Taxi and bus drivers protest, Carnaval sweets, City Library upgrade, Garbage men strike in Colombia

Feb 9, 2018 | 0 comments

Jueves, 8/2/2018

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Today’s agenda event –

Tribute – Siembrarte had a musical tribute to Mercedes Sosa anoche (last night – your words for the day. You should know them already from greeting people at night.) a las 19:30 in the teatro of the CCE. Mercedes Sosa was an Argentine singer well known throughout Latin America. Special invitees are Bolívar Sarmiento and the children’s chorus of the conservatorio “José María Rodríguez.”

Upcoming agenda event –

Concierto – The Trío Tres Copas will perform Friday desde 21:00 hasta 2:00 am in the discoteca and bar D’Negrus Retro Bar (on av. Los Andes in the Totoracocha sector) <If it’s a trio, why are there 4 people (3 guitars and a drum) in the picture?)

Articles about –

Conservatorio – The Conservatorio Superior “José María Rodríguez” will merge with 2 other national level conservatories in Loja and Quito to create the Universidad de las Artes, UArtes, in marzo. After the merger, the conservatorio will become the headquarters of the UArtes and offer the degree of Licenciado en Música with 5 possible specialties. Dance students will be offered scholarships to study in Guayaquil. To address overcrowding at the current combined university and high school campus <students could go to the jail and take music there>, the Conservatorio will move to the old colegio “Rafael Borja” in Pumapungo. The school is making upgrades to the building which it will occupy in septiembre. Currently there are 72 music and 23 dance students at the Conservatory Superior and about 800 in the high school.

Municipal Library – The library is starting a new system of open stacks to improve the service to the users. Similar to other libraries in the city, this will reduce the time to get your books. The open stacks will be on the lower and upper floors of the library leaving the basement for collections which, due to their nature and age, will not be in open stacks. The library is currently painting and improving the shelving area.

Viernes Culturales – The Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) will have a cultural event every month in the teatro “Carlos Cresp Croci” until diciembre. This month’s event will be a concierto of “música del recuerdo” (memory music – oldies?) on 23/2 a las 19:30. Apocalipsis and Profecía will play. The groups’ members are ex-UPS students. Free.

Otras cosas –

Titular – “Insolente intromisión de la CIDH” (Insolent interference by the IACHR) – See Thursday’s CHL for the story.

Protest – 100’s of drivers from 7 the branches of public transport and various unions protested in El Centro yesterday. Their concern is the municipal ordinance regulating granting permits which holds the possibility of creating 1,200 new permits for mixed transport and the frequency of vehicle inspections.

GPS – EMOV reported that since el lunes anterior, 876 GPS units have been installed in mixed and intercantonal transport. They are installing 25 units a day and will finish el sábado, 31/3. IMOV will verify that the units have been installed when the vehicles come up for their annual tests.

Carnaval – This is the season when dulces are prepared because of the abundance of fruit. Typical dulces for this area are figs, peach, milk (dulce de leche), tree tomato and babaco. <Maybe that’s why the local peaches taste good, but are hard – because they’re meant to be stewed in syrup for hours.> There will be show by Karla Kanora and the Trio Pambil hoy a las 20:00 and Los Fabulosos a las 21:00. The Ruta Gastronómica starts tomorrow in the principal markets which will be offering typical Carnaval foods such as dulces, discounts on the products, and the traditional yapa.

Bile duct surgery – The IESS is performing laparoscopic surgery on stones in the bile duct.

Internacional –

Colombia – Garbage is accumulating in the streets of Bogotá after a week long strike by garbage collectors. Protesters in one neighborhood burned a bus and bags of garbage. The mayor of Bogotá has said the problem will be solved in 3 days.

Descuentos y compras –

Chevy – only $2,500 down for a Spark Life – Sail from $17,990 – Grand Vitara SZ from $27,990.

Kia – SportageR from $28,690, Sportage X Line from $33,990, Sportage GT Line from $39,990.

Perfume – up to 50% off at Almacenes Juan Eljuri, av. Gil Ramírez Dávalos y Armenillas – 14/2 – 18/2, 10-19:00.

Baños – an ad for Carnaval in Baños – sábado 10/2, 9:00 meet at entrance to Colegio Manuel Córdova G, event in the Plaza Central – Comparsas and a foam war, parade of floats, and a dance with the Los Sabrosos Banda Show Orchestra.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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