Miércoles, 9/12/2015: Design fair, property registry moves, new wines in town

Dec 10, 2015 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural

Tango – there was a recital tonight in the Casa de la Cultura.

Feria – a Feria del Diseño (A Design Fair) with independent local producers at the Repúblia Sur (Presidente Córdova 5-55) on Sat – Sun 19-20/12 from 10-20:00.chl jeanne logo

Rap – “Norick de Rapper School en Cuenca 2015” with Lil Weed, Boris Ortega and others will be at the Stencil Pub (Hermano Miguel 4-74) on Fri 18/12 at 20:00. (That title baffles me.)

Articles about

The City Library will open in 9 days. A large part of the collection is from cronista vitalicio (life chronicler) Antonio Lloret Bastidas. (Sounds like someone who kept everything single piece of paper he ever ran across.) In 2008 his granddaughter organized about 70% of the collection. (More power to her.)

Cuban artist Saidel Brito, a winner in the 10th Bienal, came to Cuenca to attend a meeting and give a talk this evening.

“Las Maruhas Navideñas” was performed Wed (9/12) in the Teatro Pumapungo.

Colombian guitarist Gustavo Adolfo Niño Castro was invited to give a master class today in the “José María Rodríguez” Conservatory. (This item was accompanied by a real artsy photo portrait that makes him look like a Renaissance angel – sort of looking up with a half smile and a faraway look in his eyes. Although that could also be a contemplating what to have for lunch look.)

Otras cosas –

Titular – Municipios que no recaudan tasa se quedan sin recursos (Municipalities that didn’t collect tax are left without means) The Provincial Gov´t of Azuay approved the 2016 budget of $68,635,125 with $38 million coming from the federal government and the rest locally generated. Most of it will go to rural road improvements except in the cantones that refused to collect the Tasa Solidaria.

March – against cyberbullying Thur (10/12) at 17:30 starting at parque Calderón.

The Niño Viajero – started his peregrinations on 30/11 and will continue to 19/12. (He will visit the houses of his faithful and public institutions and I don’t know how many wardrobe changes he makes. I wonder if anyone’s ever dropped him?)

Oil prices – are expected to stay low until 2018.

Registro de la Propiedad (Property Registry) – has a new office at 3 de Noviembre y Unidad Nacional next to the Clínica Latina. The office has underground parking, a waiting area with 150 seats, and 4 service windows. Hours Mon-Fri from 8-16:30 with no break at lunch.

Your sliver of life article – is about 20 minors who were rounded up for drinking in a park after school. Someone called 911 to report public drinking by apparent minors. The National Police responded and surprised the kids who were still in their school uniforms. Dinapen (Dirección National de la Policiía Especializada para Niños, Niñas y Adoescentes) (the National Police’s Special Department for Juveniles) had to be called since minors were involved and they needed a police bus to take the kids to Dinapen where they were delivered to their parents. (Cops probably figure the parents are going to be harder on the kids than they would be and this might have been a fancy high school where busting the students is more trouble than it’s worth (no vale la pena). And the kids must have been really wasted because I haven’t seen a cop move fast since I’ve been here.)

Fair and wine culture – on Thur (17/12) in Winery (Solano next to the colegio Benigno Malo). Almacenes Juan Eljuri will be showing their alcohol lines including wines from Spain, Chile, Argentina and France; and “Latitud Cero” artesan beer. (Sounds like an event for the demographic that reads these translations.)

Internacional –

Argentina – the change in presidents is Thur (10/12). 40 international delegations will attend the transfer ceremony including Brazil, Chile, Perú, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Spain, but not Argentina – at least not the outgoing president. (A whole continent’s worth of leaders and all of them can talk to each other – no interpreters needed -except maybe for Brazil, So who’s not going are Venezuela which just had its elections and is kind of between presidents, and the Guayanas which are practically invisible and haven’t been in the news since Jim Jones.)

Venezuela – Pres. Maduro said that “ganaron los malos” (the bad guys won) and that they won the way that bad guys win – by lying and cheating their way in. (That all depends on your point of view. Although, if you think about the US, you can draw some parallels.)

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –




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