Public debt exceeds legal limit, Tram guarantee, Film documentary cycle, Ibero-American Summit

Mar 16, 2018 | 0 comments

Jueves, 15/3/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Film cycle – The 3 day film cycle “Ciclo de Cine Debate Documental El Arte después de Duchamp, a 100 años de “la Fuente” (Film Series Documentary Debate – Art after Duchamp, 100 years after “The Source/The Fountain”) <The series could be over by the time some of you finally manage to say that title.> started Thursday in the University Museum in the Cultural Unit of the U. of Cuenca. The film “Yves Klein” was shown. The cycle will run to sábado.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Hip-Hop – There will be a meeting el sábado a las 15:00 in the Museo Pumapungo. Artists and collectives will participate in the “Conversatorio sobre gestión cultural Hip-Hop” (Conversation on Hip-Hop cultural management). <Somehow, this cultural management idea doesn’t go with my image of hip-hop as more spontaneous than colloquiums.>

Exposición – The show “Permanencia y continuidad de Gulllermo Sànchez” will open mañana a las 19:00 in the Galería de Oficios in the CCE. The work is by the children of Guillermo: Celina, Manuel and Juan.

Articles about –

Teatro – “Vida y Leyenda de la Culibronce” (Life and Legend of the Culibronce) was performed Thursday in the Teatro Imay (El Batán y El Oro). The story is about Carmen Alvarado who was a social activist in the 1930’s. One of the interesting facts in her story was when she was shot in the glutes during a police confrontation. Due to the thickness of her polleras, she wound up with only a scratch.

Review – “Cuando llegue Rosa” (When Rosa arrives), currently playing in “La Guarida” Centro Cultural, was reviewed. The play is a monologue by “Augusto,” played by Rene Zavala who is basically talking to himself while waiting for his girlfriend. Cost: $5.00 for students and $10 for the general public.

Guayaquil Fanzine Fest – This event started Thursday in the Museum Nahim Isaías, will move to the Universidad Casa Granda mañana, and to the Universidad de las Artes el sábado y domingo.

Otras cosas –

Titular – ‘Incertidumbre política’ hay en el país: Cabezas (‘Political uncertainty’ is in the country: Cabezas) – Elizabeth Cabezas (AP) was elected as president of the National Assembly. See Thursday’s CHL article for the story.

Dueda pública rebasó límite legal permitido (Public debt exceeds legal limit allowed) – The public debt from 1/1/2012 to 31/5/2017 under the government of Rafael Correa, reached 52.5% of the Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) (Gross domestic product – GDP). This exceeded the limit of public debt to 40% of the GDP by 12.4%.

Tranvía – Directors of the ACTN consortium guaranteed that it would complete the work according to schedule. Next week will mark 90 days of the 300 day term, and the project is at 30% completion. A consortium representative pointed out that the first weeks of the project were spent mostly in the office on engineering issues. <That’s a good sign.>

Summit – The Cuarta Cumbre Iberoamerica de Agendas Locales de Género (The Fourth Ibero-American Summit of Local Gender Agendas) will be held from 15-18/5 in Cuenca. Go to and click on “Inscripciones” to get info on costs and how to participate in the summit.

Traffic signage – EMOV has bought signage with lights that can be activated in the “pasos cebra” (zebra crossings – pedestrian crossings, your words for the day) after 18:30. These will be installed in the crossings that are most “conflictivas” (conflicted) and on various “rompevelocidades” (speed bumps) <I think they call them axle breakers in Perú, but I might be making that up.> EMOV has an annual schedule for the whole canton to replace, repair, and repaint signs. Requests from citizens receive priority over the scheduled installation and maintenance. Generally a vertical sign (like a speed limit or no parking sign) can be replaced in 8-24 hours. <That sounds like a pretty fast response, to me.>

The Dirección Municipal de Tránsito (DMT) has a signage plan for the whole route along the Tranvía. The budget for signs comes from vehicle registration fee, the technical inspection, and fines for infractions.

Overweight – 1 in 3 Cuencanos is overweight. <And I imagine this applies to the extranjeros here as well.> The Cuenca Saludable project will hold trainings and activities in schools and parks to promote healthier eating habits.

Mercado 12 de Abril – Venders in the market are asking city officials to comply with the agreements between them and the previous Director de Mercados. That agreement allowed for the possibility consolidating spaces owned by the same person or family into one larger space.

Pagina Intercultural – The headline is “Mitos y Leyendas de Cuenca” and tells the stories of the Maldición de la Mama Huaca, El Farol de la Viuda, El Chuzalongo, and Los Gagones.

Amenidades –

Flea Market – Viernes, 16/3 a las 9-16:00 – Club Rotario Tomebamba, Av. 27 de Febrero 41-15 – things for the house, clothing, and “enceres” (stuff) in good condition at low prices – also liquidation sales of various businesses.

Descuentos y compras –

MacDonalds – 3 new $2.99 specials, extra meat with pesto, extra meat with cheese, and extra chicken with lettuce and tomato with fries and soda.

SanaSana – 3 day sale, 15, 16 & 17/3 – Discounts on more than 5,000 products <Including Tums or Rolaids if you personally tried all three MacD offerings at one sitting.> – up to 40% off medicines for hypertension, migraine, flu, cholesterol, gastritis, depression <I thought people went to the liquor store to treat that.>, diabetes, insomnia, nutrition and vitamins.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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