Traffic stops send 36 drunk drivers to jail, Panic buttons installed in parks, markets and campuses, Int’l theater festival starts begins

Sep 24, 2019 | 3 comments

Lunes, 23/9/2019

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Teatro – The 13th edition of the Festival International Escenarios del Mundo (Stages of the World International Festival) will be from este miércoles, 25/9 to 7/10 with 42 performances in theaters and open air. The inaugural parade will be el 25/9 a las 18:00 starting from the plazoleta La Merced, down to the Parque de La Madre, back up to La Merced and then to the teatro Pumapungo for the performance of the inaugural play, “Lear,” a las 20:00.

Pintor – Cityscape, still life, and portrait painter César Calero has his studio at calle Larga 3-78. His works start at $120.00, and he teaches drawing and painting to children and adults for $60/mo.

Cuenca’s International Theater festival kciks off.

Exposición – “Egolatra” by young painter Jorge Vallejo will open el próximo 3/10 in the Galería Vitrina (Pres. Córdova y Luis Cordero).

Ad for tour – José Luis Rodríguez (El Puma) will perform el sábado, 5/10 a las 20:30 in the Centro de Convenciones at the Mall del Río. Tickets available at or the box office at the Mall del Río.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Transportación es mínima en bicicleta (Transportation is minimal by bicycle) <Noooo, really?> – According to a 2018 study by EMOV, there are around 14,700 bicyclists in Cuenca. EMOV organized a bike ride from the parque María Auxiliadora to El Otorongo yesterday. The Bibi Pública project started on 1/4 with 942 subscribers. Currently there are about 700 subscribers and 5,000 trips per month. 8% of the adult population uses a bicycle for either their 1 or 2nd means of transportation and 17% would like to. 20% of drivers would like to switch to a bike if there were adequate conditions. For 45% of riders, the main problem is lack of respect from drivers, and only 57% thought there was sufficient security.

Comercio por Navidad comienza a despegar (Trade for Christmas begins to take off) <Another translation for despegar is to “unstick” so “Christmas trade comes unglued” is my translation. It’s just September, school just started. Halloween is over a month away, never mind Thanksgiving. What’s next – July 5 Christmas sales?> – Coral has got Christmas stuff on their shelves. Most other stores don’t.

Horseback ride – About 30 riders gathered in Cumbe to visit the communities as part of the parish’s 167th anniversary, and to find out the needs of community. They also want to improve tourism in the parish.

In the last century the horse was the ideal transportation in the country, and carried people, firewood, milk and harvests. One rider’s father put together 20 horse teams to transport charcoal from Cumbe to El Vado. Horses now are more for parades and escaramuzas.

Superblocks – 9 blocks in El Centro were part of an experiment conducted by the city last weekend. The zone included the blocks bounded by Mariscal Lamar, Mariscal Sucre, Benigno Malo, and Hermano Miguel. Parking in that area was prohibited, and there was a 20 kph speed limit. Another block was within Gran Colombia, Bolívar, Luis Cordero y Pres. Córdova. There was a 10 kph speed limit. <So did anyone notice anything different?>

Tótem de seguridad – Security totems or points have been installed in plazas, parks, and outside of markets and universities. They can be used by citizens to call for help in an emergency or crime. <Should you be “lucky” enough to get mugged or fall down close to one.> The totems are connected directly to the monitoring station by pushing a security button. The problem is that they are also being used by children as toys. <I can understand that – push a button and someone talks to you and asks you what you need.>

Arrests – 37 drivers were arrested over the weekend, 36 of them for drunk driving and one for not having a driver’s license. The controls were mainly in areas such as the Bajada de Todos Santos, Gil Ramíriz Dávalos, Los Andes, Tres Puentes, the via to El Valle, and near Los Tótems. <Environmentally friendly traffic control – no cruising around looking for erratic drivers and then chasing them and using lots of gas. Just set up a control and wait for those drunks to come to you.> All 37 drivers went to jail. <So if any of you gringos are out there driving without licenses, be warned.>

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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