Mortgage loans available, Parade winners, Women in politics, Glas impeachment efforts ends, Flu vaccines

Jan 9, 2018 | 0 comments

Lunes, 8/1/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Tribute – The students in the 3d cycle in Comunicación Social at the U. Católica will have a program in honor of Azuayan journalists mañana a las 19:30 in the Auditorio de la Unidad Académica de Ciencias del la Comunicación.

Art show – “Serendipias” will open on jueves, 18/1 at the Museo de la Ciudad. The show will be work by students in the 7th cycle of their studies in Visual Arts at the U. of Cuenca.

Premier – The Teatro Experimental Barojo will premier the first of 10 stories about iconic Cuencanan characters el 31/1 with “La Culibronce,” a baker in El Vado. The last miércoles y jueves of each month will bring a new 45 minute story. <I wonder if they’ll ever feature the mythical “El Gringo Gordo” who got stuck in an El Centro bathroom for 6 hours until the fire department released him with the jaws of life. He’s been banned from the restaurant until he loses 175 pounds. Did I mention that he was also only 5′-3″?>

Articles about –

Taller – The Workshop on Dramatic Reading will start hoy at 19:00 in the Atrapasueños Centro Cultural and run until 25/1.

“Cuentos y Leyendas de Nabón” (Stories and Legends of Nabón) – This book is a compilation of 17 stories from the oral tradition of the city.

Revista – Issue #102 of the “Ecuador Debate” magazine is in circulation. It is the journal of the Centro Andino de Acción Popular (CAAP) and has articles about various Latin American issues.

INPC (Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural) <ACAY> – Part of the activities of this Institute include training weavers in Sígig canton to expand their straw weavings to include incorporation of leather and filagree and to help them market their work. It is also collaborating with the contractor on the San Francisco Plaza project in Cuenca to create archeological “windows” to show historical remnants uncovered during the remodeling project.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Archivan juicio político a Jorge Glas (Impeachment efforts against Jorge Glas set aside) – The Comisión Legislativa de Fiscalización (Legislative Commission of Control) <I have absolutely no idea if there is a corresponding commission in the US government.> decided yesterday to stop the process of impeachment against former VP Glas who is in jail for his role in the Odebrecht scandals. <And if you don’t know what that is, you haven’t been out from under your rock in a while, have you.>

Mortgage loans – Loans to buy or build a house are available from BIESS which has an 80% loan to value, 25 year mortgage, and Mutualista Azuay with its Tu sueño (Your dream) program giving up to 80% loans over 20 years.

Women in politics – María Cecilia Alvarado, Viceprefect of Azuay and Ruth Caldas, Vicemayor of Cuenca analyzed the selection of a woman vice president in interviews.

Matricular – Starting el jueves, you can register your car for 2018 regardless of the last digit of your license plate. You can also register for 2017 and pay the fines for filing late. Get your vehicles inspected in Capulispamba and Mayancela. <Appointments are made on line.> Paperwork can be done in the the offices in parque de La Madre and the Terminal Terrestre. You can also register on line at

Flu vaccines – The Ministry of Public Health campaign started today and is directed at children under 5, pregnant women, people with non transmittable chronic diseases, seniors, and Ministry staff. The free vaccines are available at any of the Centros de Salud (Health Centers).

Mascaradas – The U. of Cuenca got 1st place in the Institutional category for the 4th consecutive year and the Flores Padilla family won the Máscara Dorada in the Mascaradas contest.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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