Renovated Turi mirador opens; Guide to medicinal plants is published; Sacred site revitalized; Polo marks 50 years in Cuenca; Indy music concert

Oct 1, 2022 | 3 comments

Viernes, 30/9/2022

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Libro sobre el uso de plantas medicinas (Book on the use of medicinal plants) – The Hogar Miguel León has published “Botica de la abuela,” a book on medicinal plants based on the accounts of its residents. In 2019 the Hogar started a project to activate their green areas. Using their plots which contained mostly medicinal plants, the idea was to form a multisensory garden to help the residents. The seniors started to talk about their pasts: how they used the plants, how they felt when they prepared the remedies, and what the effects were. <If they were old gringos, a lot of the plant stories would probably involve cannabis.> Because of the importance of these stories, the Hogar decided to create a book that collected the memories and the natural and ancestral recipes. The book was illustrated by the graphic design students at the Instituto Sudamericano and was launched ayer to mark the Día del Adulto Mayor. It is available at the Hogar Miguel León (Simón Bolívar entre Estévez de Toral y Coronel Tálbot) for anyone who wants a copy.

The rural parish of Turi has built a space for peace, silence and spirituality at the site of an acient gathering point overlooking modern-day Cuenca. The site includes a wall usings Cañar stones from the Cojitambo hill,

Elección reina de Cuenca (Election of the Queen of Cuenca) – The election of the Queen of Cuenca will be on el 26/10 a las 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo. There are 6 candidates. <And they must have one cosmetician for the photos since each one of them has the same color make up, blush, eyeliner, eye shadow, lipstick, and hair style.>

Titular –

Gobiernos se trazan metas de desarrollo (Governments set development goals) – See today’s article in CHL for story.

Cuenca –

From El Mercurio del jueves, 29/9 (following 4 articles):

Un mirador sagrado se alza en Turi (A sacred viewpoint rises in Turi) – The rural parish of Turi built a space for peace, silence and spirituality regardless of a person’s religion. It is an open viewpoint near the mirador de Turi with a retaining wall resembling a church facade built from stone from the Cojitambo hill, and floored in grass. There was a time before the concrete lookout, restaurants, and tourist attractions when the people of Azogues, Tambo and Cañar went to Turi for worship on the heights in the middle of nature. After the establishment of Catholicism, the heights of the parish were used for devotion to the Señor de Belén (Lord of Bethlehem) and the Virgen de la Nube (Our Lady of the Cloud). With this 1st phase completed, the next phase will see the building of different temples. One will be a temple of fire with lots of candles, in the middle there will be a space with a sculpture of Madre Tierra, other temples will be a temple to water which will have a fountain people can touch, and a temple to the virgins such as the Virgens de Cisne and de la Nube.

Se reabre el mirador (The lookout point is reopened) – The mirador de Turi reopened today with activities including musical presentations and fireworks that started at 18:30. There were free buses to the lookout from Parque Calderón and Parque de la Madre at 17:00 and 18:00. <So for those of you who have been asking – the mirador de Turi is now officially open. The article didn’t say if it was completely finished, though.>

29 artistas en la segunda edición del festival Circuitos (29 artists in the second edition of the Circuitos festival) – The independent music festival, “Circuitos, vive el beat” will take placed on el 30/9 and 1/10 with hip hop, el trap and electronic music. There was a talk today, and yesterday and today there was an advanced workshop at the Antigua Escuela Central on producing digital Lo-Fi music. The concert on 30/9 is at VeVos (Puente Roto) a las 20:30. The concerts on el 1/10 will be at the Museo de Arte Moderno a las 17:00.

The political cartoon of the day is titled “Claim” and has a character wearing a hat labeled Minero “Responsable,” carrying a bag of money, and saying “Las únicas “áreas protegidas” son mi cuenta, mi bolsa, y mi bolsillo. He is looking at a sign that says “Quimsacocha.”

Deportes –

Copa 4 Ríos por los 50 años del polo en Cuenca (4 Rios Cup for 50 years of polo in Cuenca) – Polo players are celebrating 50 years since the arrival of the sport in Cuenca with the Copa 4 Ríos. The match will be played el 8/9 on the field of the Cuenca Polo Club in Cumbe. <This may be an opportunity to see how the other half (1%?) lives.> So far, 5 teams have confirmed, representing the Cuenca Polo Club and the Club Cuartel Dávalos, and more teams from other provinces are expected to participate. The classifications will be on the 8, 9, & 10/10 with the finals on el 15/10.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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