Still no El Centro preservation plan, Bus lines plan for tram, Electric car charging station opens, Bingo for pets, Learn French with music

Nov 27, 2019 | 1 comment

Martes, 26/11/2019

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Night at the opera – 16 finalists in the first Competencia Nacional de Canto Lirico (National Lyric Singing Competition) will performed Thursday night in the teatro Pumpapungo. Contestants were from all over the country and competed in 3 age categories. The gala awards ceremony will be Friday a las 20:00 in the teatro Casa de la Cultura with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca.

Learn French with music – The Alianza Francesa de Cuenca has opened a French music workshop as a way to learn the language. The workshops will be los miércoles a las 20:30 a 21:30. For more information go to or call 282 5298.

Festival de teatro – The Compañía de Teatro of the U. of Azuay has organized a theater festival that started Monday. Tuesday’s performance of “Maty y Raúl” was in the Sala Alfonso Carrasco. On Thursday, the Obisdiana Dorada group will perform “Puka Yana” in the Aula de Teatro de la UDA (B605). Friday’s performance will be El Silencio de María by Insensato Teatro in the sala Alfonso Carrasco at he CCE (Luis Cordero y Pres. Córdova, 2nd floor), and Saturday will have Ausencias by Teatro Pie in the Espacio Nómada.

Del cuerpo del periodico –

The opera festival concludes on Friday.

Bingo to benefit abandoned pets – The Rascate Animal Cuenca Foundation will have a bingo event el 6/12 at the fogón de Benja (av. Unidad Nacional y calle Malvinas). Tickets cost $5.00 and also enter you for surprise gifts and raffles. There will also be a show and other activities. Proceeds will go to pay vet bills at the veterinarias Solidaria and Guerero. To get tickets, call 099 945 4653. Your tickets will be personally delivered. <How can you beat a deal like that? With free charge for your electric car?>

Fiesta en Cañaribamba – The San Salvador de Cañaribamba parish in Santa Isabel parish will celebrate it’s 8th anniversary el próximo 5/12 starting a las 10:00 with a civic parade in which the schools in the parish will march. There will be a agricultural products and crafts fair featuring local products, especially their good ground coffee by the pound as well as by the cup. The coffee will be accompanied by the traditional humitas, chaquis, tamales and other delicacies. This will be followed by a solemn session in the afternoon, sports, and a folk dance festival. The festivities will close with a dance and music show.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Mujer, víctima de violencia (Woman, victim of violence) – There was a march in Azogues to reject violence against women followed by a demonstration in the Parque Central to remember the 39 women who died by violence in the provinces in the Sierra.

First electrolinera for cars – The first electric charging station in Cuenca was inaugurated yesterday in the parking lot under the parque de La Madre. The installation was a project of the U. Católica with the help of the U. of Cuenca and support from EMOV. Initially you will be able to charge your electric transportation for the cost of parking. <Sounds like a dang good deal.> A complete charge for a vehicle takes about 4 hours and will get you 200 km. There are plans to build a new prototype where the charge will take a half hour. <Not even time to go get lunch.> An ex-president of a taxi union experienced an electric car a couple of years ago, and said he had had to charge the battery almost 2 days to get 6 hours of driving time.

Conservation plan for el Centro HIstorico – There still is no plan 20 years after Cuenca was declared a World Heritage site. Of the 3,400 historic properties identified in a 2010 survey by the Dirección de Areas Históricas y Patrimoniales of the City, at least 500 are in bad condition. There is another registry, the Sistema de Información del Patrimonio Cultural Ecuatoriano (SIPCE), which is part of the Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural (INPC). This second registry contains 3,000 historical properties in the rest of the canton.

On the last day of Cabrera’s administration, the Cantonal Council approved the Plan Especial del Centro Histórico at it’s first debate. The current administration is refining the plan for it’s second and final debate to put it in force. There is also a draft for a new model of managing this heritage. Both plans are expected to be finished by the middle of next year.

Bus line 100 – The bus operators and city will have a meeting to discuss the 100 line which runs 28 buses from Baños to Ricaurte and for a large part, is the same route the Tranvia will take. The president of the Cámara de Transporte de Cuenca hopes the meeting will resolve the effects on the large number of users as well as the bus owners who went into debt to replace their buses and need the security of an income to repay the loans. <Something else that should have been thought about before that first shovel full of dirt was dug. I bet a case of deferring a confrontation with the transportation unions and kicking the can down the road until it hits a wall.>

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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