Motorcycle passenger prohibition to be enforced; Assembly candidates picked; Inti Raymi at Ingapirca; Artisans’ fair at Uzhupud; Ecuador leads in organics

Jun 15, 2023 | 2 comments

Miércoles, 14/6/2023

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Música, baile y rituales para 3 días de fiestas por Inti Raymi (Music, dance and rituals for 3 days of Inti Raymi fiestas) – The Ministerio de Cultura with the Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural (INPC) is arranging 3 days of celebrations for Inti Raymi or the Fiesta del Sol at the Complejo Arqueológico Ingapirca this weekend. It will start el viernes a las 10:00 with a ritual ceremony; a las 15:00 there will be a talk about “Ingapirca, cosmovisión e historia” (“Ingapirca, worldview and history” <I’m only translating the title so you English monolinguists will know what you’re missing.>); and a las 19:00 there will be an election and proclamation of the Ñusta, Sara Ñusta y Allpa Ñusta Inti Raymi as well as performances by Andean music groups.

Cuenca’s new city government will enforce the national rule of one male rider per motorcycle. According to police, 70% of crimes are committed with the use of motorcycles, most of them involving a driver and passenger. (El Mercurio)

On el sábado, there will be an entrepreneurs fair a las 10:00, a dance festival a las 11:00, and an Andean music festival a las 19:00 with the groups “Raza Viva,” “Jayac” and more. The last day will be el domingo and it will start with a food and entrepreneurs’ fair a las 10:00, followed by a festival of local and cantonal dance a las 11:00.

The Unión Provincial de Comunas y Cooperativas Cañaris (UPCCC) is also having 3 days of festivities in the Parque Guantug. There will be ancestral rituals and performances, especially in the afternoons and nights with music and dance groups Purik Dreams el viernes and Amigos Millonarios el sábado.

Ocho stands de artesanos en feria de Uzhupud Garden (Eight artisan booths at Uzhupud Garden Fair) – An arts and crafts show with the best of regional and national products will be at the Uzhupud Garden el jueves, 15/6 and el viernes, 16/6 starting a las 11:00. The Hosteria will be reopened mañana (jueves) a las 11:00 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Ecuagenera. There will be 8 booths including Homero Ortega hats, Armadillo Stores (export quality clothing, accessories and things for the home), Aurum, Joyería de autor (gold and silver jewelry with an orchid theme), Manaba Ec (things made with natural fibers), Doris Samaniego (winner of the 2018 ARDIS award from CIDAP – ikat weavings and clothing), Khipu Handmade (decorative macrame products and candles), AromaZ Chocolates <self explanatory> next to the orchid exhibit.

Cultura –

De El Mercurio del martes, 13/6 (1 article):
Fondos para proyectos culturales (Funds for cultural projects) – The Dirección de Cultural del Municipio de Cuenca has launched a new edition of their RANTI 2023 competitive funds for artists, managers, producers, researchers, and professionals related to cultural studies. Proposals should be related to live arts in rural parishes, audio and videoclip productions, photobook, and formative projects directed towards priority target groups and emerging festivals. The city has $100,000 which can fund 18 proposals, each of which will receive from $4,500 to $9,000. Those interested in participating need to fulfil a series of requirements. Go to htps:// The contest is open til 7/7.

La Estrafalaria presenta obras de universitario (La Estrafalaria presents works by university students) – La Estrafalaria is a festival that provides a platform for scenic arts students at the U. of Cuenca to present their work. Hoy y mañana (miércoles y jueves) a las 20:00, ‘Medea llamar por cobrar’ and ‘Quien es el hombre muerto a puntapiés’ will be performed in the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. ‘Chiflón, el silencio del carbón’ will be el 16/6 a las 20:00 in the Sala Alfonso Carrasco. In the same venue, ‘Por los filos’ will be performed a las 19:00, and ‘Retazos cosidos’ will be performed a las 20:00. There will also be discussion groups about the performances and about methodologies for research and creation from el 14-24/6.

Titular –

De El Mercurio del martes, 13/6 (1 article):
Últimas horas para inscribir candidatos (Last hours for candidate registration) – In Azuay there are 11 lists of pre-candidates for the Asamblea Nacional. The 55 candidates were elected in internal primaries by 6 alliances <2 or more parties or movements> and 5 individual political organizations. In order to qualify their lists (slates) of candidates, the alliance or party or movement has to have at least 50% women at the head of the list, and 25% of the candidates need to be youth (between 18 & 29 years old). <Given the age demographics of Ecuador, it would be unfair for all those young people to be represented by a bunch of old geezers.> You can check on the candidates by going to the Función Judicial for court information about the candidate which is public information. <Could we really find out if a candidate was ever arrested or jailed for corruption, beating a spouse, burning a house down, drunk driving?>

You can also consult SRI for Income Tax information to see of the candidate is in compliance. <Wow – in the US, you think the IRS would let ordinary people get tax info about political candidates up to the president? Except if the money came under the table, how could the IRS have records of tax compliance?>

Cuenca –

A Esmeraldas han enviado 5 toneladas de donaciones (5 tons of donations sent to Esmeraldas) – 5 tons of donations collected by the Archdiocese of Cuenca were sent to Esmeraldas where there were at least 500 families affected by the strong rains and flooding. Supplies included food, clothing, toys and mattresses. The Archdiocese has set up a collection point in the Curia Diocesana de Cuenca building in the center of the city. It is continuing to receive donations to send a new shipment. The main need is for non-perishable food. The Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (MIES) has also set up a donation point in their Zone 6 offices on av. Remigio Crespo.

De El Mercurio del martes, 13/6 (1 article):
Alerta ante delitos cometidos por personas en motos (Alert for crimes committed by people on motorcycles) – There have been many reports of criminal acts outside of universities, especially against students who have had backpacks. computers and phones stolen. Many involve 2 people on a motorcycle who use armas blancas (bladed weapons). Mayor Cristian Zamora is urging a law to regulate two people on a moto in addition to strict controls on the streets. Other actions include a requirement that the 400 police officers recently added in Cuenca will stay in the city, and the installation of technical systems in problem areas.

According to EMOV, there are some 5,000 motos circulating in Cuenca without legal documents. According to national investigations, motos were used as part of the transportation for delinquents in 70% of crimes. There are currently ongoing controls for compliance with the national law allowing only one man on a motorcycle although there are exceptions including family members, seniors, disabled passengers, women, and kids under 12 <But how many kids? 2? 3? – as many as won’t fall off?>. In the controls, officers review titles, registration, plates and driving licenses. They also check the moto’s mechanical condition. Foreigners are not exempt from these controls on driver’s licenses. If there is an approval or recognition of the foreign driver’s license by ANT, you won’t have problems, otherwise the driver will be fined or sanctioned. <So all of you who are relying on your 2018 North Dakota license to allow you to drive legally, you can reconsider that position from your jail cell. And no, the cop doesn’t care if your second cousin, twice removed is the governor of N. Dakota.>

Empresarial –

Líder en exportaciones de productos ecológicos (Leader in exports of organic products) – On an international scale, Ecuador is in first place for countries exporting organic products to the European Union with organic bananas as the star product. 92.8% of the exports correspond to the Agricultura Familiar y Campesina who are small and medium producers. <Granny and her garden providing organic Swiss chard and potatoes to Europe.> Ecuador was invited to the ‘Organic Food’ Iberia 2023 fair in Madrid where the country promoted its ecological agrarian production and commitment to the environment.

Andrés Suárez, vice minister of Desarrollo Rural (Rural Development) said Ecuador wants to keep its lead as the prime country exporting organic products to the EU. The exports are mainly tropical fruits, nuts, and spices with banana and chocolate as the main products for international sales. He said Ecuador is taking steps towards an agro-ecological transition, explained the ‘Green Circular’ project which is co-financed by the EU and which aims to promote production that is committed to the environment. <If these products are available locally, this means we can all eat really healthily. Assuming we want to eat healthily. Otherwise, hie thee to the KFC.)

And that’s all for today so Hasta – probably el sábado.



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