and empowerment;  leadership in women; and María Clara Eljuri Vintimilla who is the general manager of Centro Cerámico, a holding company with 9 new businesses and 22 stores nationally, is the only woman in a representative position in the company.  (I’m not sure what that means, but she’s an Eljuri.  That probably automatically gives her at least two sets of balls.)

Rains – The lower elevation areas of Azuay and Cañar suffered the worst effects from the rains.  32 people including one family of 27 (I’m going to be extremely politically incorrect in wondering if they were LDS.) were evacuated in Biblián.

Mercado 10 de Agosto – The merchants are waiting for a long list of improvements to the market.  The top item is a parking lot which is planned for a site already identified.  It will be 3 stories.  Other projects include a new roof – the existing skylight causes too much damage to the produce, better lighting in the vegetable and meat areas,  maintenance of the floors, and improvements in the seafood section.

Garbage collection fees – Centro Sur will continue to collect money for garbage collection.  First EMAC EP has to apply to EERC who sends the application up to ARCONEL, and then it works its way back down the chain.  (Garbage company to electric company to national electric company and back down into the alphabet soup of bureaucracy.)

Elections – (This is going to be a very loose summary of 5 articles.)  The Commander of the Army who was released seems to have tried to sow doubts about the chain of custody for election materials, an accusation the election commission (CNE) refutes.  Lasso came out in solidarity with the commander (for lack of a better translation) and the armed forces, and says that there are attempts at fraud in the runoffs.  (Why is it always the right wing candidate that screams fraud?  Projecting?)
Pablo Moncayo and 34 organizations voted to support CREO. The former candidate said that “Lasso representa al neo-liberalismo, pero hoy es el mal menor.” (Lasso represents neo-liberalism, but today that is the lesser evil.)
22 mayors in Guayas threw their support to Moreno.  The exceptions are Guayaquil, Daule and Samborondón.
Moreno lost only 3 cantons in Azuay.  He lost the anti-mining voters.

Privatization – Pres. Correa was in Guayaquil to look at education and sanitation projects.  He questioned Lasso’s plans to privatize these public services.  (Ask Flint, Mich. how well privatization worked there.)

Internacional –

Perú – The lawyer for Ex-pres. Alejandro Toledo presented an habeas corpus to annul the arrest order against him.  Toledo is apparently in the US.  (Just so many things wrong with that.) (Seems like the US, extradition is only used for poor people, no matter how the rich one got his money.)

Deportes –

FFC15K – The Festival Fundación de Cuenca 15k will be on 16/4 starting at 9:00 from the Hermano Miguel de la Salle School and end in el estadio.  Register before 9/4 in Mi Boletería at the Mall del Río, Fybeca on Bolívar, or on-line at www.tecdepor.com.  The sports kits will be distributed on 15/4 from 12-18:00.  Cost for adults: $12.00, kids and disabled: $4.00.

Discuentos y compras –

Modo Tasty – all Wednesdays – 50% off your bill at Oro Verde and Casa Alonso – with your Diners Club card – more info at www.mododiners.com.ec.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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