New fire station to serve the tram, Brazil mafia exports bad meat, El Valle celebrates anniversary, Musical at Casa de la Cultura

Oct 3, 2019 | 0 comments

Miércoles, 11/9/2019

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Exposición – Pamela Hurtado opened her exhibit, “Jardines Desordenados” Wednesday in Saledentro gallery. Her oils of plants, many of them in her garden, are hyperrealistic. <The photo shows her standing in front of a mass of sábilas, and then you realize it’s a painting.>

“Superación Personal” (Personal Growth) – This 3 day workshop from Wednesday til viernes a las 10-21:00 in the Sala de Conciertos at the CCE, combines art with personal growth. Themes in the workshop will include self consciousness, self control, and self correction through meditation, positive psychology, and positive affirmation by way of forgiveness. <You think you can do all that and become a different person all in 3 days?>

Julio Jaramillo: El Musical – This show will run from Wednesday to el viernes a las 20:00 in the theater of the CCE.

Del cuerpo del periodico –

Marching with missiles at Beijing anniversary parade.

Fiestas en El Valle – The parish will celebrate its 167th anniversary starting el sábado, 5/10 with a Festival de Bandas de Pueblo. Other activities will include:
5/10 – 14:00 – opening of the Gastronomic and Crafts Feria
5/10 – 20:00 – election of the queen of the parish.
12/10 – election of the Cholita Vallense in the parque central.
from 15-17/10 – Feria of the “Día Internacional de la Mujer Rural.”
20/10 – 11:00 – motocross.
27/10 – 10:00 – 4×4 competition.
27/10 – some activity to recognize the elderly in El Valle.

Otras cosas –

Titular – La ECO y el diésel costarán más (ECO and diesel will cost more) – See Wednesday’s CHL article for details.

Bomberos y Tranvía – The Fire Department has asked to install a station in the El Arenal transfer station, primarily to respond to emergencies in the Tranvía system. <I wonder which will be operating first – this station which still has to be constructed or the Tranvía?> The Central de Transferencia El Arenal was built at the same time as the Transfer Station next to the Terminal Terrestre, but has remained underutilized since feeder lines were never routed through the station. The requested Fire Department station would also house agents from EMOV and the Comisión de Tránsito del Ecuador to speed response to Tranvía incidents. <Seems like the fire department knows it’s only a matter of time before something bad involving a Tranvía train, car and/or pedestrian happens.>

Día del Adulto Mayor – The Day of the Elderly was yesterday and IESS had a public event with the participation of elders in various workshops to stay physically active, improve cognitive function <I should have gone to that one>, emotional support and help with grief. There were also workshops on food for diabetics and those with hypertension and the best way for those living alone to fix meals. <Make the same amount you’re used to making and freeze the rest for the days you don’t want to cook.>

From the 27-29 de noviembre, there will be the 5th International Congress “Healthy Seniors” which will cover issues of health, quality of life <Learning Spanish improves quality of life bigly, but too many of you don’t want to heed this.>, and social and legal aspects of the elderly.

Internacional –

Brasil – Federal Police raided houses, offices and properties belonging to more than 50 fiscales sanitarios (sanitary prosecutors – I think sanitary inspectors in this case) who were accused by the giant meat producer BRF of being linked to a mafia to evade sanitary controls of its products. The company, one of the world’s largest meat exporters, voluntarily provided the names of 57 inspectors. It had known about the mafia dedicated to adulterating quality control inspections for about 2 years which caused millions in lost exports and an economic crisis at BRF. According to police, 19,000,000 reales ($4.5 million) were paid to the inspectors. <And so we can enjoy possibly contaminated beef, ranchers are burning down the Amazon.>

China – The PRC staged a huge parade for its 70th birthday. The army was followed by 100,000 civilians down av. Changan to Tienanmen Square. It showcased the Dong Feng 41 intercontinental missile capable of reaching any part of the US with a precision of 100-500 meters. There were tanks, latest generation drones and 580 other armaments <toys for generals>. Planes and helicopters flew overhead. <Eat your heart out, Donald.>

Tortoises – 309 giant tortoises were returned to their native habitats scattered on the south part of la Isla Isabela in the Galapagos. A helicopter was needed to reach inaccessible sites. <Would that mean no noisy, litterbug tourists to disturb the tortoises?>

Recovery – The government has only recovered $20 million of corruption money given that Odebrecht paid out $33.5 million in the country.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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