Neighbors want brothels moved, Reduce traffic accidents, Youth chorus, International dance festival

Mar 28, 2018 | 0 comments

Martes, 27/3/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Teatro – To celebrate the Día Mundial del Teatro, the Grupo de Teatro at the Asunción High School will premier SOS hoy a las 19:30 y a las 20:30 in the Sala Alfonso Carrasco.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Ciclo de danza (Dance cycle) – A cycle of monthly Video-danza performances will start Wednesday a las 19:00 in La Guarida Centro Cultural. The cycle will be presented by the Laboratorio Permanente de Danza Clontemporánea y Composición Coreográfica de la Facultad de Artes de Cuenca under the direction of Ernesto Ortiz.

Taller de Guión Cinematográfico (Film Screenplay Workshop) – This workshop will be from 2-13/4 a las 14:00 in the CCE.

Articles about –

An interview with Juan Morales – This professor who has The UNESCO Ethics and Society of Higher Education Chair at the UTPL, is one of the authors of the book “Criterios Bioéticos” (Bioethical Criteria). He has been asked to speak at universities in Brazil.

Alianza Francesa – The group “La Compañia Libre” will perform Wednesday a las 19:30 in the teatro Carlos Crespi a the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. The Alianza has also signed an agreement with the Graiman company to provide access to culture through free art events and performances. It will also provide scholarships for 300 hours of French classes to 20 students of limited means.

Isabel Aguilar – This young poet has written “Con M. de Mote se escribe Mojigata,” an intense, deep and partly autobiographical poetry book.

Festival Internacional Tradicionales y Culturas del Mundo – This international dance festival will run from Wednesday to 1/4. Performances on jueves, 29 and sábado 31/3 will be in the Teatro Sucre a las 19:00.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Con evaluación buscan freno a inseguridad vial (A stop to unsafe roads sought with evaluation) – The Agencia Naciónal de Tránsito met with representatives of 422 inter and intra-provincial companies in Quito to define measures for reducing traffic accidents. Suggestions included an evaluation of professional drivers, an awareness campaign, and a contingency plan to improve controls on roads. The president of the professional drivers union said that they weren’t the only ones having accidents and the authorities have responsibility because of the lack of speeding controls. <So the drivers will keep speeding because it’s the police’s job to catch them before they flip the bus over?> According to ANT, the 5 main causes of accidents is driving while distracted, speeding, abrupt lane changes, not maintaining a safe distance between vehicles, and not ceding the right of way. <I guess you can do all of those while you’re driving drunk, and do them better than sober drivers.>

Festival de Coros Infantojuveniles “La Vida, un pentagrama de felicidad” – Students from 14 schools will sing el miércoles in the teatro of the Casa de la Cultura (CCE).

Recycling – EMAC collects 240 kg. of glass each week. You can drop off glass at 11 “iglús” (igloos) around the city including parque El Paraíso, parque Miraflores, U. de Cuenca, plaza de La Merced and Parque Calderón. The igloos are emptied and the glass taken to the Ecoparque in El Valle where they are treated with the rest of the recycled materials.

Cayambe – Neighbors in Cayambe are organizing to get the city to relocate the 7 night life locations in the “zona de tolerencia” (tolerance zone). They point out that there are 3 schools in the area and improvised brothels have opened in private houses. In the past 3 decades, the brothels have caused problems including insecurity and violence.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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