Replacement of city buses, New exhibits in Museo Pumapungo, Paving projects, El Centro pollution,

Mar 1, 2018 | 0 comments

Miércoles, 28/2/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Library opening – La Unidad Educativa La Asunción (Asunción School) opened a library/playroom Wednesday.

Taller – Wednesday CIDAP and the Japanese Embassy presented the latest in the cycle of conferences and workshops given by artist Risa Kojo.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Cine – Encuentros Cinematográficos Cámara Lúcida (Camera Lucida Cinematographic Encounters) will present Siete Películas para Verlas Otra Vez (Seven Movies to See Them Again). <Whatever that means.> The encounters will be from 15-17/3 in the Museo de la Ciudad.

Articles about –

Museo Pumapungo – A new space, “Mundos de Memoria” (Worlds of Memory) opened this morning. The rights side has “maquetas” (models) and artifacts that show pre-inca, inca, and colonial history. To the left is a permanent exhibit that teaches the technical and archeological work which has been done since the 80’s in the Pumapungo.

Exhibit – “Horizontes de luz” (Horizons of light) by artist Juan Francisco Idrovo Calderón opened Wednesday in the galería “José Domingo La Mar” in the Governación del Azuay. The landscape paintings are interpretations of photos, and the show will run until 28/3.

Puppet theater – The Barco-Olave family from Colombia constitute the Gotas Mágicas (Magic Drops) collective. It is the invited company for the “Cuenca Vive Teatro” (Cuenca Lives Theater) Project hoy a las 19:00 in the Teatro Sucre with their work, “Abya – Yala: Tierra de Leyendas” (Abya – Yala: Land of Legends) which is based in the legends, myths and histories the family has accumulated in its travels.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Presionan a Serrano para que renuncie (Pressure on Serrano to resign) – The opposition blocks of the Assembly want an explanation for the alleged plan to “defenestrar” (defenestrate – your word for the day <and probably last used widely in 1929 when financial types were jumping out of windows>) the duties of A.G. Carlos Baca. Then they want Serrano to resign.

CPC transitorio – The temporary members of the Consejo de Participación Ciudadana (Citizens Participation Council) were installed hoy. The 7 members elected, with the exception of the co-founder of Alianza Pais, were all the first names on the “ternas” (list of 3 candidates) submitted.

Smog – The smog on calles Tarqui and P. Córdova is “insoportable” (unbearable). Carbon monoxide emissions generated by traffic and measured by EMOV in 2017 were 91.9% nitrogen oxides, 76.4% volatile organic compounds, 34.4% methane and 30.2% sulphur dioxide. <I think I’ve got something wrong unless things aren’t supposed to add up to 100%.> In the Centro Historico, concentrations of particulate material (MPs.5) is 10.76 micrograms per cubic meter which is under the allowed 15 mg/m3. <Still doesn’t mean anyone wants to stand behind a bus and breath deeply.>

Paving projects – 5 km. of roads will be asphalted by the end of marzo. Work is going on in Puertas del Sol on Daniel Muñoz, Víctor Sacoto, José Astudillo Ortega, Manuel Quito, A. Serrano and others. They will be grinding down the paving in the ciudadela el Bosque 2 de Monay. The next work will be on the side streets at the airport, in the Totoracocha sector, and then on 27 de Febrero between Solano and 10 de Agosto.

Buses – The special commission will inform the Cantonal Council about the environmental condition for the renewal of the urban bus fleet. The buses can have a maximum opacity (a measurement of exhaust pollution) of 5% in their first few years of service, and 25% at the end of their useful lives. These requirements will be included in an ordinance to regulate the technical vehicular inspections and air quality monitoring. Once the ordinance is approved, it is hoped the disagreements between the Cámara de Transport and authorities over Euro 5 or Euro 3 technology can be resolved. This will allow bus fares to increase to $.31. <Mandatory use of the bus cards is just in time. Can you imagine accepting a 31¢ cash payment and staying on schedule?>

Public ad – The Contraloría Gerneral del Estado (Comptroller’s Office) invited the public to its “Renditión de Cuentas 2017” (2017 Annual Accounting Report) hoy, a las 10:00 in the Main Building of the Contraloría (av. Juan Montalvo Ea4-37 y Av. 6 de Diciembre.)

Internacional –

The Interamerican Commission on Human Rights (CIDH – Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos) – The commission asked Venezuela to allow humanitarian aid to enter the county. It also asked for regulation of firearms in the US and considered “casi inhumano” (almost inhuman), the decision in the US to cancel the DACA which allows los “soñadores” (Dreamers) to stay in the US. <Bet you won’t see that on mainstream news sources.>

Descuentos y compras –

Benoit Audífonos – Big discounts on all sorts of hearing aids – <I think you’ll have to go to Google for contact info.>

Decameron – All inclusive resorts in Punta Centinela from $107/nt/person and in Mompiche from $85/nt/person – buy from 28/2-4/3 – – av. Unidad Nacional 2-82 y 1 de Abril.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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