Route of the Crypts, Landslide closes route to the Oriente, Holiday fair locations, Tax tables

Oct 22, 2019 | 7 comments

Lunes, 21/10/2019

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Feria de Chaguarchimbana – The fair will be from 1-4/11 a las 10-22:00 in the Plazolete del Herrero. There will also be live performances of dance and music.

Exposición – “Dos Generaciones,” a showing of paintings by father and son Carlos González and Esteban, opened at the Casa del Alfarero.

Visit the dead in the Old Cathedral.

Ruta de las Leyendas – The Ruta de las Criptas (Route of the Crypts) will start on miércoles, 30/11, a las 18:00 and 20:00. There will also be performances in noviembre. The Ruta is a visit to the two cemeteries in the Catedral Inmaculada Concepción and the Museo Catedral Vieja. The guided tour will be given by members of the teatro Barojo who will be dressed as various iconic characters of Cuenca such as Atacocos, Honorato Vásquez, y Carlitos de la bicicleta.

Del cuerpo del periodico –

Ferias – Various public spaces in Cuenca will be used for ferias and exposiciones. The Festival de Artesanías El Otorongo will be from 29/10 – 4/11 de 9-22:00 in the Plaza Otorongo. On the same dates, from 10:00-23:30, the Feria Expo Azuay 2019 will be at the ex-CREA. From 1-3/11, the Feria de Diseño y Artesanías: el Mercadito Cuenca will be on the Terraza de Todos Santos from 10:00. The CIDAP opening will be el 31/10 a las 19:00. On 1/11, there will be an art show at the Museo de los Metales from 9:00; a yoga workshop in the Casa Municipal del Artista from 18-19:99; and an opening at the Galería de Artes Hernán Illescas a las 10:00.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Emelec gana y aleja al Cuenca de playoffs (Emelec wins and moves Cuenca’s men’s football team further from the playoffs) <Translation over.>

Alternate routes to the Oriente – El sábado pasado, there were various landslides around the vía Paute-Guarumales-Méndez, one of which collapsed the Sopladora bridge. To help get traffic from the Sierra to the Oriente, the vía Gualaceo-Plan de Milagro will be open longer hours, including the Ingamullo II controlled zone. Hours will be from 6-9:00 and from 15-18:00 until the vía Paute-Guarumales-Méndez is reopened. Another option is the vía Sígsig, Chiguinda-Gualaquiza.

Business page – The article has tax tables for income tax and for inheritance taxes.

And that’s all for today so ? –



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