New ride-share service, Cops nab 30 drunk drivers, March against violence, Colombian guitarist concert

Nov 27, 2017 | 0 comments

Domingo, 26/11/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming agenda event –

Concierto – Colombian guitarist Mario Arévalo will perform in Cuenca el próximo jueves a las 19:30 in the auditorium of the Centro Cultural Norteamericano Abraham Lincoln.

Articles about –

El Día Internacional de la Palabra – Two students from the Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE) organized the event, which is held in 150 countries, in Cuenca. 50 people were invited to read what ever they wanted. <Within reason, I imagine. The first two lines of Louis, Louis?>

India – International Week, India ended today. According to the first secretary of the Indian Embassy in Colombia/Ecuador, there are about 350 Indian citizens in Ecuador. In trade, Ecuador exports about $121 million to India, and imports $260 million from India.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Fin a violencia exigen mujeres (Women demand end to violence) – Ayer was the Día Contra la Violencia hacia las Mujeres (Day Against Violence Against Women), and people marched to build community awareness of this social problem. The National Assembly passed (I think) a Law for the Prevention and Eradication of Violence Against Women.

Correa – ex-pres. Correa arrived in Ecuador in “la madrugada” (the wee hours of the morning – your word for the day.) <I’m guessing a lot of you spend your madrugadas sleeping instead of partying.> and accused Pres. Moreno of aligning himself with the worst of national politics. He also announced a counter-revolution. <Sad to see a man go from a president who did a lot of good things to a distraction.>

Pet census – Ebal Design has a pet identification service called “qrSium” which came out of a request from a vet clinic for a way to digitally record its patients. The group wants to do a dog census in the whole country of dogs seen in clinics, and street dogs. To get an ID for your dog, go to a vet clinic associated the ID service or to for a list of vets. You get a “cedula,” and a tag with a code and the vet’s info. You can also get a GPS locator to find “Fido” if he gets lost. The service costs $10/yr.

Drunk drivers – Police detained 30 people for drunk driving Fri. and Sat. night. <Remember the allowable level of alcohol in your blood is less than half what it typically is in the US.> Following are the penalties at different blood alcohol levels:
.3-.8 grams per liter – $375 fine – loss of 5 points off your license – 5 days in jail.
.8-1.2 grams – $750 – 10 pts – 15 days in jail.
>1.2 grams – $1,150 – suspension of your license for 60 dys. – 30 dys. in jail.

Tourism – The Ecuadorian Sec’y of State met with the Palestinian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities in Bethlehem to talk about promoting tourism between the two regions.

Actualidades – As usual, if any of these articles interests you, go to

3 de Noviembre Magazine – The 174th issue of this magazine is about unknown places in Cuenca.

SimpleRide – 4 entrepreneurs have created an application that allows “quality” drivers and riders to connect to travel together so both have company during the trip, save money, and gas.

Essay – Another unreadable one by, I think, the same person.

Clothing – An article about the clothing worn by the Cholas Cuencanas.

Amenidades –

Time Magazine says Trump is wrong in saying that the magazine wanted to name him Person of the Year. <My question, is why did the paper put that item on the entertainment page instead of the international page?>

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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