New vaccination goal is 85%; 3rd doses for seniors; Number of cars in Cuenca triples in 15 years; Cops foil attempt to throw guns, drugs over prison walls

Aug 19, 2021 | 60 comments

Miércoles, 18/8/2021

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Titular –

Peatones priman sobre vehículos (Pedestrians prevail over vehicles) – The Día Mundial del Peatón (World Pedestrian Day) was celebrated el 17/8. The Plan de Movilidad y Espacios Públicos de Cuenca, in effect from 2015 to 2025, proposes to give special importance to pedestrians, and not just as a recreational activity. Juan Narváez, a civil engineer said that the mobility in private cars is the base for the model in the city and all non-motorized transportation projects have to adjust to that reality. This means that what is presented is not necessarily the best option for pedestrians and cyclists, but the options that affect motorized transit the least; and this is a mistake.

According to Marco Albán, an architect and researcher into sustainable cities, there were 53,000 vehicles in Cuenca in 2006, 105,000 in 2015, and an estimated 155,000 by the end of 2021. This is an increase of 5% per year while the population is growing at 2% per year. City of Cuenca data indicates that 155,000 private cars move 32% of the population, the 570 urban and interparoquial buses move another 31%, the 3600 taxis move 4%, and bicycles and motos move 1% each. 31% of the population walks. <Those are the people with healthier hearts and lungs, stronger muscles, and better reactions since they have to dodge all the cars and motos.>

Cuenca –

The city is promoting pedestrianism to get people out of cars. (El Mercurio)

Vacunación, la clave para inmunidad de rebaño (Vaccination, the key to herd immunity) – José Pazmiño, president of the Colegio de Médicos del Azuay, said that 85% of the population needs to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity. At first, the MSP talked about 70%, but that was before the new variants, so now 85% is the new goal. Pazmiño recommended that people who have been vaccinated should still observe biosecurity measures. He thought the new one-dose vaccines such as CanSino, could help reach herd immunity. The government is considering use of these vaccines to reach people in areas that are hard to get to, and they will provide immunity in less time. According to the Vacunómetro, a digital tool implemented by the government, a total of 9,965,891 people have received the first dose and 5,516,894 have received two doses. <According to the Vacunómetro, the safest place to be is the Galápago> As of ayer, there were no Covid patients waiting for an ICU bed in Zone 6 although occupation of ICU beds remains high. At the Hospital Josí Carrasco Arteago (HJCA), only 2 of the ICU beds reserved for Covid patients are available.

Cuenca contará con 40 policías turísticas (Cuenca will have 40 tourist police) – 40 tourist police received their certificates as part of a pilot plan promoted by the Ministerio de Turismo del Ecuador and the Ministerio del Gobierno. The troops, who are part of the Policía Nacional, were trained in areas such as ethics, tourist culture, good practices and management, hospitality and security. There was a public/private sector alliance with the Grupo Gerardo Ortiz which contributed 20 GTI Race Track Exotic model 2022 bikes. The bikes are a Cuencan brand, developed with Cuencan hands, technology, and minds. <I think if I got a bike I’d want one of those — designed for Cuenca’s roads. Especially if they came with a siren and flashing lights.>

Sucesos –

Intentar lanzar droga y armas a la cárcel de Turi (Trying to throw drugs and weapons into the Turi prison) – A criminal group tried to use the “bombazo” (bombshell) method to get packages containing 2 guns and drugs into the prison in Turi. This method involves throwing things into the prison from the outside to avoid security filters. The Policía Nacional which has been patrolling the exterior of the prison, frustrated the attempt and confiscated the packages. Esteban Bernal, governor of Azuay, said that “bombazo” cases usually involve families and friends of the prisoners. <Lamar Hunt needs to sign up whoever gets those packages over the walls.>

Region –

Terraceo, alternativa ante los deslaves en la Cuenca-Molleturo (Terracing, alternative to landslides in the Cuenca-Molleturo) – The Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas (MTOP) is working on type of terracing project that will stop the constant landslides at km. 49 of the vía Cuenca-Molleturo-El Empalme. The work started el pasado viernes with the opening of an access that allows machinery to get to the top of the slope from where the material is falling. The area is 150 meters above the road. Once the machinery starts working, MTOP can determine the time needed for the project and the times the road will be open. An alternate route is the Biblán-Zhud-Cochancay road which is currently being improved at the most critical points. Currently, MTOP is keeping machinery in the km. 49 area.

Nacional –

Tercera dosis de vacuna contra covid se aplicará (Third dose of vaccine against covid will be applied) – Ximena Garzón, ministra de Salud, said that people with immunodeficiency will receive a 3d dose of vaccine and the ministry will define the requirements for the 3d dose. This dose will be administered 3 months after the 2nd dose, and will probably start in early septiembre when the Plan9/100 concludes. The first to receive the 3d dose will be seniors. Garzón has not dismissed giving the rest of the population a 3d dose, but that will be decided after research into the levels of immunity that have been achieved with 2 doses. The research will randomly sample people for levels of immunoglobulin developed at a community level to see if the rest of the population needs a 3d dose.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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