More than 10 million jabs served; State of emergency extended in El Oro and Guayaquil; Don’t buy a stolen car, cops warn; Cuenca prepares development plan

Jul 30, 2021 | 8 comments

Jueves, 29/7/2021

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Musicalizarán cortometrajes ecuatorianos (Ecuadorian short films will be musicalized) – The 2021 edition of Expocine will show 9 films and hold talks and round tables. The organizers of the event are working with the city, the Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos and Unsión TV to bring Ecuadorian films back to the big screen. 9 full length films will be shown in the Teatro Sucre and short films at the ExEscuela Central. All activities are free with limited capacities. Go to (Cultura) which might have have the festival program or to the Expocine facebook page.

Ecuador has passed the 10 million mark for the number of vaccines administered. (El Mercurio)

Titular – Vacunas aplicadas superan 10 millones (Over 10 million vaccines applied) – While vaccinations are advancing in Ecuador, the possibility of extending a focused state of emergency is being analyzed with the Delta variant in El Oro and the canton of Guayaquil. According to the Ministerio de Salud, 10,051,176 jabs have been given with 7,960,999 of them first doses and 2.090,177 second doses. <So who’s running the vaccine pool for the number of doses given in the first 100 days, and do you think the goal of 9 million will be met?>

Cuenca –

Corre tiempo para definir PDOT y PUGS (Time running to define PDOT and PUGS) – Provinces, municipalities, and parish juntas are against the clock to update their Planes de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial (PDOT – Development and Territorial Organization Plans) which should take effect in septiembre if there are no time extensions. Municipalities should add the Plan de uso y Gestión de Suelo (PUGS – Land Use and Management Plan). The PDOT establishes the territorial model: objectives, metas (goals – your word for the day, just because), determinants in the scope of roads, and other aspects that define the development of a city in the short, medium and long term. PUGS focus on the use of land, activities welcomed in the territory, use of buildings, and different material elements, which taken together, are management tools for both urban and rural areas. |

Actualización planes para Cuenca (Plans update for Cuenca) – The GAD Municipal de Cuenca is 99% done with updating the PDOT which establishes the overall vision for the canton’s order and development, and 95% complete with the PUGS. The PDOT is an extensive document and will look at the results of the referendum in terms of water recharge areas which no metal mining is permitted. In general, 72% of the canton will be protected areas, 26% for production zones, and 3% for human settlements concentrated in urban parish centers and the cantonal main city. The vision for Cuenca is to be recognized a city that cares for nature, for the development of all of its activities, and as a national and regional reference for sustainable developments for settlements. The PUGS analyzes the urban equipamientos (equipment, tools?) the city has and will need in the future. The plan will be written with consciousness that resources are limited and necessities infinite. The plans should be presented to the Concejo Cantonal for the 1st dabate in the middle of agosto.

La EMOV necesita más de USD 2 milllones para asumir competencias (EMOV needs more than USD 2 million to take on responsibilities) – EMOV (Empesa de Movilidad) will be taking on the responsibility for 3 roads: Medio Ejido-Sayausí, Cuenca-Azogues, and the Panamericana Sur from the Comisión de Tránsito del Ecuador. Various agencies are working on a technical, economic-financial, and legal analysis for the transfer. In parallel, there is the definition of the urban zone to set the jurisdiction for the Agentes Civiles de Tránsito (ACT – traffic cops).

Sucesos –

Evite estafas al adquirir vehículos (Avoid scams when purchasing vehicles) – The Policía Nacional is warning citizens to not become victims of robbery, fraud or other crimes. If you are going to buy a used vehicle, go to the police station to verify the vehicle identification number before the purchase. Officers of the Unidad de Criminalística can tell you if the vehicle was stolen, if the VIN has been altered, and if the license plate matches the car on offer. There is no fee for the service. They are also warning people to not leave valuable articles in the car such as purses, bags, computers, etc, since the antisociales break windows to take the items. <Would you bring the car in too? With the seller? Or would the seller call off the deal when you mentioned getting the VIN and plates checked.>

Region –

Comercio da un giro en Azogues (Trade takes a turn in Azogues) – The new Complejo Comercial Municipal opened in Azogues ayer even though there is some work left to be completed. The merchants moved to the new facility which has 2 blocks with 3 stories, each with space for 546 vendors. The old mercado Sucre was on the banks of the río Burgay and suffered damage and flooding. The new commercial complex is open los miércoles y viernes from 6-19:00, and sábados from 6-21:00. On los martes y jueves, it is open from 12:00 for wholesalers to supply the retail merchants.

Nacional –

Piden ampliar estado de exceptión (Extention of state of emergency requested) – With 85 cases of the Delta variant in the country, Juan Zapata, president of the national COE, recommended that Pres. Lasso declare a focused 30 day extension of the state of emergency in El Oro and Guayaquil. On Wednesday night, Lasso agreed. The previous 15 day state of emergency expired at midnight Wednesday. Independently of the new emergency order, the COE met today to talk about restrictions not dependent on a state of emergency including capacity restrictions in Manabí and Cañar where new cases were registered. Zapata is hoping that the stricter measures in El Oro along with citizen compliance with biosecurity measures will diminish community transmission in El Oro and contagions to the rest of the country.

Las medidas que se aplicaron (The measures that were applied) – During the state of emergency, in Guayaquil, there is a maximum 50% capacity in closed spaces serving the public and 75% in open or open air spaces. The maximum capacity of public transport is 50% of the normal capacity. In El Oro, the capacity is 25% in all establishments serving the public. Permission was suspended for progressive, voluntary and alternating attendance in schools. Interprovincial transport from El Oro to other provinces was prohibited. There is a curfew from lunes a jueves from 20:00-6:00, and on viernes, sábado, y domingo from 18:00 to 6:00. <Something to keep in mind if you’re going to boldly go to El Oro or Guayaquil.>

La CNT, en emergencia ante hackeo (The CNT, in emergency in the face of hacking) – The Gobierno is planning to declare an institutional state of emergency at the Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CNT) so it can restablish services after a cyber attack that exposed information about more than a million citizens. The attack was characterized as the largest and most sophisticated that the country has seen.

And that´s all for today so Hasta ? –



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