National budget approved, Artisans can join IESS, Corrections to Pascuales-Cuenca pipeline

Sep 2, 2017 | 0 comments

Viernes, 1/9/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s (Friday) agenda event –

Teatro The last performance of “Barrio Caleidoscopio” in Cuenca was Friday in La Guarida Centro Cultural (calle Mariscal La Mar y Luis Pauta, sector Convención del 45). Cost: $7.00.

Upcoming or ongoing agenda events –

Exposición – Artist Jaime Lara will open an exhibit called “Cuenca, Arte, Tradición y Patrimonio” (Cuenca, Art, Tradition and Patrimony) <Actually, your only excuse for not translating that yourself is your first language is not from Latin, English was your 2nd language, and Spanish your 3d.> el próximo miércoles a las 19:00 at the Museo de la Ciudad.

Concierto solidario – “Seamos útiles” (Let’s be useful) is a project of the Independent Youth Collective to collect new school supplies for rural kids. The event will be from 12:00 Saturday in the Ironhorse Tatoo y Barber (Remigio Tamariz 2.24 y Federico Proaño.

Cine Infantil – There will be a Children’s Film festival on 8/9 in the Museo de Arte Moderno with 3 short films and a documentary on Film Made by Children for Children.

Articles about –

“Seguro Cultura” – As of Friday, people who work in the cultural sector can voluntarily affiliate with IESS. People engaged in cultural and creative activities number about 300,000 and account for 3.7% of the Economically Active Population.

Exposición – There is an exhibit of caricatures at the “Go Hostel” (Borrero 5-47 y Honorato Vázquez). It is the work of the kids who were in an intensive summer camp for caricatures and drawing.

Literature Fair – “La Otra Orilla” (The Other Bank/Shore) will be from 6-10/9 in Guayaquil, Durán y Salinas. There will be a fair, book launches, poetry recitals, talks, performances and music. <Says so right on the poster.>

Otras cosas –

Titular – La TRI solo resistió 68 minutos ante Brasil (The TRI only held 68 minutes against Brazil) – Fútbol <You’re on your own.>

Budget – The proforma budget for 2017 was approved by the Asamblea Nacional yesterday. The budget reached $36.8 billion and was approved on a party line vote of 75 for, 22 against, and 34 abstentions.

Odebrecht – Carlos Pérez, the Minister of Hydrocarbons, said that Odebrecht has one month to fix problems and repair damage on the Pascuales-Cuenca pipeline and if the company does not resolve the problems, the only alternative is to terminate the contract. The Estado (State/country) would make the repairs using the retention of $60 million. Some of the damage to the infrastructure stems from unstable soil, slopes in danger of collapsing and design faults. The most troubling thing to authorities is the lack of a pressure control station. <Think the control station money might be sitting in an offshore account right now?>

Trade agreement – Ecuador and Nicaragua signed a trade agreement to promote trade between the two countries. There is a list of 100 products in the agreement. From Nicaragua this includes seafood, honey, and agroindustriales (I think industrial scale agricultural products>. From Ecuador the list included processed seafood <Yes, the same seafood that came from Nicaragua.>, petroleum, and medicines. <Interesting that Ecuador is importing raw materials and exporting the processed/manufactured goods.>

International calls – From el sábado anterior, ETAPA had problems with international calls. One of the 3 international servers had equipment problems and was shut down. ETAPA is fixing the problem and upgrading the system in general with more capacity.

Docentes angloparlantes (English speaking teachers) – The Ministry of Education will start the 2nd edition of the “Time to Teach” plan which will bring English speaking teachers with a level B2 into the country to fill a deficit within the country.

Phone service interruption – TVCable will have a phone service interruption on 9/9 from midnight a las 6:00 am to replace a fiber optics cable on route #3 from calle Carlos Rigoberto Veintimilla hasta la Av. 12 de Abril. The affected sectors will be Bellavista, Mutualista, Parque Industrial, Miraflores, Orquídeas y Trigales. Dial 600 01 00 for more info.

Amenidades –

Movies – as usual, go to for show times and locations. All of this week’s movies are 2D. The following movies open this week.

Locos por las nueces 2 – Esp.
Terror profundo – Esp. y Sub.

The following movies are continuing.

Annabelle 2 – Esp.
La torre oscura – Esp.
Capitán Calzoncillos – Esp.
Guardianes – Esp.
Aprendiz del crimen – Sub.
Planeta de los simios “guerra” – Esp.

Discuentos y compras –

Sukasa – Back to school sale – electronics and accessories – 12/8-24/9.8

And that´s all for today so Hasta Domingo –



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