‘Terrorism’ decree goes into effect amidst human rights complaints; Cuenca not enforcing anti-crime motorcycle rule; Pinocchio plays at Teatro Sucre

May 6, 2023 | 8 comments

Viernes, 5/5/2023

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Pinocho llega en una obra que busca la inclusión (Pinocchio arrives in a play that seeks inclusion) – The theater company Ubriaco has taken the classic Pinocchio story and given it a new twist. When the puppet is transformed into live boy, the boy has a disability where he can’t move his right arm or leg. Then a wolf and a fox take advantage of him to make money by putting him in a circus. The musical has music, acrobatics, characters, and a message that is focused on inclusion. There will be a forum at the end of the show during which the public can exchange their vision of the story presented by Ubriaco. There will be two performances in the Teatro Sucre el 6/5, at 15:00 and at 18:00. Tickets are available at Meet2Go.

The Cuenca Mobility Authority is not enforcing a national crime-prevention law prohibiting two men on a motorcycle. (El Mercurio)

Actividades por los páramos (Activities in the páramos) – The Consejo de Investigación de las Ciencias Sociales y las Humanidades de Canadá started a program, “Minka por los páramos” which addresses care of water, plants, and activism for the páramos of Cuenca. The program started yesterday and an exhibit of plants of the páramos was opened today. It will run from el 8-12/5 with hours from 10-13:00 and 15:30-18:30 at the herbarium of the U. del Azuay. The last event will be a dialogue about alliances with communities and activism framed in the protection of the páramo. This will be el 11/5 a las 18:00 in the Sala Comunitaria of the Museo Pumapungo.

Agenda Cultural –
6/5, 14:00 – Workshop on improvisation for guitarrists – Catalina Sojos Auditorium.
8/5, 9:00 – Patrimonial assets of Cuenca – University Museum of the U. of Cuenca.
12/5, 19:30 – Cuando llegue rosa – Prohibido Centro Cultural.
<You’re going to have to do your own Googling to find out where these venues are.>

San Fernando en festividades (San Fernando in festivities) – The canton of San Fernando is celebrating its 37 years as a canton with activities that start mañana (sábado). The program starts a las 8:00 with a mass in the central park and continues a las 9:00 in the same park with a civic hour and a food, crafts and tourist fair. A las 11:00 there will be a folkloric parade through the main streets. At 16:00 there will be a dance contest and at 19:00 the Maderas group and the ‘Amores del Ritmo’ will perform. El sábado 13/5, a las 13:00 there will be a gastronomic fair in the parque central with a show by Jorge Robert and a serenade for Mother’s Day.

From El Mercurio del jueves, 4/5 (2 articles):
Cuenca en acuarela: una muestra de Guido Álvarez (Cuenca in watercolor: an exhibition by Guido Álvarez) – The architect and professor is showing his watercolors of Cuenca on the 2nd floor of the Antigua Escuela Central and the show will run for 3 months. Many of the paintings are for sale at prices from $150-$250.

Eventos gratuitos en el CIDAP (Free events at CIDAP) – For the Día Internacional de los Museos, CIDAP has prepared activities which will start el 18/5. The first event a las 9:00 will be a guided visit with educational activities related to the “Mujer, voces poderosas en la artesanía” (Women, powerful voices in handicrafts) show. A las 11:00 there will be puppet show by the Gotas Mágicas collective; and a las 19:00, there will be a night in the Museo de las Artes Populares de América in which participants will be part of a theatricalized visit by the Teatro Barojo group. <Will exhibits come alive? And will Ben Stiller be there?> Free.

Titular –

Dudas y críticas ante operativos de las FF.AA. (Doubts and criticisms regarding the operations of the Armed Forces) – The Executive Decree 730 which seeks to combat terrorist acts committed by criminal gangs went into effect Thursday. This has generated concerns and doubts about the new functions that soldiers will have and the possible excesses that could be committed. Fernando Bastias of the Comité de Derechos Humanos feels that personal safety and the lives of citizens will be at risk since soldiers are not trained to control public order. According to the constitution, they can only act within their area of competence. For María Dolores Miño, director of the Observatorio de Derechos y Justicia, the main worry is with the type of training the military receives which is to fight external enemies in the context of an armed conflict and not to protect citizens. Citizens, including criminals, are not an enemy in combat who should be eliminated. In most cases they should be detained and neutralized.

The Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas (CONAIE) denounced the decree as an intention to infringe on the right to resistance. Calling an organization terrorist would permit military intervention in its territory and activities including gradually eliminating the indigenous movement, infiltrating its organizations, forging evidence, playing with false positives, and assassinating leaders.

Cuenca –

No se cumple prohibición de dos personas en moto (Two-person motorcycle ban not enforced) – After 1 year with the law restricting the number of people on a motorcycle, there has been no enforcement in Cuenca. The restriction against 2 men riding on a motorcycle, with some exceptions, was intended to reduce crime. According to the National Police, the majority of crimes committed with the use of a motor vehicle involve motorcycles and most of those involve a drive and an accomplice. The law was put into effect by the Agencia Nacional de Tránsito nationally, but not enforced in Cuenca which argued it conflicted the Ley Orgánica de Transporte, Terrestre, Tránsito y Seguridad Vial (LOTTTSV) which determines the capacity of each vehicle including motos, and supercedes the ANT regulation. There were arguments that the city council should design an ordinance to allow adopting the ANT regulation or that whatever party believes the ANT resolution is not legal or constitutional should take it to the courts.

Descuentos y compras –

ETAFASHION – Sale el sábado, 6/5 until 15:00 – the whole store up to 50% off with restrictions and exceptions plus an additional 10% off selected merchandise with direct credit.

And that’s all for today so hasta? –



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