Tame flight delays and new airlines, Agenda of festival events, Museum reopens, Odebrecht appeal, Fashion parade, Ecuador-Chile agreements, Movie night
Martes, 31/10/2017
Hola, Todos –
Pagina cultural –
Today’s agenda events –
Proclamation of the Fiestas, a concert by Diego Zamora, and a hip-hop program were Tues. <I’m going to quit describing events you don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting to. My rule of thumb will be if I finish translating an hour before the event starts, I will describe the event with details.>
Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –
Festival – The Wayrapamushkas group of the U. of Cuenca will present the “Festival Infantil de Danza Folclórica” (Children’s Festival of Folk Dance) Wed. y jueves a las 20:00 in the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. Cost: $5.00.
Desfile (Parade) – The High Fashion Fair of El Centro will run until jueves from 9-21:00 at PRAC with designers bringing their latest trends.
Tradiciones – The Festival de la Colada Morada is Wednesday desde 10-16:00 in the Balcón (Balcony) of the Todos Santos Complex.
Revista – The 101st issue of El Observador magazine is in circulation. Articles include stories from the earthquake in México, mega-mining, the referendum and more.
Articles about –
Museum opening – The Museo de Sitio Manuel Agustín Landívar reopened Tues. There is a gallery for patrimonial art and a small patio with part of the ceramics collection from the Cañari, Inca, and Colonial periods. The museum is on Calle Larga 2-23 at Manuel Vega.
Rally Cinematográfico – This “speed” filming project has received 36 proposals, from which the organizers will select 6. The winners will make a film within 72 hours including filming, editing and production.
Feria de las Artes – Pájarogato Gallery hosts an Art Fair on Juan Jaramillo between Borrero y Hermano Miguel el jueves y viernes desde 10-22:00. There will be an exhibit of photos and watercolors, and a fashion parade with clothes from local designers.
Cinema Café – Tuesdays are movie nights at the Cinema Café which is in the mezzanine of the lobby of the Casa de la Cultura theater on Luis Cordero between Sucre and Cordova. The first film was Tues and showed El Héroe del Río (Hero of the River).
Exposición – “Difícil de leer entre mi luto y mi fantasma” (Difficult to read between my mourning and my ghost), an exhibit of paintings by Marco Alvarado opened Tues. in the Museo de las Conceptas.
Otras cosas –
Titular – Otro traspié judicial sufre Jorge Glas (Jorge Glas suffers another judicial stumble) – See Tues.’s CHL article for the story. <I agree with the judge – sitting in jail is not a vacation.>
Flight delays – TAME’s continuing flight delays in and out of Cuenca are costing the airport. Delays after 22:00 translate into additional costs for airport staff and operations. CORPAC (which runs the airport) is talking to AeroRegional to provide service between Cuenca, Guayaquil and Quito. The airline, from Guayaquil, is currently acquiring planes for over 100 passengers. Last 26/8, Linea Aérea Cuencana (LAC) announced its return to the Ecuador market with routes between Cuenca, Guayaquil and Quito. <Time to cross those fingers. With competition, maybe TAME will just take its tardy self and go away.>
Budget – Ecuador will reduce its public works budget for 2018 by about $1 billion compared to 2017. The 2018 budget will not exceed a ceiling of $36.818 billion.
Capaya – Carlos Pareja Yannuzzelli, ex-minister of hydrocarbons and ex manager of Petroecuador has been charged with a third crime of diversion of public funds, costing the country $3.4 million.
Odebrecht – The company is appealing Petroecuador’s unilateral decision to terminate the Pascuales-Cuenca pipeline. <How bold can you get? Are they figuring that with all the money they paid the least they should get in return is to finish the (disproportionately lucrative?) contract?>
Chile-Ecuador – Presidents Bachelet and Moreno met to talk about bi-lateral relations and projects. Topics included defense relating to cybersecurity, peace, social inclusion, environmental protection, and energy.
Independence of Cuenca agendas – Go to https://issuu.com/municipiocuenca/docs/agenda_noviembre_2017/97. They’ve run out of the paper booklets. <I think if you want one of those you have to get it on the first day.>
Feria options – Page 3B has a map of the ferias. <Pull out your strongest reading glasses because it’s about a 4 point font.> 12 of them are in El Centro with 8 others to the east and south including one that looks like a State Fair Midway in the Cuartel Cayambe from 16-24:00 with a $7.00 entry. The food booths will be along 3 de noviembre from 10-22:00.
Amenidades –
“Konnichiwa Fest” – This event will be on viernes, 3/11 en the CICA auditorium (Av. Del Estadio y Remicio Crespo) from 10-20:00. Fans of Japanese and Korean <popular> culture can enjoy animes, cosplay, comics, manga, video games, martial arts, food, a sales expo and entertainment. Tickets available at Kapow (Central Comercial Gran Pasaje). Cost: Presales – $3.00, day of the event, $5.00.
The Brothers – The Beatles imitators performed Tues. in the Teatro Carlos Tamariz with ticket prices from $30-$45.
Descuentos y compras –
Hyundai – Accent 1.4 from $18,990 – 7 years or 140,000 km guarantee.
And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –