The Jorge Glas drama is drawing to a close

Jan 3, 2018 | 0 comments

One way or another, Jorge Glas’ tenure as Ecuador’s vice president will end soon.

Vice President Jorge Glas

On Tuesday, Glas reached the 90-day anniversary of his absence from official duties. Based on the absence, the law authorizes President Lenin Moreno to submit a list of three vice presidential replacement candidates to the National Assembly. First, however, the Constitutional Court must officially validate Glas’ absence.

According to Moreno’s office, the president is considering 15 candidates.

Also on Tuesday, the National Comisión de Fiscalización authorized the National Assembly to begin impeachment proceedings against Glas. The commission instructed both sides to prepare their evidence and defense.

Glas was jailed in early October on a charge of illegal association in the Odebrecht bribery scandal. Last month, he was sentenced to six year in prison. He is appealing the sentence.

Some assembly members say it is a waste of time to proceed with the impeachment. “Why go forward with a trial since he (Glas) is at the 90-day limit of his dereliction of duties?” asks assemblyman Daniel Mendoza. “Once the court validates his status he is out of office anyway.”

Other legislators disagree and say the law requires the assembly to move forward with an impeachment trial.


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