Number of cars increases, Flu shots, Fiestas in Guachapala, Korean pianist plays with orchestra,
Jueves, 25/1/2018
Hola, Todos –
Pagina cultural –
Today´s agenda events –
CIDAP – The “Ar-Dis: La semana del diseño para la artesanía” (Ar-Dis: The week of design for crafts) event was announced this morning and the exhibit, “CIDAP, Retorno a la esencia: Artesanía y Arte Popular” (CIDAP, Return to the essence: Crafts and Popular Art) was opened. The Ar-Dis event is focused on building synergetic knowledge between crafts and design.
Conciertos – The OSC plays two concerts: Thurs. in the church in El Tambo in honor of its 27 years of cantonization and the second, Friday a las 20:00 in the teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz with Korean guest pianist Jeong Heum Yeon who will play Beethovan’s Emperor Concierto.
Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –
Concierto – Guitarrist Bolívar Ávila will play “…Elé… Una fantasía sobre Tránsito Amaguaña” by Mesías Maiguashca Friday a las 19:00 in the auditorium of the Abraham Lincoln center.
Articles about –
MMAM – The Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno has opened a large exhibit that takes works from different periods in the 37 years of the museum. The exhibit opened Thurs. and will run to septiembre próximo.
“Jueves Culturales” – <More stuff those of you who live in El Centro can do.> This program will bring 2 hours of music and dance to the Glorieta in Parque Calderón every jueves at 19:00. The performances are sponsored by a private company and the program supports talented youth who don’t have other performance venues. Artists who want to be part of the program should go to the Comité Permanente de Festejos in the edificio de la Alcaldía (building housing the Mayor’s Office).
Revisto – The film magazine “Fuera de Campo” was presented hoy a las 19:00 in the Pálier Café-Libro.
CCE – The Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana del Azuay (ACAY – and is there any gringo who doesn’t know what a casa is? Mi casa es su casa?> has planned its activities and priorities for the first months of 2018. <If you’re desperate to find out what they’re up to, go to and read it for yourself.>
Otras cosas –
Titular – Caos vehicular sin freno (Unchecked vehicle chaos) – A study showed a 2.7% increase in the population and a 10% increase in the number of cars. About 100,000 cars circulate in the city with another 20,000 passing through or coming into the city from other cantons each day. The Municipal Transit Department has determined the locations for traffic mitigation work. It also is having a campaign to get people to use bikes. <Make every street a bike lane except for public transportation and emergency vehicles. You’d have a lot of happy bus co-ops and a lot of angry ex-drivers.> Currently, more than 65% people use a bike or walk in combination with riding public transport each day.
Flu – Ecuador has invested $10 million for 3.9 million doses of flu vaccine. Since noviembre, there have been 497 cases with 80% of the cases in Pichincha Province where 23 of the victims died.
Voting Page – The articles are about Question 3 on the 4/2 referendum which is about restructuring the CPCCS and asks “Are you in agreement with amending the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador to restructure the “Consejo de Participación Ciudadana y Control Social” (Council of Citizen Participation and Social Control) and to terminate the constitutional term of its current members, and that the Council that temporarily assumes its functions would have the power to evaluate the performance of the appointed authorities, and can, if need be, terminate their terms early, according to Annex 3?”
The CPCCS was formed to promote the exercise of the public’s rights and social control, to fight against corruption and to promote transparency. The Consejo appointed officials through competition or from a panel sent by the president. In reality, both the Council and its appointees were supporters of Correa.
Fiestas in Guachapala – The 23d anniversary of the cantonization of Guachapala started Thurs. and will continue until miércoles. Schedule below:
Sábado – 8-16:00, horseback riding; 14-18:00, rodeo; 20:00, noche guachapalense with El Combo de Darwin orchestra.
Domingo – 8:00, agricultural, tourist, crafts and health fair; 14:00, election of the prettiest campesina; 20:00, festival and traditional night with La Verdadura Orquesta.
Lunes – 10:00, intergenerational traditional games; 14:00, sports matches; 16:00, 40 championship.
Martes – 9:00, mass; 10:00, “carrera de releva” (relay race?) for adultos mayores (seniors); 11:00, sports for seniors.
Miércoles – 9:00, parade; 13:00, session solemne; 15:00, fútbol; 20:00, noche with the Vatova Internacional Orchestra of Ambato.
Intercultural Page – The article is about the clothing of the Chola Cuencana and how it evolved from the clothing of the Spanish and combined with the Inca and Cañari clothing.
And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –