Miércoles, 8/6/2016: Interprovencial van service could be legalized, More airport complaints, Translator escapes electrocution

Jun 9, 2016 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

I feel lucky that I’m here writing this since I had to fish the newspaper out of the “cerca electrica” (electric fence) this morning where it was all tangled up. Ichl jeanne logo think I turned the thing off, and I fished with a wood pole and not a metal one.

Pagina cultural –

Wednesday events –

“Cuentos y canciones de perro plagio” (Stories and songs of the plagiarism dog – not sure how I was supposed to translate that or how dogs and plagiarism make sense together.) – was Wed. in the sala “Alfonso Carrasco”.

Ongoing events –

The Casa de la Cultura (CCE) has signed agreements with the Universities of Cuenca and Azuay to work with the Dept’s of Arts and Design and cooperate in publications.

Masks – A “Muestra de Máscaras” (Mask show) is continuing at the centro cultural “Chaguarchimbana” (Plaza del Herrero) until Aug.  The goal of the show is to rescue and support the immaterial heritage of Ecuador and the masks are of the Diablada de Píllaro.

Articles about –

Fausto Ordóñez – The new director of CIDAP has long terms plans for the institution including digitizing its library, reopening the museum shop and publishing numbers 74 and 75 of the “Artesanias de América” magazine.  The museum will reopen (I didn’t know it had closed) next Tue., with “Manos mágicas, grandes maestros artesanos” (Magic hands, great master craftsmen) showing work of 28 S. American craftsmen.  (Can I use crafters as a non gender specific title?)

“Recorridos” (Voyages, tours, paths) – This show by Francisco Velázquez Zambrano opens tonight at 19:00 in the Salón del Pueblo at the Casa de la Cultura.  The paintings are surrealistic, with themes of magic and dreams.

Ley de Cultura – The Culture Law was discussed at a meeting with Azuay’s assemblyman, Diego Vintimilla, and a group of artists, cultural managers, students and interested parties.  The policy of free performances, the autonomy of the CCE and its funds, and a Registro Único de Artistas (Register of Artists) was discussed.

Otras cosas – 

Titulares –

El reto de Tricolor es ganar a Perú (The challenge to the Tricolor is to beat Perú) – (Sports, so this is all you get – just the headline.)

Colisión múliple en la 12 de Abril (Multiple collision on 12 de Abril) – There was a 6 car collision on 12 de Abril near José Peralta.  According to witnesses, a driver made an illegal turn which caused other drivers to brake suddenly resulting in the crash.

Airport – (talk, talk, talk – or not)  The governor of Azuay called the city 8 days ago after an informational meeting and hasn’t gotten a response.  MTOP said that the runway work in Feb. left the paving less rough than it was previously.  The Chamber of Industry, Production and Employment of Cuenca is also complaining because the airport restrictions are affecting their members’ activities as well as tourism.  The Director pointed out that a LATAM flight landed earlier the same day without problems and that because the Cuenca airport is one of the most restricted (high altitude, short runway) it’s also one of the safest.

Van services – Debate is ongoing on the reform of the Transit, Land Transportation, and Road Security Law.  One issue is legalizing tourist van services for interprovincial transport which is how many vans are actually being used.  This would benefit the van companies and maybe hurt the big bus companies.  (If legalized, you won’t have to worry about getting stranded in the Cajas in a police control operation.)

Earthquake – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, after a request by the Ministerio de Agricultur, is helping small farmers and fishermen to re-establish their livelihoods.  The $500,000 will help 2010 families.

OEA (Organización de Estados Americanos) – will come to Ecuador in 2017 to observe the elections, “con o sin invitación” (with or without invitation).  (I think another country which has its elections in November also needs a ton of observers, especially during the pre-election period where young, poor and colored people are being denied the right to vote.)  The Secretary General of the OEA received a document with about 10 inconsistencies in the technical-administrative system of the CNE (National Electoral Council) which indicated that it was not opposed to the mission.

Your sliver of life article today – is about movilidad (mobility) whether you walk, ride a bike or moto or drive a vehicle.  The Primer Encuentro por una Movilidad Incluyente, Segura y Compartida “Cristina Fárez” (1st Inclusive, Safe, and Shared Mobility Conference “Cristina Fárez” – after a Cuencana tri-athlete who was hit by a car when she was training on a road.) will start tomorrow.  Freddy Calle of the Agencia de Tránsito (ANT – does anyone else find his name funny given the context of his job? Google calle if you don’t know what it means.) said that in the city “no existe aún una cultura vial, estamos en proceso” (a road culture still doesn’t exist, we are in the process).  He pointed out the danger of being distracted by mobile devices and included pedestrians who talk and cross rather than look and cross.

II Conferencia de Coctelería International – This conference for bartenders will be on 15, 16, & 17/6 from 8-12:00 and 14-18:00 in the Zahir 360 hotel.  There will be talks about bar management, business management, new techniques in coctelería (mixology – this might as well be your word for the day since it seems to be a big part of some of your lives.) and more. Space is limited.  Call 099 537 7524 to register. (They didn’t mention anything about a tasters’ table for consumers of the mixologists’ products, though.)

Intercultural – Ingapirca is getting ready for the Inti Raymi festival on the 17, 18, & 19/6.  It opens Fri. at 18:00 with a painting and sculpture show with pieces from the Inca and Cañari periods, followed by the election of La Ñusta or Princesa 2016 and a runway show of Cañari clothing and fabric.  (You can read the whole article at www.elmercurio.com.ec.)

Amenidades –

“Leonardo Favio ecuatoriano” – A Father’s Day performance by Roy Otero , the winner of the “Yo me llamo” (My name is) reality show will be at the inauguration of the bar discoteca “Below” on Sat., 18/6 at 21:00.  The bar is on La Condamine y puente del Vado.  Cost: $10.00.

Internacional –

Perú – Kuczynski has widened his lead slightly over Fujimori.  He is now leading by 57,363 votes or 50.17% to 49.82%.  (Does that margin constitute a mandate?)

Discuento y compras –
Juan Eljuri – moto auction with opening bids from $120 for a lot of spare parts for a 2010 Jialing to $6,000 for a 2010 Yamaha YZ450F up to $29,000 for a 2014 Polaris – Sat., 11/6 from 10:00 – Parque Industrial, old Coca Cola warehouse on Primera Transversal y Octavio Chacón.  (Most prices are in the $100’s.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Lunes – my mini-vacation starts tomorrow.




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