Rogue cop steals guns, Thieves rescued from lynch mob, Bookmobile service in March, Basket of organic veggies for $15, House built for $6,000

Jan 28, 2020 | 1 comment

Lunes, 27/1/2020

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Mobile library – The CCE is equipping a van and acquiring books for children and youth for a mobile library which should start operating in marzo. The van will be visiting parishes and cantons in Azuay including Quingeo, Victoria de Portete, Zhidmad, Cochapata and others.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Cañar celebra como capital arqueológica (Cañar celebrates as archeological capital) – Este domingo, Cañar celebrated its 19th anniversary as the Capital Arqueológica y Cultural del Ecuador with a huge parade.

The Cañari and Inca ruins at Ingapirca in Cañar Province.

10-day house – Students in the School of Architecture at the U. of Cuenca built a prototype house with 10 s.m. <I think they left a zero out.> costing $6,000 in 10 days. The project was for a national contest called MingaLAB 2020 to build low cost, sustainable houses. The house has 3 bedrooms, a bath, kitchen and a living area. <All of that won’t fit into 10 sq. meters. I imagine some of you have bathrooms that size.> The house will be <somewhere> until 20/5.

167th anniversary of Sinincay Parish – This parish, about 5 km. to the northeast of Cuenca was founded on el 2 de mayo, 1853 and is home to brick, marble, wood, and straw weaving crafts as well as a landscape full of plants, waterfalls and plains. The parish church has a facade that echos that of the Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepción with 3 arches below a rose window and two flanking towers topped with blue cupolas. Until 1852 Cuenca had 3 parishes: Matriz (main parish), San Blas and San Sebastián, with two annexes: Sinincay and Turi. The current population is about 18,000. In 1952 there were 4,906, 9,046 in 1974, 15,069 in 1990, and 15,859 in 2011. On Sundays the parish center holds a market with many of the vendors from La Asociación Virgen del Cisne. Local growers bring corn, vegetables and more. You can also enjoy chicken, roast cuy <Or not enjoy if your association with cuy is as a pet running around on a wheel in a cage.>, papas con cuero (potatoes with pork rind), morocho, and fruit.

Cruz Roja opens offices– The Red Cross has opened new consulting offices for medical specialties in its main building on Pres. Borrero between Jaramillo y Córdova. This specialized medical center will treat the general community as well as affiliates of the IESS system with hours from 7-20:00, L-V, and 7-13:00 los sábados. Specialties include gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, cardiology, traumatology, physiatry, gastroenterology, and otolaryngology. There are also a clinical laboratory, X-rays, electrocardiograms, and ocupational medicine in various fields such as audiometry, optometry, and spirometry.

Landslide – Another landslide closed the vía Cuenca-Molleturo at km. 50 around noon Sunday. The road was closed for about 2 hours until MTOP crews cleared one lane for light vehicles. Heavy rains caused the slope to slide. Transit agents recommend driving with caution because there can be slides all along that route.

Thief of police – A Policía Judicial cop was arrested in Azuay for stealing 11 guns from the evidence storage room. The theft was discovered when the agent in charge of the storage room returned from vacation and found an open box which was missing 5 pistolas, 5 revólveres, y una tipo subametralladora (5 pistols, 5 revolvers, and one submachine gun – your words for the day in case you’re shopping for armas de fuego.) During the investigation, detectives found a debit card belonging to the accused cop and footprints in the records area. The locks to the main door had been forced. <Doesn’t sound like the accused cop is the brightest bulb in the box, sharpest knife in the drawer, etc.>

Frontier justice – Two men were almost lynched in the Allpayacu community in Nulti Parish when the owners of a property they were trying to rob surprised them in the act. The robbers fled in a Chevy Vitara which went into a ditch. Residents of the area, tired of crime, set fire to the car. The Policía Nacional arrived in time to save the robbers from being thrown into the fire. The residents justified their actions by explaining that certain gangs were doing whatever they wanted and frightening people. They added that they’d warned criminals that “ladrón cogido será quemado” (a thief caught will be burned), and decided that this was a good time to put the warning into action. A police spokesperson met with neighbors and promised more patrols and that a “ladrón cogido” should be turned over to the authorities.

Descuentos y compras –

Agrokawsay – Canasta popular (people’s/popular basket) – $15.00 – A basketful of chemical free agricultural products or a basket that can be customized and include veggies, fruit, grains, prepared products, dairy, eggs, meat and more – order from, App Canasta Popular,, or 099 281 4631 – pick up at Centro de Acopio, calle Jorge Issaac y Av. Pumapungo (behind Empresa Eléctrica). <This is from an easy to navigate website which is in Spanish. There are pictures of the products for you who are illiterate. There is also an option for delivery to your house. It doesn’t say what comes in the canasta popular – probably changes with the season and harvest.>

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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