Traffic checks, Running the bulls in Plamplonada, Friday’s a holiday, Dog poop violations, Cajas hikes

Aug 8, 2017 | 0 comments

Lunes, 7/8/2016

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Monday’s agenda events –

Biblioteca “Manuel Muñoz Cueva” – The library at the CCE is celebrating 70 years with a conference with historian Diego Arteaga and the presentation of “Estaciones” (Seasons), a book of poetry by Fernando Auquilla.

Upcoming and ongoing agenda events –

Exibición – “Anecdotario Visuales” (Visual Anecdotary) <Now will someone tell me what an andecdotary is?> by doctor/painter James Pilco will open mañana a las 19:00 in the Salón del Pueblo “Efraín Jarra Idrovo” (Sucre y Benigno Malo).

Programas culturales – The exhibit “Patacón con Mote”(Patacón (fried green plantains) with Mote (big white corn)) started as las 12:00 de hoy <I’m switching word order on you, but it still means today at 12:00.> in the CCE. The program also included redesign of accessories and games and a class in Latin percussion.

Articles about –

Film in Ecuador talk – <It appears to be a mostly academic discussion of the difficulties of making films in Ecuador, and a lack of audiences.> Trivia for the day – On jueves, 7/8/1924, the movie “El Tesoro de Atahualpa” (The Treasure of Atahualpa) premiered simultaneously in the Edén and Colón theaters in Guayaquil. <Wonder if people dressed up for the movies back then the way they dress for opening night at the opera? I’m still a Philistine, but I did read the society page in the paper to ogle the clothes.>

CCE roof terrace – The CCE will be using their roof terrace as a public space. A few small things need to be done such as polishing the floor. There is a large paper taped to a large wall where people can write/draw what they think should be done on the terrace. <No circus acts involving trampolines, trapezes, or juggled objects, please. And how high is the parapet wall?>

UNAE (Universidad Nacional de Educación) – The university has started its own publishing arm. If you have something you want published, the basic requirements are at

Otras cosas –

Titular – Dos nuevos trajes tiene La Churonita para lucir en fiesta (La Churonita has two new gowns to show off in the fiesta) – The Comite 15 de Agosto has made two gowns valued at more than $2,000 to be donated to the Virgen de El Cisne. The pilgrimage with the icon from from El Cisne (?) to the Cathedral of Loja will be from 17-20/8. Bus cooperatives with service to Loja from the Terminal Terrestre are preparing for an increase in passengers. <If you’re planning to go to Loja, be prepared. People are already asking about prices and schedules.>

Pet poop – You can be fined for not picking up your dog’s poop from public spaces. Call 139 to complain about poop law flouters.

Pipeline – Petroecuador announced that it has resumed operations of the Sistema de Oleoducto Transecuatoriano after repairing damage on the line. It is pursuing legal action in the Prosecutor’s office to charge those responsible. As part of the repair work, containment ponds were constructed to avoid contamination during the work.

“Pamplonada” – There will be a running of the bulls in Píllaro in “Plamplonada 2017.” <And now you know as much as I do as to date, time or location.> The run will be 15 blocks with local cows and bulls which are sturdy and strong due to the cold climate. The mayor hopes to attract national and international tourists. <Can you imagine a mass of white haired, wrinkled gringos (note the “o”) chasing their youth while trying to outrun a bunch of cows who in very good shape?>

28 causes to annul a church marriage – A civil divorce is the breaking of the marital tie whereas an annulment is a recognition that the tie never existed. The process is before a tribunal that issues a judgement which is appealable.

Holiday – Viernes is a holiday to commemorate the “Primer Grito de la Independencia” (First Cry of Independence) which actually falls on 10 de Agosto. <Ecuadorians must like a long weekend, too.>

Landslides – Unlined ponds, mostly for irrigation, have contributed to landslides. 7 leaking ponds contributed to the 22 million cu. m. slide in El Membrillo that blocked 600 m. of road. None of the ponds had an impermeable lining. The irrigation canal in Ricuarte is 110 years old and needs work. Since 2005, the Prefectura has worked on 280 community irrigation systems. There is no inventory of systems that are in private hands. The prefectura wants to eliminate open channels and use closed pipes to avoid leaks and other water loss.

“Montaña Segura” – This is a project by the Policía Nacional which is organizing walks in the Cajas. The first walk was on 5/8 for seniors and disabled, and the next will be el próximo sabado, 12/8, and will continue for all sábados in agosto. Register at the office of the UPC (unidades de Policía Comunitaria) closest to your house. The walk is open to people 12 and older and lasts about 3 hours using safe paths with easy access. Transport will leave every sábado from the Comando Provincial at 8:00. For more info call 098 221 6837 or 07 410 1576 or email

Road controls – The police, military, transit cops and Guardia Ciudadana set up road controls over the weekend to inspect vehicle and driver documents and to prevent transport of arms and illegal substances.

Business page – The article is about contracts with interns. <Be wary of the ones wearing blue dresses.>

Internacional –

Venezuela – An assault on a military base in Carabobo ayer resulted in two deaths and 12 arrested. A military source said at least 8 attackers were arrested including 3 low ranking ex-military as well as civilians.

Deportes –

Motos – The Andes Rider Challenge (El “Ironman del Motociclismo) took place over the weekend. 240 elite and explorer level riders started at 4:00 on sábado to cover either a 500 km. course in less than 11 hours or a 1,000 km. course in less than 20. One rider described the course as rainy, with the road under construction, lots of truck traffic and mud. He said the course was paved but in reality, the roads in the country are very risky with curves and pronounced ups and downs. <Tell me about them. He didn’t mention when a downhill part of the lane is just missing.>

Descuentos y compras –

Chery – Tiggo3 from $18,990 – 5 yr. or 100,000 km. guarantee – Motor ACTECO 1.6 DOHC DVVT, independent suspension – all the bells and whistles – – Cuencauto.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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