Reason for tranvía bid delay, Ex-energy minister willing to talk scandal, Gas trucks, U.S. deportations

Aug 16, 2017 | 0 comments

Martes, 15/8/2017

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Tuesday’s agenda events –

Competition – La Superintendencia de la información y Comunicación (Supercom) presented the requirements for the 1st National Short Film Competition Tues. The contest, “Orgullosamente Ecuatoriano” (Proudly Ecuadorian) is open to professionals and students in Ecuador.

Film cycle – El Centro Cultural La Guarida has a film cycle every martes. This afternoon’s film was “Memento.” Cost: $.50.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda event –

Exhibición – “Huellas” (Footprints), paintings by Juan Vinueza, will show at the Galería “José Domingo La Mar” of the Azuay Government.

Articles about –

Poet – Inéz Márquez who had been writing poetry for 90 years, died 12/8 at age 103.

Cultural venture – Sofía Cardoso and Andrea Calle have a 150 sq. m. space on Paucarbamba, next to the Fiscalía, and they are having a competition for artists who want project space. The “Vertigo” project started last year as an acrobatics and air dance academy and expanded to a 3 pronged project of art, tourism and gastronomy, and the space will allow them to have performances.

Novel – “Entre mares y adioses” (Between seas and goodbyes) by author Fernando Morais is being published.

Lakomuna – One of the projects of this collective of young artists is “La Chacra,” a library open to all, with a collection of art oriented books. Their shelving is recycled wooden fruit crates. <Remember that – student furniture?>

Otras cosas –

Titular – Capaya dispuesto a revelar; exfiscal rechaza retención (Capaya willing to reveal; Exfiscal rejects retention) – See Tuesday’s CHL article for more about “Capayaleaks.”

Magazine – The 100th issue of “El Observador” has articles on the crisis in Venezuela, corruption, defense of water, UDA, what happened with the Coopera, Inti Raymi and more.

Violence against women – Since 1/1, 1,351 cases of violence against women were filed. Women go to the Primera Agogida de la Unidad de Violencia a la Mujer y la Familia, de la Función Judicial (First Intake of the Violence Against Women and Family Unit, Judicial Function) where 2 psychologists work – each with a case load of about 500. Women can also call 911 or go to a health center which are obligated to report incidences of violence to the police.

Deportations – About 70 or 80 people deported from the US arrive in Ecuador every 15 days. The majority are coming back to Azuay and Cañar. The US issues a list of people who will be deported and the families are notified about the process. Returnees are met by the Ministry of the Interior.

Tranvía – The technical committee created to select the entity which will complete the Tranviá was supposed to submit its report to Mayor Cabrera el pasado viernes. Instead, it asked for more information from the two bidders: Raylway N. 9 Engineering Group Co. Ltd from China and the Consorcio ACTN Tranvía Cuenca from France. <The Chinese firm’s name reads like assembly instructions for Chinese toys.> The bids offered were $32 million by the Raylway Group and $50 by the Consorcio, and the request for more info. is because of the wide spread between the bids. The commission wants to review things more closely. There is no specific date when the commission will submit its report to the Mayor.

Gas trucks – The Noise Contamination Ordinance passed 7 months ago and only 50% of the gas distribution approximately 100 trucks have complied. The drivers are supposed to stop honking and install a speaker that plays “Por eso te quiero Cuenca” (This is why I love Cuenca). <So now you know the name of the song and can probably find better versions on YouTube.> EMOV has decided to start citing trucks with fine of 5% of the basic salary ($18.75) and loss of 1.5 points off the driver’s license.

Asambleas ciudadanas – The Citizens’ Assemblies organized by the City will start el lunes, 28/8 in the Bellavista parish, followed by Monay on 29/8, Sucre on 30/8 and, Machángara on 31/8. The meetings are to get neighborhood priorities for work by the city in el próximo año. Meetings are open to the neighbors in each sector. <You should go. It’s a chance to meet your neighbors.>

IESS Hospital – <This is for the two of you who decided to stay in the system.> Patients at the IESS Hospital can look for the “Chalecos Rojos” (Red vests) for help. The hospital wants to give personal attention to patients, especially the vulnerable – seniors, disabled, and illiterate. There are 14 “Chalecos Rojos” in shifts from 7:30-19:30. <Well – when ever did I get to be one of a vulnerable population?>

27 de Febrero – As part of the work to make the Felipe II bridge two way, Av. 27 de Febrero from Bernardo de Legarda to Solano (in front of the Colegio Bilingue) will be one way. There will be other direction changes in surrounding streets. <The one way will allow one lane for parking and one for driving. I think they’re catering to the parents who park in front of the school to pick up their kids and tie up traffic.>

Road closure – The vía Cuenca-Girón-Pasaje is closed at Sarayunga. This is also the main route to Machala. Light vehicles and buses can use a route through town past the multi-use sports court. <Right, I know exactly where that is. Actually the photo shows a cop at the detour.>.

Consumer Price Index – A team of 4 people is responsible for going to supermarkets and mercados in Cuenca and sending price and other information to the Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos, (INEC). It’s a national survey of products and services that make up the Índice de Precios al Consumidor (IPC). An electronic “whatchamacallit” is used to enter the data and send it to Quito.

Internacional –

Argentina – The official party, Cambiemos, won in 10 of the 24 districts in the country and is in a technical tie with ex-President Cristina Fernández in the Santa Fe Province and in Buenos Aires which has 37% of the electorate.

Colombia – 40,000 FARC members have received training in “economía solidaria” (solidarity economy) to form 52 cooperatives to promote projects in agriculture, gastronomy and technology in all of the provinces of the country.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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