Protests block roads in six provinces, Meter readers, 109 public health centers in Cuenca, Cuy festival

Nov 22, 2017 | 0 comments

Martes, 21/11/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Upcoming agenda event –

Hip-Hopera – The “Per-versos” Collective <No, not Roy Moore, Donald Trump or Al Franken> will present their latest work at a Hip-Hopera event el jueves y viernes a las 20:00 at the Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno (MMAM).

Articles about –

Literatura – There is a national and Latin American literature conference that started yesterday and will run to viernes with seminars, work groups, the IX Concurso Nacional de Poesía “César Dávila Andrade,” and the VIII Concurso Universitario Efraín Jara Idrovo.

Día Internacional de la Palabra – The International Day of the Word will be celebrated el jueves in the auditorium of the Casa de la Provincia desde las 19:00. <And here you thought it was turkey day.> Writers, artists, teachers, and students have been invited to read something they consider pertinent. Time is limited to 3-4 minutes, and there is no limitation on the language. <So after you hurt yourself with too much food, you can go and celebrate Word Day.>

CCE – The CCE is calling for people who are interested in becoming members of the Sección de Literatura. The first meeting will be Thurs. a las 17:30 in the Biblioteca “Manuel María Muñoz Cueva.”

Rally Cinematográfico – The clock for the Cinematic Rally started Tues. and will count down until jueves a las 10:00. More than 30 young people, film and audiovisual students and emerging professionals in 6 teams are filming short films around Cuenca. The Police and EMOV are helping to provide security and control traffic in El Vecino, San Blas, San Sebastián, Calle Larga, parque De La Madre, Las Herrerías, Ricaurte, Terminal Terrestre and av. Loja. The winning film will be announced in a special program la noche de jueves (Thu. night) at CCE.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Premian a jóvenes literatos (Young literati receive prizes) – Two young women received prizes of $5,000 and $1,000 for two literature contests.

Meter readers – Young engineers at iCreativa designed the icWater cell phone based system that ETAPA employees are using to read water meters. 18 people read 45,000 meters. The web tool takes a picture of the meter and logs the geographical coordinates and time. It can also report altered or broken meters, send alerts about excessive consumption, and get a response from the water company to repair leaks. When the phone finds a wifi connection it sends the data it’s collected for billing. Most water districts in the country still take the readings manually which can cause errors.

Centros de Salud – The Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP – Ministry of Public Health) has Health Centers which differ from hospitals in that their mission is promoting health and delivering services close to people. The MSP has classified centers as Types A, B, and C depending on services offered and hours. There are 109 centers in Cuenca principally offering general medicine and dentistry. To make an appointment, call the free line 171 to get a time at center closest to your house.

“Todos ABC” – Ecuadorian immigrants in the US can get a High School Diploma on-line. Registrations started ayer and will end el 31/3/2018, and can be done at one of the 13 Ecuadorian consulates in the US where 1,252,626 Ecuadorians live. Present your cedula and passport. The program is free for anyone over 18 who did not finish high school but did reach the 10th grade in Educación General Básica. <All cognates, all yours.> Classes start on 23/4/2018 and students can pick their hours.

Protests – Campesinos in 6 provinces blocked roads for almost 3 hours to demand that the Asamblea Nacional start work on a legal reform that would have prefectos (I think it’s the chief administrative officer of a Province) elected by the rural vote only. In Chimborazo, 100 campesinos wanted attention paid to the needs of the rural areas since money and projects always flow to urban areas.

Scouts – The No. 6 Mario Rizzini Scout Troop will make the “Brazo Gitano Más Grande del Ecuador” (The Biggest “Gypsy Arm” (like a jelly roll) in Ecuador) el sábado a last 9:00 at PRAC (Huayna Cápac y Bolívar). The actual cutting of the 110 meter long cake will stat at 10:10. Slices will cost $2.00 with proceeds benefitting 4 organizations including Peluditos Cuenca and Mundo Sin Barreras.

Cuy festival – There will be a cuy festival on el domingo, 3/11 a las 10:00 in the recently remodeled plaza Manuel Cruz Orellana in Gualaceo. <How many other gringos out there like cuy? Am I the only one who truly likes it?>

Deportes –

Chess – The National Juvenile Games are in Cuenca and 158 young chess players from 19 provinces are competing in Totoracocha. <I just found it interesting that chess would be reported in the sports section.>

Descuentos y compras –

Colineal – furniture – 10, 20 & 30% discounts throughout the store – until el domingo, 26/11 from 10-20:00 – on the autopista, Hermano Miguel 8-58, Parque Industrial, Mall del Río and Monay Shopping.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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