More strong aftershocks in Mexico, Julian Assange support, Correa won’t give up, Expat sheltered 140 homeless dogs, Cuenca numismatic museum

Sep 25, 2017 | 0 comments

Domingo, 24/9/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming agenda event-

Ceremonia Cívica – The “Abdón Calderón” Military High School No. 4″ will celebrate Flag Day with a ceremony proclaiming the Flag Bearers, Standard Bearers, and Escorts for the 2017-2018 school year on martes, 26/9 a las 9:00 in the Campo de Marte del Plantel.

Articles about –

Museo Numismático – There is a Numismatic Museum in the on floor -1 (basement) of the Banco Central on Calle Larga y Huayna Cápac. The exhibits include various forms of money that circulated in different eras. It also has monthly workshops for groups and schools. <So if you want to know more about “Juegos funerarios” (Funeral games) <That’s puzzling – do people play games at funerals?>, for example, you’re going to have to find enough other people to make a group to go with you.> Register at or call (07) 2831-255, ext. 7519 or 7522.

Escenarios del Mundo – There will be a dance performance, “Mina_A” el martes, 26/9 a las 2000 at MMAM. It’s about an open “questionamento frente la ansiedad social con la que cargamos los seres humanos y el placer contenido en la feminidad.” (questioning in front of the social anxiety which we carry as human beings and the pleasure contained in femininity). <So now you know what all that “lenguaje corporal” (body language) used in the dance means.> You must be over 16 to get in. <Well that shouldn’t be a problem for a lot of us – we’ve cycled through 16 at least four times already.> Cost: $5.00 for advance purchases, $7.00 on the day of the event.

CEMUART – El Centro Artesanal Casa de la Mujer (Women’s House Crafts Center) was created in 1999 and is the most complete space for crafts in the City. It’s visited by 5-6,000 tourists each month and is located on General Torres y Pres. Córdova. <Right across the street from the San Francisco Plaza construction project.> Hours are from 8-18:00 from M-F and 9-18:00 on sábado.

Reading and poetry workshop – “Misterio y emoción en las palabras” (Mystery and emotion in words) will be held el martes, 3/10 and miércoles, 4/10 from 17-.19:30 in the Sala de Conciertos de la Casa de la Cultura. For information or to register, call Juan Fernando Auquilla at 095 876 3313 or go to

Otras cosas –

Titular – En México la tierra no deja de temblor (Earth hasn’t stopped shaking in Mexico) – Another earthquake of 6.1 magnitude struck yesterday in south central part of Mexico centered 7 km. west of Unión Hidalgo in Oaxaca. There have been 4,287 aftershocks registered so far.

Elimination of visas <don’t get too excited – it won’t apply to probably 99.9% of you who read this.> – The National Assembly of Ecuador and the Parlamento Eurolatinoamericano (Eurolat) are talking about eliminating the Schengen visa for Ecuadorians. <So those of you who have Ecuadorian (or Andean Alliance?) from Ecuador could just hop on a plane to Europe.>

Asamblea Nacional Constituyente – Correa has not dismissed calling for a National Constituent Assembly ahead of Pres. Moreno’s referendum proposal which will officially be presented on 2/10. <Correa, following in Maduro’s footsteps. I imagine those are footsteps Trump would be happy to step into so he could rewrite the Constitution without the 1st, 4th <which police departments are already violating>, 13th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 22nd (term limits – dictators can’t live with those), and probably the 26th.>

Julian Assange – In an interview, Pres. Moreno talked about asylum for Assange. He said that as long as we think Assange’s life is in danger, we will protect him. But at the same time, we’ve appealed to him to stay out of the politics of Ecuador and its allies. <Is there any country with whom Ecuador doesn’t have an amicable relationship? Even Perú?>

Road closures – The vía El Descanco-Lumagpamba-Gualaceo is in its final stages of preparation. Equipment will be brought to the top of the mountain to drill the 15 m. long anchor posts that will hold the 500 sq. m. of dynamic barrier that will protect the road below from falling rocks. Getting the equipment to the top of the mountain will involve cranes and lifts <no mention of roads or helicopters> which necessitates traffic restrictions. Este martes, 26, ye miércoles 27/9, the road will be closed from 9-12:00 and 14-17:00 with detours. The mesh will be installed starting in octubre. <Think of a pinball machine – the rocks will fall and bounce around between the cliff face and the mesh.>

Saturday’s news –

“Patricia, mano amiga de mascotas” (Patricia, a friendly hand to pets) – Patricia Anne Tiura, citizen of the US, created the Mejor Amigo animal shelter. She acquired a property in Sinincay and contracted with vets, guards and pet caregivers. In 2014, she was sheltering 140 dogs and tried unsuccessfully to get foundation status. She was spending $8,000 a month and after a fundraiser last diciembre didn’t attract sufficient support, the decision was made to close the shelter which is now being run by Los Amigos de Manolo.

Actualidades – Articles about –

Aviario Nacional de Colombia (National Aviary of Colombia) – This “paraíso para la conservación” (paradise for conservation – your words for the day – easy ones) is on km. 14.4 on the road to Barú about an hour from the center of Cartagena. It houses 2,100 birds of 190 species that were rescued from captivity or from traffickers.

Fashion – Spanish fashion designers who created Victorio & Lucchino said that fashion is Colombia’s best ambassador.

Interview – Renato Zamora, a musician, composer and producer was interviewed.

Saraguro – An article promoting tourism in Saraguro. The canton’s important festivals are Cantonization on 10/3/1822; Inti Raymi from 1-21/6; Kulla Raymi from 1-21/9; Kapac Raymi from 1-21/12; and Pawkar Raymi from 1-21/3. Tourist attractions include the Baño del Inca, Chamical, León Dormido, the Saraguros, and Taita Puglla.

Amenidades –

“Los Locos del Ritmo” (The Rhythm Locos) – This band will play two shows in the Teatro Casa de la Cultura on viernes, 29/9 at 16:00 and at 20:00. Cost: $7.00.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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