Second attack on soldiers, Economic reactivation, Citizen committee selections, Bonsai congress, Cherry festival, Venezuelan parents protest

Feb 22, 2018 | 0 comments

Miércoles, 21/2/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda events –

Exhibit – A show of work by students in their 3d cycle at the Dep’t of Arts in the U. of Cuenca opened Wednesday at the Municipal Casa de las Posadas. Free.

Articles about –

Historia de Cuenca – Juan Cordero launched 3 new volumes of “Historia de Cuenca y su región” (History of Cuenca and its region) anoche (last night – a word to memorize) in the Teatro Sucre. In addition to the tribute to the author, the 150 years of the U. of Cuenca, the 200 years of the Bicentennial of the Independencia of Cuenca, and the Bodas de Oro (Golden Anniversary) of UDA (U. de Azuay) were also commemorated.

Bonsai – The 2nd edition of the Congreso Internacional de Bonsai (ACAY) will be from 2-8/3 in the museo Pumapungo. There will be exhibits, workshops, and conferences with bonsai masters Juan Andrade from Costa Rica and now living in Japan, Milagros Rauber from Venezuela, and Leonardo Bravo from Ecuador. The congress opens el viernes, 2/3 a las 19:30 in the teatro Pumapungo. The first demonstration will be el sábado, 3/3 desde 9-13:00. Cost: $30.00. The 2nd demonstration will be sábado desde 15:00 hasta las 19:00. There will be demonstrations on domingo at the same times and workshops through the week – some spaces reserved for club members and others for the general public. For information and reservations, call Santiago Delgado, the club secretary at 099 212 2446 or write to

Otras cosas –

Titular – Proponen opacidad máxima para buses (Maximum opacity for buses proposed) – The Council subcommittee tasked with defining the environmental technology for urban transport issued a report saying for the city to authorize the urban buses, the vehicle must have a maximum opacity of 5% in the first years and up to 25% at the end of its useful life. As of 1 abril, bus fares must be paid with a card.

Armed attack – A second attack by dissident groups of FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionariás) occured la noche del lunes in the frontier area of El Pan, San Lorenzo canton, Esmeraldas Province. Two Ecuadorian soldiers were injured. The dissidents appeared to be guarding coca plants.

Conseje de Participación Ciudadana Transitorio (CPCT) – The proposed members of the Temporary Citizens Participation Council are being reviewed by the assembly blocks (parties). So far, 3 are permanent adherents of AP, one has activities in a tax haven, and another is an alternate representative to the Andean Parliament. Others haven’t filed income taxes for 2016. Members of this committee cannot have been political party directors during the last 5 years and must demonstrate “intachable” (impeccable/unimpeachable – our word for the day, just because I like it and it’s new) conduct.

Budget – The Government will present its economic plan in marzo and it will focus on reactivating the economy, attracting investment, strengthening dollarization, and generating employment. <What? No massive tax breaks for the top .01%?>

Appointment – Diana Salazar was appointed by Pres. Moreno as the Director Nacional de la Unidad de Análysis Financiero y Económico (National Director of the Financial and Economic Analysis Unit). The A.G. has faith in her abilities to prevent and eradicate money laundering and corruption. <She’s the legal pit bull with the face of an African queen who is prosecuting corruption cases.>

Festival del capulí – The 4th Capulí Festival will be el domingo, 25/2, starting at 9:00 in the central plaza of the community of Zhapacal in Azogues. There will be capulí (local cherry) products for sale including pulchaperro (?), ice cream, jelly, wine, conserves and comida típica.

Internacional –

Venezuela – Parents of children who suffer from kidney disease have chained themselves to the door of the main pediatric hospital in the country until medicine their children need is available. Immunosuppressants ran out 2 days ago and parents are fearful that their children will reject the organ transplants.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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