Supermaxi donates ventilator circuits to public hospital; Ecuadorian movie makes Netflix debut; Esmeraldas refinery scheduled for maintenance

Feb 22, 2021 | 1 comment

Lunes, 22/2/2021

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

De la pagina cultural –

“Dedicada a mi ex” una película ecuatoriana que triunfa en Netflix (“Dedicated to my ex”, an Ecuadorian film that triumphs on Netflix) – This film, co-produced by Touché and Dynamo, is the first Ecuadorian movie to make it onto Netflix. The comedy was distributed internationally by Sony Pictures and premiered in 2019 in theaters in Ecuador, Colombia, Perú, Bolivia y México. <Was any of you one of the 320,000 people in Ecuador who went to the movie? Me neither.>

Otras cosas –

Titular – La defensa del Cuenca, débil (Cuenca’s defense, weak) – Cuenca lost to Emelec 4-1. It’s sports so if you want more info you’re on your own.

Reconstruirán puente peatonal (Pedestrian bridge to be rebuilt) – The company that insured the truck that destroyed the pedestrian overpass in Nulti is in charge of rebuilding the bridge which has a value of about $191,000. The 22 m. long bridge was destroyed on 22/1/2020. After the accident, a temporary crossing with guardrails and lighting was built under a vehicular bridge so people walking from Nulti to Sidcay did not have to cross the vehicle lanes. <A picture of that pedestrian underpass looks like a mugging waiting to happen. It also looks like there’s about 5′ between the gravel path and the autopista structure.>

The pedestrian overpass in Nulti that will be repaired by the trucking company that caused the damage. (El Mercurio)

Un proyecto para procesar plástico será reemplazado (A project to process plastic will be replaced) – In mayo de 2019, councilman Cristian Zamora who is on the board of the Empresa Municipal de Aseo de Cuenca (EMAC EP) launched a proposal for EMAC to implement a plastic processing business. The project would recycle plastics, prolong the life of the sanitary landfill in Pichacay, and create a new business for EMAC to convert plastic into construction materials. At first, the proposal received unanimous acceptance, but the administration of EMAC eliminated the project at the end of 2020. <Why? Is this the same administration that can’t even do its own billing and relies on the electric company to collect its fees? There’s a young Kenyan woman who started a business recycling plastic into construction pavers that weigh half as much as masonry or tile pavers. And she’s doing this by herself.>

Zamora has proposed another project with a smaller scope to separate plastics which would still contribute to sustainabilitiy. This would be done in conjunction with the Agencia de Cooperación Internacional de Corea and start iin 2022. This second project would convert 10-12 tons of plastic each year, but dozens of tons should be processsed each day to have a real environmental impact. Cuenca collects about 500 tons of garbage daily.

Sector privado suma esfuerzos para combatir al coronavirus (Private sector joins efforts to fight coronavirus) – The Corporación La Favorita <SuperMaxi and Aki> donated 200 circuits for 5 ventilators to the ICU area of the Hospital de Especialidades Jose Carrasco Arteaga. The kits that were donated are something the ventilators can’t funcion without. They have an expiration date of 2025. <I sure hope Covid is gone or under control by then.> Álvaro Rothembach, the regional manager of the Corporación La Favorita called for other businesses to put into practice a shared sense of solidarity and responsibility.

Mantenimiento programado de Unidad de Refinería durará 40 días (Scheduled maintenance on Refinery Unit will last 40 days) – Petroecuador started a scheduled maintenance on the Unidad Catalíticas 2 at the Esmeraldas Refinery which produces domestic gas and high octane naptha for internal consumption. The maintenance will not affect fuel production.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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