New way to pay IESS, Active volcano, Colombia border talks, City wants to stop grafitti

Feb 14, 2018 | 0 comments

Martes, 13/2/2018

Hola, Todos –

I will be taking a day off on Friday so I can have a two-day weekend like normal people even if it’s the wrong two days.

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming agenda event –

Danza tribal – The Tribal Fusion House will hold a “Conexión Vibracional” (Vibrational Connection) workshop at calle P. Córdova 14-43 el sábado 15/2 a las 25:00 (sic) <Your guess is as good as anyone else’s.> The workshop will focus on the subtle energies of the earth, heart and air, going though gravity and levitation. <Being able to levitate would be nice. And useful for us short people.>

Articles about –

Grafitti – In the past 10 years indiscriminate lines and marks have been appearing on walls in Cuenca, diminishing the city’s image. Stopping the “agresiones vandálicas” (vandalism – your word for the day) needs the help of the citizenry. Call the cops or take a photo of the tagger in the actqweqweE. Guillermo Cobo, commander of the Guardia Ciudadana de Cuenca, said they are currently doing a study to determine the relationship between certain kinds of tagging with criminal or micro-trafficking organizations, who mark their place of “work,” or next victims.

Urban Art – A young muralist has proposed the “Ciudad como Lienzo” (City as Canvas) project which will allow all strata of society to have access to art. <How this would happen is beyond my ability to plow through.>

Pan de Carnaval – Carnaval bread is not sold in many places. One is Apetito (Don Bosco y Fernando de Aragón) which offers several kinds. Another is Elvia Sarmiento who has been at the corner of Luis Cordero y Vega Muñoz for 33 years. The Todos Santos bakeries, where breads are made in wood burning oven, are another option. One is located on Mariano Cueva entre Honorato Vásquez y calle Larga.

Otras cosas –

Titular – El Carnaval se toma los ríos de la ciudad (Carnival takes the rivers of the city)

Border security – There will be meetings on 14 & 15/2 between Colombia and Ecuador to talk about security, defense, and binational coordination in the border zones.

Volcán Reventador – The Geophysical Institute of Ecuador said that Reventadór is maintaining a high level of eruptive activity with ash emissions to 600 feet above the level of the crater to the west. At night you can see a glow and blocks rolling until 700 m. below the crater.

Paying IESS – Members can now pay with a new “Sistema del Botón de Pagos” (Payment Button System) using a Pacificard from the Banco Pacífico.

Scouts in Cuenca – The scouts are celebrating their 50th anniversary in Cuenca with activities this month. If you’re interested go to for detals. The article is on P. 3A of the print edition.

In sports news, the Cuenca football team lost yesterday to Luque, Paraguay in championship cup play.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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