Military parade cancelled by Guayaquil violence; City ‘dresses up’ for holiday; Street closures announced; Lasso submits three more referendum questions

Nov 2, 2022 | 12 comments

Miércoles, 2/11/2022

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

From El Mercurio, martes, 1/11:
Cuenca acoge la Feria Nacional de la Cerámica (Cuenca hosts the National Ceramics Fair) – The Feria Nacional de Cerámica opened el martes in the Casa de Chaguarchimbana with 15 Ecuadorian exhibitors. Hours are from 10-22:00 until el 9/11. In addition to the sales of ceramics, inside the Casa de Chaguarchimbana, the public can see how the clay is processed and formed. There are children’s activities who can paint the ceramics. Free. <Unless, of course, you buy something.>,

Titular –

Parada militar prevista para este miércoles se suspende en Cuenca (Military parade planned for Wednesday suspended in Cuenca) – The government called off the military parade scheduled for Wednesday due to the violence in Guayaquil and Esmerladas. The event was cancelled only hours before its 10 a.m. start on Av. Solano.

The celebration of Cuenca’s Independence is already well underway on city streets. (El Mercurio)

In a statement, the Armed Forces command said the decision was made “in coordination with the institutions responsible for defense and national security to control and contain terrorist acts.” On Tuesday, President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency in Guayas and Esmeraldas Province following the murder of five police officers and a series of explosions blamed on criminal gangs.

According to gang statements, the violence was sparked by the relocation of hundreds of imprisoned gang members, including top gang leaders, from the Litoral prison in Guayaquil to another prison in Manabi Province.

Rige excepción en 2 provincias (Exception applies in 2 provinces) – See today’s article in CHL for story.

Cuenca –

La ciudad se viste de fiesta por su Independencia (The city dresses up for its Independence celebration) – Cuenca is in a festive mode with sidewalks full of craftspeople and vendors. Houses and balconies are decorated with flowers, and flags blow in the wind. There was a military parade scheduled for Wednesday down Av. Solano. <It was cancelled, I’m told, because all the soldiers were called to the coast to deal with the emergency.> The largest fair, the Festival de Artesanías de América opened on 12 de Abril and 3 de Noviembre with 145 craftspeople from 20 countries. It will continue until 6/11. Following are some activities.
3/11, 10:00 – Artesanía en vivo ( Live handicrafts) – Centro Artesanal CEMUART
10:00 – Exposición de pintura tradicional (Show of traditional painting) – Puente Roto
4/11, 9:00 – Gran feria agropecuaria (Great agricultural and livestock fair) – Recinto ferial Centro Agrícola de Cuenca
18:00 – Ruta de las posadas (Route of the inns) – Plaza de San Sebastián
5/11, 10:00 – Desfile artesanal (Craft parade) – Parque San Blas
18:00 – Vado Electrónico – El Vado
6/11 , 10:00 – Festival encuentro de sabores (Festival of Flavors) – Colegio de Arquitectos

Cierres de vías por actividades festivas (Road closures for holiday activities) – Av. Loja will be closed from noon today until the madrugada (early morning) of 3/11 between av. Remigio Crespo and av. 12 de Abril. This is due to the Balcones Floridos event in historic houses along Loja. Access into the centro histórico via El Vado will be limited to 3 de Noviembre in the Otorongo sector.

Plan de tarifa preferencial por mundial oferta ETAPA (ETAPA has preferential plan World Cup) – ETAPA clients can see the World Cup with a preferencial rate under an agreement between ETAPA and DirecTV. Sales will start next week at ETAPA offices where customers can subscribe and use DirecTV streaming. <I know, you would rather have this deal apply to the NFL season, but this is the land of fútbol and not football.>

Nacional –

Hubo alto interés por censo en línea: INEC (There was high interest in online census: INEC) – More than 2,300,000 people participated in last month’s on line census with the highest responses coming from Guayas, Pichincha and Manabí.

From El Mercurio, martes, 1/11:
Tres preguntas más para consulta popular (Three more questions for referendum) – President Lasso submitted 3 more questions for the referendum in addition to the first set of 8 and the second set of 2 for a total of 13. The first question of this last set has to do with security and would regulate the destination of assets seized in illegal activities from organized crime. The 2nd would criminalize extorsion in the scheme of organized crime, and is commonly known as the “Ley Antivacunas” (Antivaccine Law – Law against protection rackets). The maximum penalty would increase from 5 to 17 years. The 3d question proposes a tax incentive for businesses who hire people over 45. <So register, and get out and vote in February.>

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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